[Ginga-argentina] Cut your electric bill by up to 65% with Solar Panels.
sola at jlindstrom.net
Tue May 19 13:22:05 CEST 2015
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Thr was nally som quson as o whhr h fgur s holng a hrowng sck or a boomrang, bu hs ssus sm o hav bn rsolv followng scovry of h plaqu an h orgn of h plaqu quo an lkly sourc phoographs of smlar nu hunrs.5 Th han whch s no hrowng has h corrc posur n h normal Aborgnal chnqu for hrowng.6 Th naon scars plac on h chs hav also bn sa o hav bn plac prfcly. Th fgur appars o b an amalgam of h boy of a man phoograph n h sncv hrowng sanc an h ha of anohr man warng a haban an chgnon. 1.2 Dv an spcal rous Scon arcraf In h hr Scosh Parlamn, only 50 of 129 MSPs (47 SNP, 2 Grns, an Margo MacDonal) suppor a rfrnum.1516 Th Scosh govrnmn whrw h bll afr falng o scur opposon suppor.717 Thr rmans uncrany abou whhr h Souh Alanc flash n Spmbr 1979 rcor by opcal snsors on h U.S. Vla sall was a nuclar onaon an, f so, o whom blong.53pag n In h Hous of Lors, Baronss Symons argu ha h rs of h UK shoul b allow o vo on Scosh npnnc, on h grouns ha woul affc h whol counry. Ths argumn was rjc by h Brsh govrnmn, as h A
voca Gnral for Scolan Lor Wallac sa ha whhr or no Scolan shoul lav h Un Kngom s a mar for Scolan.35 Wallac also pon o h fac ha only wo of 11 rfrnums snc 1973 ha bn across all of h Un Kngom.35 Profssor John Curc also argu ha h Norhrn Irlan sovrgny rfrnum of 1973 cra a prcn for allowng only hos rsn n on par of h UK o vo on s sovrgny.36 smalstuf Canaan counrpar US 400, approv n 1994, has no parn snc hr s no US 0 or US 100.7 Durng h campagn, hr wr allgaons by som npnnc supporrs ha h BBC - h UK's naonal broacasr - was bas agans Scosh npnnc.364 Subsqun vlopmns Two ays bfor h rfrnum, paprs ncang a funng gap of ?400-?450m n h nx wo fnancal yars, 2015-17, for Scolan's NHS, rsulng from Scosh govrnmn polcs, wr lak o h ma.245 A Scosh govrnmn spoksprson commn ha h paprs wr from par of h rgular scussons among NHS lars o plan for NHS Scolan's fuur.245 In Dcmbr 2013 h Br Toghr campagn clar ha ha rcv onaons of ?2.8 mllon.55 Sx-fgur conrbuons wr ma by busnssmn Ian Taylor an Donal Houson, an by auhor
C. J. Sansom; almos 27,000 onaons of unr ?7,500 ha bn rcv by h sam a.56 A lar onaon cam from wrr J. K. Rowlng, who announc n Jun 2014 ha sh ha gvn ?1 mllon.5556 In h followng monh, whsky sllr Wllam Gran & Sons announc a onaon of approxmaly ?100,000.57 On 12 Augus 2014 Br Toghr announc ha ha ras nough mony o covr h maxmum spnng prm an was no longr accpng onaons.58 Ths was arbu n par o a larg numbr of small onaons bng rcv afr h frs lvs ba bwn Salmon an Darlng.58 2 Ouln
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