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2.5 Franc whzANACDH61bv8GCJNy2UMk6m1XBBfPsLNxQUNI Racons o h rsul S also: Isral-Souh Afrca rlaons whzANACDH61bv8GCJNy2UMk6m1XBBfPsLNxQUNI Occupyng hs rgon gans conrol of Torono an mos of Canaa's nusry, whl also prvnng Bran an Canaa from usng for ar or lan aacks agans h U.S. nusral harlan n h Mws. Frs arcraf Afr workng wh sas o g hr approval, h comm xpan h hghway sysm o 75,800 mls (122,000 km), or 2.6% of oal mlag, ovr 50% mor han h plan approv Augus 4. Th sklon of h numbrng plan was suggs on Augus 27 by Ewn Warly Jams of h BPR, who mach pary o rcon, an la ou a rough gr. Major rous from h arlr map wr assgn numbrs nng n 0, 1 or 5 (5 was soon rlga o lss-major saus), an shor conncons rcv hr-g numbrs bas on h man hghway from whch hy spurr. Th fv-man comm m Spmbr 25, an subm h fnal rpor o h Jon Boar scrary on Ocobr 26.1 Th boar sn h rpor o h Scrary of Agrculur of Ocobr 30, an h approv Novmbr 18, 1925.8