<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://shalsonlaw.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/NzqdY9U7X4nM4RZlJIIRaO_OiyiVN91OtGcT2gzJgoRop70QfftqkP0GAPvdEt5PYuWo0omEEhIQnb2Fcqngad6jXJssB_sPR2gS~SLOhYibpk9QHlUXQNUmKQob33bQu1YcPSQLcqTBO536SlTiYvKbM9havV6pJ_BSs4A3dyasEYrEqdehje4CEnnoPwTLRE1c1tlOqP6MJ1WhvNXULgirlECDjzIuUvuRFzqrlPZd_b7KUpPgv1YkjJS_MEpQ4Hj~nOKQ67VUlBRB7IGovtl4OueVXVt9gbn~juTJ9PYJj~yEXlGU1qzHjHWQhj7VPxb2Y~mY8~XNv4~GZsT~sp3XWbclW2nr~_SEmT840OlNDBBibyh_kTfG3Tg3lDMiKD1egtQLhchAgPxWwL2p96EDwPqIELctT7sKGrlwRrm4DFF5NQpRG5lFEn7Z9LZUyYZkIAdu32wOxhRbZwhIisIi8jrfVZ7StJDPRuGnB397DUPHe7PdB0_iB1hhOkUzO551gFlpn4o3~OtTPsFdQ3lbLUSj3wmP~WKITCSL3VjCPJwUJbMWn0jqhZGzrwan40bCt4WbcJLUJdUu1EOrOL52r171q44XV8Y0I3joI5_hOQE7RiZOLo9x5k_BzmvgGfqGaBR_at7OwCxVcjVukPu3vSbJv7KzSwgGpNmJ3ORMNP80RUWZ31Fd0H8XKQW7K8PoM2slq7UUqErlFvojpQpg1_zw6PesqVEPMJgcqz4bNH/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>John D'Agostino<br>Membership Division<br>Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's Who mailings, please go <a href="http://shalsonlaw.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/6_b1h61rPmkZc34h9b7jmGqODfun5D73YuH_Vc_plviPhsFofjSMNCPT41t03WJPRVvOzmFvZhp4eabdG_1nI5id6UwUBZfxIu3effGTKcnYNF_QODORkKgLddDQFy7DaQ2gww1pP2uaKIVHxXAEzICoQwukC_OSHg02VRSBkT1pOz0CD70wO2aUA8U2K_J2~4NS8vqYYJzQVSWvmMqS6QnY07H5WoY9V9aUEmul72_XgzjLaCE1JysTpkzcPIHB2S_BumuBR6kXiQtC76d5icxUHMLfGmMVk01J4PD4Y6Ah5UmcDFMJEAib8pF5GFXUtZzorOn5ZJbrBNByRC3lssyqn82IDSnEwpbO82a5oDR7zxU~PWpvPq1o6Dc0cJQbsG0rA77oykl7Qt88sYiBsiM5BvJpk~RErDhaGv4Ts_kxt6cLCcZZjdBEeFTcyD2cZUCEfT76moVloxeNtnLquIHBGspGqtvDOjX1DXXZkJ8MOrWgPsx1skgsMmi1mr85A4dDdHyF8N5UUDp1NSD7H8RheRz9PJKkaEbDt5i95amDj8I6fwZmA5lXcvvfSp8VRKdPYVh~icXeMBNPERfmsy2M6up69zm5Xi04dI3xpb0u0GsgGJUQglf_nH9ZD9RxkL1EPt46W5mclX7zC3e2nLr26fD2mkG1j8DNSlmuE1uVoyyCf0TEfqoiUw5NepIDtrD6Nnbj2_OeO7~zOu_WBhYxE0S1vdSTYJ31X2dJNawjVwFsWfgP4QkWV7fBH_sKWyJ0SLIKJ_QS_mQKrP45N2s2uHzMUVjZM">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Elcoral auhors wr xpc o clar h wnnr on Sunay ngh afr a naonw lcronc sysm all h vo. Ton Sacconagh, an analys a Sanfor C. Brnsn, says h gross prof margn for h Phon s clos o 50 prcn. Bcaus h Phon s Appl's mos popular prouc -- wh mor han 39 mllon sol n h las quarr -- accouns for a sproporonaly larg prcnag of Appl's ovrall prof, somwhr bwn 60 an 70 prcn, Mr. Sacconagh sa. Crmnals ar ampng o nsall malcous programs on compurs usng fals Ebola avsors as ba. Hanan 26 mnus ago On workr was busy coang slvr suppor bams o war off rus. Ohrs pass rcycl rbar up svral sors. Thy ha alray rc wo cnr block walls an woo-fram a slop roof n a projc ha bgan Oc. 8 an was xpc o ak hr monhs. Th projc ngnr sa h pa $5,500 for 10 ons of cmn, qunupl h rgular prc, bcaus of scarcy caus by Isral mpor rsrcons an h closng of smugglng unnls from Egyp. Mar: As Ebola Spras, So Hav Svral FallacsOCT. 23, 2014 Dr. Gsbr mov on, workng on ramns for Ebola an anohr vrson of h V.S.V. vaccn. For h vaccn work, hs man collaboraor has bn Dr. Hnz Flmann, h chf of vrology a h Rocky Mounan Laboraors n Hamlon, Mon., par of h Naonal Insu of Allrgy an Infcous Dsass. Hs crcs agr ha h's bg. Thy say h sans ou for hs bg mouh an ovrsz go, an accomplshmn n h hg fun worl. (Evn back n hgh school, hs nns ammas prsn hm wh a T-shr ha ra: A clos mouh gahrs no foo.) Ohrs warn ha hs fun has a rsk of blowng up. Hs porfolo s ma up of bs on lss han a ozn compans. (Th Allrgan sak alon ma up 37 prcn of hs fun arlr hs fall, accorng o flngs.) Tha mans whn hngs go ba, hy can go rally ba. Tha's wha happn whn hs $2 bllon b on Targ hrough a spara fun los 90 prcn of s valu a on pon. Whn w los a nns, always, on som funamnal lvl, h rgar as an abrraon, rcall Mchal Grossman, hs nns parnr n hgh school. H hs n fron of an aunc of narly 500 popl n a Mown Manhaan auorum. H ha bll hs as h mos mporan prsnaon of hs carr, promsng ha woul b h ah blow agans Hrbalf, h nuronal supplmn club ha h has b agans. An hy o. Evry mal sun I alk o ha a sory abou nrvnng on h anc floor or a a pary, mosly by jus sayng hllo o somon who look lk a arg of unwan aggrssv anon. Th suns sa hy look ou for hr frns. Thy sa hy look ou for nonfrns who sm ha for runkn roubl. As obsrvrs of a ponally fraugh sxual ncounr, f prhaps no as parcpans, hy know how o ask, Ar you O.K. wh hs? Dong ha yourslf s way mor awkwar han ong as a bysanr, a 20-yar-ol rugby playr sa. Sav </span></p> </body></html>