<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://libragates.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/ZcDbQIvXUNauIRHbyJrwN_LYLY2uccSzHZW5bZtunFTJRW~Sh2IiNKcCwu28YwC58V0trQygd2hnvbPO84JDTEkLSyUNDpzJtg1ryEkjpGtCq78fd1Wrfe~6dJwvqyGfxFIsOTK9Ic~Zwd7Zdep3HiO8LXyshT_19mOZMh7JNmWViVRtQ421rkvKWoBB~sMYmToLomarE78CznaLLKkAdQPRnyI7r~qjG_gxOAN~58lkswBlgG59z8cbjOWAH8Vx4Gyn_BQa5I_S~ZnuNgjTnvT__Wh7n3Ytk6X20cH~CyzPnGaJj5WO6vUUxR0idx79pqyMbfMZOzNfVFWWmPjlbiyIUmKPVDhAgS5RnEuQ2rEJYJcqOKl5WWEowtErjdKddCkYzr2m8f6mNmg5R4I1Q0a2TOXwDHmLt0pcPQsqE1Tul02NnSJMBH~wot~xV3Z8U8FUxlydz4h0T4n4iUJd6Dhn_q3svWvqBmw9ay0_Pk5LYivIQkL5XxOC9Cm1_HgTaAP1DPmaBzvgY0lmvDAwI7gZiGusGc~3ryIdb5LFO3KK2TNv27XkNt0jzLCn7EVD~laQl_RiWUPhlYcoqiRxIUz1zXOTET8MmZU_AsxSvxWPPOLqMm4I7S72_wltisC5VsfyAM7U7c2BMtsRnbvxGwt_eZaMvrp6motN7PIygghxh5230OCNIasXJeGjRa_Ya_P7tipxDFpYKUIS7n8ukVy_HvIDO5ZvzXGoU3T9epfIvr/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>John D'Agostino<br>Membership Division<br>Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's Who mailings, please go <a href="http://libragates.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/Ah5CrwuzNIpbMuyoKfCKe8Cy0kJ7Vbx6sT8CpjjCF9F9owqM9YPlj3u4JeO101~kXYiBUPXeF_bSiYLMdeGUFj8lB2jogalwbRioHpwCXCQgPm7CWAvFGBB3ljXnL_HXemleajFcqIWCyRewyWMuQlojSWtLTRQWv_dudHmI37ZMkShzUfZxR6QwiEhB~AsKKwtAw4QdZa_YgTxc1z5UI1mP93DDgohQQJe8n33x4sN9iFTObry9hsbJkV1W4Q9YVFDOHExFCr7GE~kk2vhCt_Q6dkF2eE2Og5MsEaJYoFICKtkcNbLqV6HdWOn_Pd8FIfSnEt7KNt_DMjr9_V5mRjgwDFYuLx3FFaaGstTxBeiGO1zdlpBpuCKki2i9oPi82cWW2YwivvQXet3A7ZnU1Vb9V6KGn8d_SbcRyE3eDifzs06j3PptHD7CRMohJmDUHBab5bS2T6BNJ_qkqDgzAi4iyjF2IwY0oP1bMVVTfLB_6pSelI3pSiVs3bWn8ifIE00IQ6k_smqTFU6XY1_qSGz_uNtWziyeXJUhQCyC8FZZgHz~vtWccJ26uMLBUHHE0Z24kY2x~BGWxaQX3imCmyoDXfNZXWrTdKY5Qh~wVcSCsEqUgPqDU1Yyi~4BjX9tJuUy90HG1yVoIFdfbmiuUcsANc9cjloLhQaktr2mjZaqSw~bgyCQEWG4DiunTucy8V1T29iz_F1PzfvLAgLqJYfOhyAYHQzfOGHLlmGdChoVWbvaZnifroOE7MxLWd7vU4uCA8qb0Xa8Bu72OMOcIkoukGvPIhwxT">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Ohrs far h b slf, whch a on pon oal 10 prcn of Prshng's asss. A las on nvsor ha alray rm hs mony. On workr was busy coang slvr suppor bams o war off rus. Ohrs pass rcycl rbar up svral sors. Thy ha alray rc wo cnr block walls an woo-fram a slop roof n a projc ha bgan Oc. 8 an was xpc o ak hr monhs. Th prsnaon was so ovr h op ha ohr hg fun nvsors, frns an vn mmbrs of Prshng Squar's own avsory boar quckly labl a msak. I was on of h fw ms ha I fl sorry for Ackman, a guy who maks mor n a ay han I mak n a yar, sa Erk M. Goron, a profssor a h Ross School of Busnss a h Unvrsy of Mchgan. I was a sa prformanc, an was, mnu by mnu, callng no quson hs jugmn an crbly. Mr. Ackman's harcal sns ha gon wrong; lar, h ol Bloombrg Nws ha h prsnaon was a P.R. falur. Ths yar, Mr. Ackman ma a rar mov. I bgan wh a mng n arly Fbruary bwn hm an J. Mchal Parson, h chf xcuv of Valan. Fv ays lar, Mr. Parson xprss hs nrs n buyng Allrgan, h makr of Boox, an sough Mr. Ackman's hlp, accorng o Valan's rgulaory flngs. Mr. Ackman agr an bgan buyng shars n Allrgan hrough a unqu parnrshp wh Valan lar ha monh, vnually bulng a $4 bllon sak n h company. By Aprl, Mr. Ackman an Valan ha gon publc wh a b for h company worh $47 bllon. I wn hosl. I'm a mrchan, buy an sll, h xplan. I can' frz goos hr, pl up. Sll, Mr. Ackman noch wo of hs bggs hs -- Gnral Growh Proprs an Canaan Pacfc -- ovr h sam pro, hlpng o offs h rpuaonal an fnancal losss from Targ an J. C. Pnny. Prshng smas ha Mr. Ackman's orgnal $65 mllon nvsmn n Gnral Growh, whch opra commrcal proprs an has bn rsrucur no hr busnsss, s now worh $3.3 bllon. In Canaan Pacfc, Mr. Ackman has so far rpl h valu of hs orgnal nvsmn afr rplacng h boar an forcng hrough a urnaroun. A Goham, Mr. Ackman vlop h mhos h woul us agan an agan. H wn afr bg args an ook hs bals no h publc arna. Thos chnqus prov spcally usful whn h ha sol shor a company's sock, bng on a collaps on h sock prc. Connu rang h man sory Ys mans ys s par of a nw convrsaon on campus. Whn I was a Yal sun mor han 20 yars ago, I rmmbr a fw womn sng up a mcrophon, afr a Tak Back h Ngh march, o ll sors of wha w call a rap. Bu I on' rmmbr anyon hnkng h unvrsy woul o anyhng abou . Tn yars ago, I wro abou a hanful of womn who wan br ramn from Yal, bu hr complans sm sola an no much cam of hm. Thn bgnnng aroun 2011, sun acvss from across h counry sar gong publc. Thy foun on anohr onln, call hmslvs survvors an man ha hr nsuons chang. An now vryon s alkng abou h problm, nclung Prsn Obama. Mr. Ackman's nx shor arg, n la 2002, was h bon nsurr MBIA, whch h argu ha back bllons of ollars of rsky fnancng. I was a b ha woul ak yars, hours of prsnaons o cr agncs an rgulaors, an a Wall Sr fnancal crss n 2007 bfor vnually payng off whn MBIA's sock sar o collaps. Mr. Ackman's b was a hug succss, nng jus ovr $1 bllon. Bu Goham's ays wr numbr. To ha pon, h rsarch may hav cos a fw mllon ollars, bu ss n humans an scalng up proucon can cos hunrs of mllons, an brngng a nw vaccn all h way o mark ypcally coss $1 bllon o $1.5 bllon, Dr. Crow sa. Who's gong o pay for ha? h ask. Popl nvs n orr o g mony back. Th Phon s havng a masurabl mpac, sa Mchal Frol, h chf Un Sas conoms for JPMorgan Chas. I's a ll gag, bu coss a lo an sms ha vryboy has on. Whn you o h mulplcaon, 's gong o mar. H smas ha Phon sals ar ang on-quarr o on-hr of a prcnag pon o h annualz growh ra of h gross omsc prouc. H's ryng o cra a harcal sng whr 's no abou h wors, 's abou h ynamc, h acon, sa J. Tomlson Hll, chf xcuv of Blackson Alrnav Ass Managmn, an nvsor n Prshng Squar. </span></p> </body></html>