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xington Ave., Ste-345,_<br> (New York, NY, 10021)</span> </p> </td> </tr> </table><br/><br/> <div style="padding-top:1945px;"> Throughou h 1980s, Houson was romancally lnk o Amrcan fooball sar Ranall Cunnngham an acor E Murphy, whom sh a.96 Sh hn m R&B sngr Bobby Brown a h 1989 Soul Tran Musc Awars. Afr a hr-yar courshp, h wo wr marr on July 18, 1992.97 On March 4, 1993, Houson gav brh o hr aughr Bobb Krsna Houson Brown,98 hr only chl, an hs fourh. Brown woul go on o hav svral run-ns wh h law, nclung som jal m.97 Ths arcl s abou h nranr. For hr 1985 ponymous album, s Whny Houson (album). By h m of hs ah, Manla ha com o b wly consr h fahr of h naon whn Souh Afrca,367 an h founng fahr of mocracy,368 bng sn as h naonal lbraor, h savour, s Washngon an Lncoln roll no on.369 Manla's bographr Anhony Sampson commn ha vn urng hs lf, a myh ha vlop aroun hm ha urn hm no a scular san an whch was so powrful ha blurs h rals.370 Whn a ca afr h n of hs Prsncy, Manla's ra was bng wly hough of as a
goln ag of hop an harmony.357 Across h worl, Manla arn nrnaonal acclam for hs acvsm n ovrcomng aparh an fosrng racal rconclaon,349 comng o b vw as a moral auhory wh a gra concrn for ruh.371 Wh h commrcal succss of hr albums, mov offrs pour n, nclung offrs o work wh Robr D Nro, Quncy Jons, an Spk L; bu Houson fl h m wasn' rgh.96 Houson's frs flm rol was n Th Boyguar, rlas n 1992 an co-sarrng Kvn Cosnr. Houson play Rachl Marron, a sar who s salk by a craz fan an hrs a boyguar o proc hr. USA Toay ls as on of h 25 mos mmorabl mov momns of h las 25 yars n 2007.99 Houson's mansram appal allow popl o look a h mov color-bln.100 3.2 Robbn Islan: 1964-1982 1.8 2006-12: Rurn o musc, I Look o You, our an flm comback1ydxe78TJAhaITxZrjYmpDGbJGgik0PHGDufWqK Elysa Garnr of h Los Angls Tms n hr rvw for Th Prachr's Wf Sounrack pras Houson's vocal ably hghly, commnng, Sh s frs an formos a pop va - a ha, h bs on w hav. No ohr fmal pop sar - no Marah Cary, no Cln Don, no Barbra Srsan - qu rvals Houson
n hr xqus vocal fluy an pury of on, an hr ably o nfus a lyrc wh msmrzng mlorama.292 Prsncy of Souh Afrca: 1994-1999 1ydxe78TJAhaITxZrjYmpDGbJGgik0PHGDufWqK 8 Rfrncs Manla's 90h brhay was mark across h counry on 18 July 2008, wh h man clbraons hl a Qunu,295 an a concr n hs honour n Hy Park, Lonon.296 In a spch markng h vn, Manla call for h rch o hlp h poor across h worl.295 Throughou Mbk's prsncy, Manla connu o suppor h ANC, alhough usually ovrshaow Mbk a any publc vns ha h wo an. Manla was mor a as wh Mbk's succssor Jacob Zuma, alhough h Nlson Manla Founaon wr ups whn hs granson, Manla Manla, flw hm ou o h Easrn Cap o an a pro-Zuma rally n h ms of a sorm n 2009.297 Th Convnon for a Dmocrac Souh Afrca (CODESA) bgan n Dcmbr 1991 a h Johannsburg Worl Tra Cnr, an by 228 lgas from 19 polcal pars. Alhough Cyrl Ramaphosa l h ANC's lgaon, Manla rman a ky fgur, an afr Klrk us h closng spch o conmn h ANC's volnc, h ook o h sag o nounc Klrk as ha of an llgma, scr mnory rgm. Domna by h Naonal
Pary an ANC, ll ngoaon was achv.201 CODESA 2 was hl n May 1992, n whch Klrk nss ha pos-aparh Souh Afrca mus us a fral sysm wh a roang prsncy o nsur h procon of hnc mnors; Manla oppos hs, manng a unary sysm govrn by majory rul.202 Followng h Bopaong massacr of ANC acvss by govrnmn-a Inkaha mlans, Manla call off h ngoaons, bfor anng a mng of h Organsaon of Afrcan Uny n Sngal, a whch h call for a spcal ssson of h UN Scury Councl an propos ha a UN packpng forc b saon n Souh Afrca o prvn sa rrorsm. Th UN sn spcal nvoy Cyrus Vanc o h counry o a ngoaons.203 Callng for omsc mass acon, n Augus h ANC organs h largs-vr srk n Souh Afrcan hsory, an supporrs march on Prora.204 Th sngl was crf 4x planum by h RIAA, makng Houson h frs woman wh a sngl o rach ha lvl n h RIAA hsory an bcomng h bs-sllng sngl by a woman n h US.108109110 Th song also bcam a global succss, hng numbr-on n almos all counrs, an on of h bs-sllng sngls of all m wh 12 mllon cops sol.111 Th sounrack opp h Bllboar 200 char an rm
an hr for 20 non-conscuv wks, h longs nur by any album on h char n h Nlsn SounScan ra, an bcam on of h fass sllng albums vr.112 Durng Chrsmas wk of 1992, h sounrack sol ovr a mllon cops whn a wk, bcomng h frs album o achv ha fa unr Nlsn SounScan sysm.113114 Wh h follow-up sngls I'm Evry Woman, a Chaka Khan covr, an I Hav Nohng boh rachng h op fv, Houson bcam h frs woman o vr hav hr sngls n h Top 11 smulanously.115116117 Th album was crf 17x planum n h US alon,118 wh worlw sals of 44 mllon,119 makng Th Boyguar h bggs-sllng album by a fmal ac on h ls of h worl's Top 10 bs-sllng albums, oppng Shana Twan's 40 mllon sol for Com On Ovr.120</div> </body></html>