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<p align="right" style="font: 12px;">Astronomy has been immensely forwarded by discoveries in Optics, while other optical discoveries have initiated Microscopic Anatomy, and greatly
aided the growth of Physiology—how Chemistry has indirectly increased our knowledge of Electricity, Magnetism, Biology, Geology—how Electricity has
reacted on Chemistry and Magnetism, and has<I>developed our views of Light and</I>Heat. In Literature the same truth might be exhibited in the manifold
effects of the primitive mystery-play, as originating the modern drama, which has variously branched; or in the still multiplying forms of
periodical literature which have descended from the first newspaper, and which have severally acted and reacted on other forms of literature and on
each other. The influence which a new school of Painting—as that of the pre-Raffaelites—exercises upon other schools; the hints which all kinds of
pictorial art are deriving from Photography; the complex results of new critical doctrines, as those of Mr. Ruskin, might severally be dwelt upon </p>
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<p align="left" style="font: 10px;">as displaying the like multiplication of effects. But we venture to think our case is already made out. The imperfections of
statement which brevity has necessitated, do not, we believe, invalidate the propositions laid down. The qualifications here and there demanded
would not, if made, affect the inferences. Though, in tracing the genesis of progress, we have frequently spoken of complex causes as if they were
simple ones; it still remains true that such causes are far less complex than their results. Detailed criticisms do not affect our main position.
Endless facts go to show that every kind of progress is from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous; and that it is so because each change is
followed by many changes. And it is significant that where the facts are most accessible and abundant, there these truths are most manifest. </p>
<BR /><BR /><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
<p align="right">However, to avoid committing ourselves to more than is yet proved, we must be content with saying that such are the law and the cause of all progress
that is known to us. Should the Nebular Hypothesis ever be established, then it will become manifest that the Universe at large, like every
organism, was once homogeneous; that as a whole, and in every detail, it has unceasingly advanced towards greater heterogeneity. It will be seen
that as in each event of to-day, so from the<I>beginning, the decomposition of every expended force into several forces has been</I>perpetually producing
a higher complication; that the increase of heterogeneity so brought about is still going on and must continue to go on; and that thus progress is not </p>
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<p align="center" style="font: 12px;">an accident, not<u>a thing within human control, but a beneficent necessity. A</u>few words must be added on the ontological bearings of our argument.
Probably not a few will conclude that here is an attempted solution of the great questions with which Philosophy in all ages has perplexed itself. Let
none thus deceive themselves. After all that has been said, the ultimate mystery remains just as it was. The explanation of that which is
explicable, does but bring out into greater clearness the inexplicableness of that which remains behind. Little as it seems to do so, fearless inquiry
tends continually to give a firmer basis to all true Religion. The timid sectarian, obliged to abandon one by one the superstitions bequeathed to
him, and daily finding his cherished beliefs more and more shaken, secretly fears that all things may some day be explained; and has a corresponding .</p>
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