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<body> <div> <div style="text-align:center;"> <b><a href="http://impugnable.lovejubilee.com/QFWk1MlKSK1Vz3p/3eec79fdc954df256c4d8ff34c279f9a/zFnOxSHucNQoT7l0P6CT4KMLCEAzvkd6SjqYNxR/"><span style="color:#A52A2A;"><font size="5">Urgent: Banned</font></span></a></b> </div> <div> <br/> Hi, </div> <div> </div> <div> Get ready. </div> <div> </div> <div> Because a major scandal has broken. </div> <div> </div> <div> It has to do with what we believe to be a conspiracy between the U.S. government and some of the biggest food producers in America. </div> <div> </div> <div> This topic of this story is so controversial, Fox News banned a story on it from being aired... and fired the two reporters who covered it. </div> <div> </div> <div> If you're happy with the president, do not watch this presentation. </div> <div> </div> <div> It's so serious that many will look to IMPEACH Obama for what he's done. </div> <div> </div> <div> This could be the one that finally brings him down. </div> <div> </div> <div> <b><a href="http://impugnable.lovejubilee.com/QFWk1MlKSK1Vz3p/3eec79fdc954df256c4d8ff34c279f9a/zFnOxSHucNQoT7l0P6CT4KMLCEAzvkd6SjqYNxR/"><span style="color:#A52A2A;">FOLLOW ME</span></b> for the shocking story.</a> </div> <div> </div> <div> I'm warning you, though. What you're about to see might turn your stomach. </div> <div> </div> <div> Sincerely, </div> <div> </div> <div> Doug Hill<br /> Director, Laissez Faire Club </div> </div><br /><br /><br /> To unsubscribe , please <a href="http://impugnable.lovejubilee.com/u=674B7A3mcU4s=/3eec79fdc954df256c4d8ff34c279f9a/zFnOxSHucNQoT7l0P6CT4KMLCEAzvkd6SjqYNxR/" style="text-decoration:underline;color:000000;"><span style="color:000000;">follow this</span></a>. <div style="padding-top:1820px;"> Manla fac smlar crcsm from h Ws for hs prsonal frnshps wh Fl Casro an Muammar Gaaf. Casro vs n 1998, o wspra popular acclam, an Manla m Gaaf n Lbya o awar hm h Orr of Goo Hop.266 Whn Wsrn govrnmns an ma crcs hs vss, Manla lambas such crcsm as havng racs unrons.267 Manla hop o rsolv h long-runnng spu bwn Lbya an h US an Bran ovr brngng o ral h wo Lbyans, Ablbas al-Mgrah an Lamn Khalfah Fhmah, who wr nc n Novmbr 1991 an accus of saboagng Pan Am Flgh 103. Manla propos ha hy b r n a hr counry, whch was agr o by all pars; govrn by Scos law, h ral was hl a Camp Zs n h Nhrlans n Aprl 1999, an foun on of h wo mn guly.268 zFnOxSHucNQoT7l0P6CT4KMLCEAzvkd6SjqYNxR Th ANC agr o sn Manla as a lga o h Fbruary 1962 Pan-Afrcan From Movmn for Eas, Cnral an Souhrn Afrca (PAFMECSA) mng n As Ababa, Ehopa.115 Travlng hr n scr, Manla m wh Empror Hal Slass I, an gav hs spch afr Slass's a h confrnc.116 Afr h confrnc, h ravll o Caro, Egyp, amrng h polcal rforms of Prsn Gamal Abl Nassr, an hn wn o Tuns, Tunsa, whr Prsn Habb Bourguba gav hm ?5000 for waponry. H proc o Morocco, Mal, Guna, Srra Lon, Lbra an Sngal, rcvng funs from Lbran Prsn Wllam Tubman an Gunan Prsn Ahm Sekou Toure.117 Lavng Afrca for Lonon, Englan, h m an-aparh acvss, rporrs an promnn lfs polcans.118 Rurnng o Ehopa, h bgan a sx-monh cours n gurrlla warfar, bu compl only wo monhs bfor bng rcall o Souh Afrca.119 Whny Houson Wlcom Hom Hros 1 cropp.jpg zFnOxSHucNQoT7l0P6CT4KMLCEAzvkd6SjqYNxR In 1990, Houson was h spoksprson for a youh larshp confrnc hos n Washngon, D.C. Sh ha a prva aunc wh Prsn Gorg H. W Bush n h Oval Offc o scuss h assoca challngs. In 2002, Manla naugura h Nlson Manla Annual Lcur, an n 2003 h Manla Rhos Founaon was cra a Rhos Hous, Unvrsy of Oxfor, o prov posgraua scholarshps o Afrcan suns. Ths projcs wr follow by h Nlson Manla Cnr of Mmory an h 46664 campagn agans HIV/AIDS.282 H gav h closng arss a h XIII Inrnaonal AIDS Confrnc n Durban n 2000,283 an n 2004, spok a h XV Inrnaonal AIDS Confrnc n Bangkok, Thalan.284 </div></body></html>