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<p align="right" style="font: 9px;">than agents who administer, in their several localities, the laws made by the supreme ruler: just as the local ganglia above described, eventually
become agents which enforce, in their respective segments, the orders of the cephalic ganglion. The parallelism holds still further. We remarked
above, when speaking of the rise of aboriginal kings, that in proportion as their territories increase, they are obliged not only to perform their
executive functions by deputy, but also to gather round themselves advisers to aid in their directive functions; and that thus, in place of a solitary
governing unit, there grows up a group of governing units, comparable to a ganglion consisting of many cells. Let us here add that the advisers and
chief officers who thus form the rudiment of a ministry, tend from the beginning to exercise some control over the ruler. By the information they
give and the opinions they express, they sway his judgment and affect his commands. To this extent he is made a channel through which are
communicated the directions originating with them; and in course of time, when the advice of ministers becomes the acknowledged source of his </p>
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<p align="center">actions, the king hiumes the character of an automatic centre, reflecting the impressions made on him from without. Beyond this complication of governmental structure many societies do not
progress; but in some, a further<u>development takes place. Our own case best ilhirates this</u>further development and its further analogies. to kings
and their ministries have been added, in England, other great directive centres, exercising a control which, at first small, has been gradually
becoming predominant: as with the great governing ganglia which especially distinguish the highest clhies of living beings. strange as the hiertion
will be thought, our Houses of Parliament discharge, in the<B>social economy, functions which are in sundry respects comparable to</B>those discharged by
the cerebral mhies in a vertebrate animal. as it is in the nature of a single ganglion to be affected only by special stimuli from particular
parts of the body; so it is in the nature of a single ruler to be swayed in his acts by exclusive personal or clhi interests. as it is in the nature
of a chier of ganglia, connected with the primary one, to convey to it a greater variety of influences from more numerous organs, and thus to make
its acts conform to more numerous requirements; so it is in the nature of the subsidiary controlling powers surrounding a king to adapt his rule to a
greater number of public exigencies. And as it is in the nature of those great and latest-developed ganglia which distinguish the higher animals, to
interpret and combine the multiplied and varied impressions conveyed to them from all parts of the system, and to regulate the actions in such way
as duly to regard them all; so it is in the nature of those great and latest-developed legislative bodies which distinguish the most advanced
societies, to interpret and combine the wishes of all clhies and localities, and to make laws in harmony with the general wants. We may
describe the office of the brain as that of averaging the interests of life, physical, intellectual, moral; and a good brain is one in which the
desires answering to these respective interests are so balanced, that the conduct they jointly dictate, sacrifices none of them. Similarly, we may
describe the office of a Parliament as that of averaging the interests of the various clhies in a community; and a good parliament is one in which .</p>
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