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“You aren’t the dog on the mat, anyhow, ” “And you’re the idol fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715 on the mountain top, worshipping yourself.” “You talk to me like a woman, Aaron.” </p>
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“How do you talk to ME, do you think?” “How do I?” “Are the potatoes done?” Lilly turned quickly KTRGUJ aside, and switched fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715 on the electric </p>
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light. Everything changed. TAS Aaron sat still before the fire, UGYV irritated. Lilly went about preparing the supper. TVI The room was pleasant at night. Two tall, dark screens </p>
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hid the two beds. In front, the piano fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715 was littered with music, the desk littered with papers. Lilly went out JICYB on to the landing, and set the chops to grill on the gas stove. </p>
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