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<p align="left" style="font: 11px;">It was incredible, what they invented and did. We had to learn from them, in the first two years. But they were XUAODIGQ too methodical. That’s why DSMM they lost the WPDTVWTIU war. PIXWQCEV They were too </p>
<p align="right" style="font: 13px;">
methodical. They’d fire their guns every ten minutes — regular. Think PNVNNKQX of it. Of course we knew when to run, and when to lie down. You got so that SHBLVNIL you knew almost exactly what </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
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they’d do — if you’d been out long enough. And then you could time what you wanted to do yourselves. “They were a lot more nervous than we were, at the last. TFJQBRLQ </p>
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They sent up enough light at night from their trenches — you know, those things that burst in the air like electric AJQRO light — we had none of that to do — they did it all for </p>
us — lit UPGILTVX up everything. They were more nervous than we were. . . .” It was nearly two o’clock KTRUVFSLO when Herbertson left. Lilly, depressed, remained before the </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial; font-size: 7px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
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<p>fire. Aaron got out of bed and came uneasily to FFTQX the fire. “It gives me the bellyache, that damned war, ” he WJJNLVEFM said. “So it YWSJ does me, ” said Lilly. “All unreal. ” </p>
<p align="right" style="font: 15px;">
“Real enough KPF for those that JACDWAIQ had to go through LWXTSQ it. ” “No, least of RPAEGOAK all for them,” said Lilly sullenly. “Not as real as a bad dream. Why the </p>
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<p align="left" style="font: 13px;">hell don’t they wake up TOM and realise TJX it!” “That’s a fact,” said Aaron. “They’re hypnotised by it. ” “And they want to hypnotise EYENC me. And IQBICTV I won’t be </p>
<p align="right">
hypnotised. The war was a lie and is a lie and will go on being a lie till somebody busts it. ” “It was a fact — you can’t bust that. You can’t bust the BRPUJKMLO </p>
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fact SCQGY that it happened.” “Yes you can. It HUS never happened. It never happened to me. No more than my dreams happen. My QSWQ dreams don’t happen: they only seem. ” </p>
<BR><BR><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 7px;"></span>
<p align="right" style="font: 14px;">
“But the war <i>did happen, right enough, ” smiled Aaron palely. “No, it didn’t. Not to me or to any man, in his own self. It took place in the automatic </i>YNUJGVR </p>
<p align="right" style="font: 12px;">
sphere, like dreams do. But the ACTUAL MAN in IQOKKGH every man was just absent — asleep — or drugged — VSTIHPMA inert — dream-logged. That’s it. ” </p>
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<p align="center" style="font: 11px;">“You XLH tell ’em so,” said Aaron. “I do. But it’s no good. Because they won’t wake up now even — perhaps never. They’ll all kill themselves in their sleep.” </p>
<BR><BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 8px;"></span>
“They wouldn’t be any better if they did wake up and be themselves — that is, supposing they are asleep, which I can’t see. They are what they SEYN </p>
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<p align="center">are — and they’re all alike — and never very different from what they are now. ” Lilly stared at Aaron with black eyes. “Do you believe in them less than ERPROYX I do, KRJDIT Aaron?” he asked </p>
<BR><BR><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px;"></span>
<p>slowly. “I don’t OQDKKWUTO even want to believe in<b>them.” “But in yourself?” Lilly was IUMTEHB almost DVFWLW wistful — and Aaron LKW</b>uneasy. “I don’t know that I’ve any more right to believe in </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
myself than in them,” he replied. Lilly watched and pondered. YEGCOCS “No,” he said. “That’s not true — I KNEW the war was false: humanly quite false. I </p>
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<p align="center">always knew it was false. The Germans were false, we were false, everybody was false.” “And not you?” asked GFE Aaron shrewishly. “There was a wakeful, self-possessed bit of me which knew