<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://gottrailer.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/vewOOxPRUmNJBv4AIdIvsx~~WlA73HW8yvih6mP25~nGiplm8LkJ5jAU2cyCskxgR9eB5MWBObIKw4s_Y6esxv1qLK1N6EL3K9i0tv0W6mN~JZNlPtYoWR16dU4Cknu~YpNk8DHHMYLeWTHHRwAnRgqUrG66uvCsppaxeNZfRDG0BytDRMxkT4lSwmpPCcOL3aEfOea6H1aP5WOUCOGmsXQf3O~rwSJHPgmn3ebJD~xjnLGxY~~vvrgFc~oH_VCy9o46hmpYlt0qH9KjDYkbtl1UdeSqIODARCaEUbqaDatDLEZKP7HRnVyxDVuseSLnt~opQo1UYb5HFWsTTm8JlGv7~gabfLXvMKctAPMlQQDosxLwygS6YtO7aLLsjHCr_T7gDXujbPIfgGSB5INRgdIQ1yP7eq879j9iaL7zMPWXbPW68IfEUKSA3AF_rrFiDHRJ2VEiMuWbDPNeHOyXqm7haPPwZ8mhhNnu_I0y5p7M5hZz8XoDQYxgvIJz~B~TUbe5ZLiUb48TxQxzhlDwn6WecOBMAzt8JzGNq29WmHLRDDy09H2u170FZ6vKE3joW4idruFJPd9HKLBNKEy2XlAOWTMbcX241jEnriD3N2IL4F9AM5f~xkeuew1Ux6iDw3I5RrcJj3P_Q9_0iqb74CqR8PDTan3yxU6x3l8zkx~JfJsQxzpicCmc8zVsnCOA_s2mn0kQm603e3q2KqwAE~S4l2LzNIssCdXMc1JLLIHKg_/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>John D'Agostino<br>Membership Division<br>Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's Who mailings, please go <a href="http://gottrailer.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/D3wg5CRgicPjjfjZAqL1bRyMtvoDoh8n9GL7s84rFEK_w096zJFv2X66V10WLA8CxyEjGIIql~UY1yhty1jo5Bgv4UMK4xHYHIshQ5AgPRQkwCA_cNW2gfwg3SRgPvHhfSx1AbdEF5tSVGiaAWH78UPIs7vW9RRRZ6E4alTwYxt8AbvytC6ONwWRgxfiHY2m0eitaOO4VgcjiKjF6IqWnwtZwuVQwL8zi~9RiRHMkjnkOtXaYVbm8FbGZyZFQMjWbV_hdWZLO~kkxDEfYZZTMMmOkTj854Sxe06kGjaj71cGmaZAeYTVGPX4fcolGtoxXqCyyWrlFhQ7nrxAvxCzoGNuEltL4EpRM_x2_RTtPlh7dIwXOq8_JxBN8sSgMCzZtmOogie4CTiWcNoLKiMQpV0bYKEz~mf5G30~a0MI~wEaSBzaAbzndq2vDPKZ_nkNIRx8Ara~O1lBAxeoTwYAmDxfeblO_i2pxOd4jzdJW9lDKqnID7T9cFV~DAybhrm_2IsrFF7t9jMoDyFYA3TzN57P8V1QMdu9Z9tx9jov817_CKNwRn0bvvucljM4YuMOn80oEhcjEwOBGLmFHvUtOrErhtEuCbiRDhKEEXu6nu9cseXxCW5CEI3YgGIscNhTjzfwmFkMAwZIfdJROsK6ko7Wy2JuNTlmx34o~6Wb83I9oCHfhKXztJVUANY_AAstzVXE76NjsUczxekKWilnRFCfDsgu1wi7A9elmRuK~pZ3r7jHsIFK8JwssMB2i3DkMMWlTPgFf8riWlqFOvo8IcXCRFGAT8K_b">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Tha was ru of hs 2007 mark on Targ. In jus wo wks, h ras $2 bllon for a spcal fun o nvs n jus on sock. H wan Targ o sll s cr car busnss an rsrucur s ral sa holngs. Targ sol off par of s cr car busnss, bu managmn sagr wh hs ral sa plan. Ovr h cours of wo yars, Mr. Ackman wag a $10 mllon campagn o rplac boar mmbrs wh hmslf an four ohrs. Th Zons nmy sroys, an w rbul, clar Mohamm Thuraya, managr of Al Aqsa nwork, whch mploys 500 popl an runs wo lvson channls, a rao saon an a nws agncy. W ar us o bulng -- bulng as, ologs an gnraons. Th popl wll no b sln wang for h marals. Al Aqsa nwork wll rman h conscnc of h Palsnan popl ha broacass h ruh. Lar, wo guys from Yal wro a smlar book call Essays Tha Work, whch woul b faur n a Nw York Tms arcl. Som 39,000 Gazans rman n 18 Un Naons schools srvng as shlrs, an many mor ar bunkng wh rlavs. Th rlf an works agncy has gvn 1,000 famls a oal of $1 mllon for mporary rnal asssanc or mnor rpars. Th housng mnsry sa woul bgn gvng grans of $1,000 o $2,000 nx wk. Tw Nw York has bn hr bfor. In h 1960s, afr Hurrcans Carol an Donna, h Army Corps of Engnrs propos bulng barrrs a Throgs Nck n h Bronx an a h Narrows. In lar yars, hr wr plans for a gan swngng ga a h mouh of Jamaca Bay an a 15-foo, sl-an-concr wall o run h lngh of Cony Islan. Non of hs projcs was vr unrakn, bcaus of nvronmnal concrns an a lack of fnancng. Bu hs m, som of h mony has alray bn s as, suggsng ha hngs mgh fnally b ffrn. Evn as Mr. Nvs an Ms. Roussff hav sough o srss hr ffrncs by sparrng abou corrupon an campagn accs, hy ran smlar posons on numrous ssus. Th nn lsson of hs 90-mnu workshop was ha h ln bwn a rqus an a man, wlcom nrs an unwan prssur, s usually farly obvous. Ths s h skll s popl hammr ou as ll ks, says Mlan Boy, an asssan an of sun affars. Sh wans suns o ralz ha hy know how o rcognz agrmn, rfusal an ambguy. Th govrnmn mony l o major avancs n h laboraory, Dr. Gsbr sa, bu was nsuffcn o covr h hug coss of human rals. Nor coul h small compans ha wr nvolv n h arly sus n anmals affor o pay for human rals. No fnsh prouc cam o mark. Wh hr sofwar, a prson woul walk no a musum, urn hs or hr smarphon or abl owar a phoograph, panng or sculpur, an h arwork s surroun wh a gal halo of supplmnal nformaon. Th Canor cnr, Ms. Sockmann sa, xhb h Sanfor Unvrsy Lbrars' collcon of lanscap phoographs of Calforna an h Norhws by h 19h-cnury phoographr Carlon Wakns. Capur h mag of a Wakns phoo of Yosm Vally, sh sa, an you can ap on an con ha shows a map of whr Wakns walk n h vally o ak hs phoographs. H ran ou of mony bfor rplacng h wnows, so h hung shs ovr hm nsa. In rms of sz, sa Danl Zarrll, h rcor of h 8-monh-ol Mayor's Offc of Rcovry an Rslncy, you' hav o look back o h rbulng afr h San Francsco arhquak for any ral comparson, rfrrng o h 1906 sasr. In h qus for a safr campus, probably coms mor naurally o nsuons o hlp suns larn prvnon han o ajuca spus ovr consn afr h fac. Eucaon has always bn h busnss of unvrss, an whl fral law rqurs hos ha rcv fral funs o mak nvsgang an rsponng o sxual-assaul complans hr busnss oo, 's no asy. Evn as survvors push for mor procons for vcms, ohr groups -- nclung mor han wo ozn Harvar law profssors, n a rcn samn -- ar challngng nw scplnary procurs, sayng hy ar unfarly sack agans hos accus of sxual assaul. Ths s ffcul rrory o g rgh. Bu for h frs m, a som unvrss hroughou h counry, rlav nffrnc has gvn way o a srousnss. </span></p> </body></html>