<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's_Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://pmitplastic.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/EMkJ6AJzwJ~QAilpcH0c2rLgcyV3PPpI~gJ8YVjkU3umPAEsW0eqvlIi5zMhAKJNIwCR_cdRxEq3aAVobe9lwvS2WtVoPfSBbkrML2eVOy0BTG3ys7e50VOuLQWAl~yWD9CnwUeCfkg6JgvH02Xt97HXSHtgjoSABm63TZ8HgbEoD4KqoMRoBJ6hAqi89X63lwHpxT9oohMCG5MacI_NUNJBaU1q5~1cnoxmZrDP5vbdCOZDp9YBBuTsxjL~KXE7aNKSmKLbCfj6KCWEGPfkDephGccAIdcDvO6zrFGjaEr4lDClHGpkYYiIN2ynkwHlAcY9ciSvsmxjfyHXZtwDefqVxYXUAyPiEF2Q~q9SadgcYMzBO2H3puComNWFWobV1U6QS8Ynavv9ml9~IXl4zYcvw5eZSCHKh2gpliwsSsLbFfAKmtVyTcTIUzrjYM0WlDyWib2hVwEfeOMZ3f0MFajttBdf2FEHKl8DlofQE~WLlHE5lk7lj0P_hclP9GaJ3xGsBlPdXieHwBf_lYFZXL7ZpO6S9EE15iy2EzOqEMVgXVG_7O4cIMYzvfRsPD1sh0E8cNlD5Xir9kVoGmJe6ShbRNcimLwsXDAy2nWz2ji3UtUugG4lj9a4GfV5DqA1oZC6ayslK_PpqSBBu2p~EvesZcMpbw7k6s871rSQtlFbIQcngVIjynZaTThGONI0TcUm7C_0FW_H~3d46BwRBbxehJXj370ItLihoHmVoBKw~E/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>John D'Agostino<br>Membership Division<br>Who's_Who Among Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's_Who mailings, please go <a href="http://pmitplastic.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/AvwOS5LyLomOslnTaRT_1ul1XeeQL6w3iPrvY5WQyNh4swZoKIIKKieE1hRpd2_uoSgsaCSa_wxGagFZNuaA3L6AfBmdTBmcGgONTPMrws0xHUDMlvZ3AQ_t8tBrm0keGoC3~r6YW345jDA4su3d5LKU0hA_CfUH4TYgHbLpfAv04h4pkoio1pUOHuIfkuPgYUoEdkZ4kqso9KdNby8k~f_rIoNrMCVoErkwJ3km3CCTe6PaapU4vDkWdG5vq4iZR2d4OeFyMU2mS7xVXVAqPoItooN8mq1rwt_9RccFXP8~jBm5M38LrJhN5z2WN7Juk2Or1I3h7vIoKeqd4FWti8~EGjGPO3eUoFnmniP4ly7SAqm6lVcPr0766WYIISkpHblF1zhfwi1fFbwzlmhWv3r7Ek0ZspwfJvN8KBjJyuni43Npp8_CbkvnTAPnCf~qu~~5UT08dvWrV982GOmZCGlzORhHdyGQMPTo0VNLxg7vA2x0p0asFLcTT71tTRMF7ekws7CEuQ9N4MvPvJ85~hiH1Ud95likYeJ3hGCiIkwq5_WF2f9Aqan3i9BCeGJo__fh7fqbSTHRKNBKXO7iYQtnnscWAJ~oLUliE_eAVv9oYcam4GTOzqWhyJ7IfBTiPZzUf4JpTqLr2J14fB9aI~UjwZuhbNRc2dkSowSew2LETxhbudIYAX2bg__tuId8A6V8mbkN0YzWUTYUmA9O9dMyHyxMUiNkfeMRA13PQ8a~YZ_hLxuYdCls4y3gWxU8P6JOYnzYJC8CticqWvmrD9wX01ofqUMGw">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> GRAPHIC A fral offcal sa n an nrvw on Thursay ha wo larg sus nvolvng housans of pans wr plann o bgn soon n Ws Afrca, an wr xpc o b scrb n al on Fray by h Worl Halh Organzaon. Mar D Blaso Ss Progrss for Hurrcan Sany Vcms Through a Program H OvrhaulOCT. 20, 2014 RECENT COMMENTS In a sns, 's h cor of h sock mark as wll. Appl s h bggs company, by mark capalzaon, n h worl. Appl accouns for abou 3.5 prcn of h wghng of h Sanar & Poor's 500-sock nx. An, hrough Thursay, bcaus s sock has prform magnfcnly whl h ovrall mark has no, Appl accoun for 18 prcn of h nr rs of h S.&P. 500 nx hs yar, accorng o calculaons by Paul Hcky, co-founr of h Bspok Invsmn Group. An h ngn rvng Appl shars s h Phon. Pars Frs-Wkn Sals of Appl's Phon 6 Mols Top 10 MllonSEPT. 22, 2014 Counrs wh Ebola oubraks A vsor can also raw hs or hr own wallpapr sgn on an nracv abl. As h prson s rawng, clvr sofwar can c common mags, rrv rlvan nformaon an communca, n s way, wh h vsor. I looks lk you'r rawng a flowr, nons, an hn lnks o a shor auo rcorng by an xpr on flowr mofs n wallpapr ovr h yars. A Goham, Mr. Ackman vlop h mhos h woul us agan an agan. H wn afr bg args an ook hs bals no h publc arna. Thos chnqus prov spcally usful whn h ha sol shor a company's sock, bng on a collaps on h sock prc. I's a hgh-saks mov. An Mr. Ackman s all n for a bg wn. H s nnsly compv abou vryhng, from mmorzng wo-lr wors for Scrabbl gams o, as urns ou, ownng aparmns. Abou $150,000 of consrucon maral ss bhn wo lnk chans a Ham Shammaly's plac n h Shjaya nghborhoo. Evry ay, a half-ozn Un Naons an Palsnan Auhory workrs sop by o look a h suppls, sa Mr. Shammaly, an a h gh scury camras ran on h s. Evry ay, oo, Gazans show up bggng o buy h suff, bu Mr. Shammaly s no allow o sll. </span></p> </body></html>