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Alhough a Scosh govrnmn rvw bas on survy aa bwn 1999 an 2005 foun ha popl n Scolan rpor broaly smlar Euroscpc vws as popl n Bran as a whol,233 Ipsos MORI no n Fbruary 2013 ha vors n Scolan sa hy woul choos o rman n h EU n a rfrnum, whl hr was a majory for whrawal n Englan.234 S also: Tuon fs n h Un Kngom Th rou numbrs an locaons ar coorna by h Amrcan Assocaon of Sa Hghway an Transporaon Offcals (AASHTO).3 Th only fral nvolvmn n AASHTO s a nonvong sa for h Un Sas Dparmn of Transporaon. Gnrally, norh-o-souh hghways ar o-numbr, wh lows numbrs n h as, h ara of h founng hrn sas of h Un Sas, an hghs n h ws. Smlarly, as-o-ws hghways ar ypcally vn-numbr, wh h lows numbrs n h norh, whr roas wr frs mprov mos nnsvly, an hghs n h souh. Major norh-souh rous hav numbrs nng n 1 whl major as-ws rous hav numbrs nng n 0. Thr-g numbr hghways ar spur rous of parn hghways bu ar no ncssarly connc o hr parns. Som v rous xs o prov wo algnmns for on rou, vn hough many spls hav bn lmna. Spcal rous, usually pos wh a bannr, can prov varous rous, such as an alrna, bypass or busnss rou, for a U.S. Hghway. A h m of scovry, h ara was par of a Fral Cour lgal bal hrough h Naonal Nav Tl Trbunal o rmn h raonal ownrs. Th ara was clam by boh h Arabunna popl an h Dr Mha who ha bn n spu for svral yars.8 Th Dr Mha publcly complan of harm an xploaon of h Dramm, callng for h mag o b ras an for h ars o b proscu. As Nav Tl Clamans, h Dr Mha ook lgal acon o sop charr flghs an vhcls vsng h s, prompng h sa govrnmn o clos h ara o h publc shorly afr scovry. Th Arabunna rpl o h ssu hrough a solcor who sa ha h ara covr pons of archaologcal nrs an ha h ars coul b proscu.9 In May 2012, h Fral Cour han nav l o h Arabunna popl.10 2.1 Zons of opraon Zons of opraon Th hr opon woul mplmn h cononal proms ma n 2012, whn an SNP spoksprson sa ha, n h vn of Scosh npnnc, Orkny an Shlan coul rman n h Un Kngom f hr rv for slf-rmnaon was srong nough.279 Polcans n h hr slan groups hav rfrr o h Scosh rfrnum as h mos mporan vn n hr polcal hsory snc h ncpon of h slan councls n 1975. Angus Campbll, lar of h Wsrn Isls, sa ha h ongong consuonal ba offrs h opporuny for h hr slan councls o scur ncras powrs for our communs o ak csons whch wll bnf h conoms an h lvs of hos who lv n h slans.280 A h launch of h Ys Scolan campagn n May 2012, Alx Salmon sa ha h cas for npnnc woul b rvn by communy acvsm an onln wzarry.335</span></p> </body> </html>