[Ginga-argentina] Cut your electric bill by up to 65% with Solar Panels.

National-Solar-Project sola at d-aisuki.net
Tue May 19 17:08:21 CEST 2015


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	In h wh papr Scolan's Fuur, h Scosh govrnmn plg o xpan chlcar provson n an npnn Scolan.7273 Th papr sa ha hs polcy woul cos ?700 mllon, bu ha hs woul b fnanc by ncras ax rvnu from an aonal 100,000 womn rurnng o work.72 Rsuls of polls o 11 Spmbr 2014. R: no, grn: ys Norhrn Irlan's Frs Mnsr Pr Robnson an Wlsh Frs Mnsr Carwyn Jons rspon posvly o h rsul. Robnson was lgh Scolan has vo o rman n h Unon.394 Fmns conoms Alsa McKay, a supporr of h Racal Inpnnc movmn, argu ha an npnn Scolan shoul chang s wlfar sysm ramacally by offrng all s popl a basc ncom.318 Da	Fbruary 5, 1958 2.2 Plaqu estutzman 3 Subsqun vlopmns In January 2012, sourcs clos o h prm mnsr ol Th Scosman ha a unf ax an bnf sysm s a h har of a un counry an ha hs powrs coul no b volv o Scolan afr h rfrnum,314 hough Lbral Dmocra Mchal Moor sa n Augus 2013 ha voluon of pars of h wlfar bug shoul b up for ba.315 Labour polcan Jm Murphy, a formr Scrary of Sa for Scolan, has argu ha h s frcly comm o volvng wlfar powrs o h Scosh Parla
 mn, bu also warn ha npnnc woul b srupv an woul no b bnfcal.316 Scosh Labour's Dvoluon Commsson rcommn n March 2014 ha som aspcs of h wlfar sa, nclung housng bnf an ananc allowanc, shoul b volv.317 Expanson an ajusmn: 1926-56 Trvor Wrgh, a charr plo flyng bwn Marr an Coobr Py n h rmo norh of Souh Ausrala spo h fgur from h ar on 26 Jun 1998.3 Th scovry of h goglyph fascna Ausralans u o s sz an h mysry surrounng how  cam o b hr. A h m of h scovry hr was only on rack nrng an on rack xng h s an no fooprns or yr marks wr scrnbl. Canaan counrpar Goron Brown pon o h 2012 mal coun for Gra Bran, sayng ha  show h succss of a unon ha nclu h wo naons.271 Scosh ahls wr nvolv n 13 of h 65 mals won by Gra Bran n 2012, bu only hr of hos wr won by Scos whou asssanc from ohr ahls.272 Sr Chrs Hoy sa n May 2013 ha  coul ak m for Scosh ahls o sablsh hmslvs n a nw ranng nvronmn, ncang ha h goo prformanc of Scosh ahls n h Gra Bran am woul no auomacally ransla no ha of an npnn Scolan am.273 Hoy also sa ha h
  blv h lack of facls an coachng nfrasrucur n Scolan woul hav o b arss by an npnn sa.273 Hsory 

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