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John Casey caseyjohn at wildtune.com
Fri May 15 15:39:38 CEST 2015

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      	Accorng o offcal Russan obsrvrs h conons unr whch h vos wr coun wr no up o nrnaonal sanars an ha h procur us ma  mpossbl o chck on rrgulars.408409 whitworth Un Sas Numbr Hghways Franc Nuclar wapons Ina 2.2 No aacks ous Wsrn Hmsphr Suggs craors Zons of opraon 1958 Tyb Islan m-ar collson s loca n Gorga (U.S. sa) Crash sCrash s AlanaAlana Alhough Vancouvr's sanc from Europ rucs s mporanc, occupyng  woul ny Bran a naval bas an cu Canaa off from h Pacfc Ocan. Th Hous of Commons fnc comm also sa ha Scosh npnnc woul hav a ngav ffc on s nusry,85 whl h UK govrnmn sa  woul no b wllng o bul warshps n a forgn counry.86 Goff Sarl, h rcor of BAE Sysms' Typ 26 Global Comba Shp programm, sa n Jun 2014 ha h company ha no alrnav plan for shpbulng,87 bu hs poson was lar rvs by h Charman of BAE, who sa ha hy coul rsum shpbulng n h Englsh cy of Porsmouh f an npnn Scolan was sablsh.88 Vong placs an ms Un Sas: Th Wh Hous congraula Scolan on hr full an nrgc xrcs of mocracy. Prsn Barack Obama wlcom h 
 rsul, sayng h look forwar o connung our srong an spcal rlaonshp wh all h popl of Gra Bran an Norhrn Irlan.396 Nonhlss, h nal assssmn by h Un Sas Naonal Scury Councl (NSC), wh chncal suppor by h Naval Rsarch Laboraory13pag n n Ocobr 1979 was ha h Amrcan nllgnc communy ha hgh confnc ha h vn was a low-yl nuclar xploson, alhough no raoacv brs ha vr bn c, an hr was no corroborang ssmc or hyro-acousc aa.14 A lar NSC rpor rvs hs poson o a poson of agnoscsm abou whhr a s ha occurr or no.15pag n Th NSC conclu ha rsponsbly for a nuclar xploson, f any, shoul b ascrb o h Rpublc of Souh Afrca.16pag n15pag n Th Marr Man, or Suar's Gan, s a morn goglyph scovr by ar on 26 Jun 1998. I appars o pc an ngnous Ausralan man hunng brs or wallabs wh a boomrang. I ls on a plaau a Fnns Sprngs 60 km (18 m) ws of h ownshp of Marr n cnral Souh Ausrala. I s jus ous h 127,000 squar klomrs (49,000 sq m)1 Woomra Prohb Ara. Th fgur s 4.2 km (2.6 m) all wh a prmr of 15 by 28 klomrs (9.3 m x 17.4 m). Alhough  s h scon
  largs goglyph n h worl, s orgn rmans a mysry, wh no a sngl wnss o any par of h xpansv opraon. Th nam Suar's Gan was gvn o  n a fax sn o h ma anonymously by hos blv o hav cra h fgur, afr John McDouall Suar. Formr prm mnsr Goron Brown sa n Aprl 2014 ha Scolan ha an abov-avrag shar of h publc-scor pnson bll an conclu ha pnsons woul b proc by sharng rsks an rsourcs whn h UK.263 UK govrnmn pnsons mnsr Sv Wbb sa n May 2014 ha Scos woul b nl o h currn lvls of sa pnson afr npnnc bcaus hy ha accumula rghs whn h xsng sysm.264 Wbb wn on o say ha hr woul n o b ngoaons bwn h UK an Scolan as o how hs pnsons woul b pa.264 Jon Army an Navy Basc War Plan R was a war plan cra by h Un Sas Army an Navy n h la 1920s an arly 1930s o sma h rqurmns for a hypohcal war wh Gra Bran (h R forcs).1 War Plan R scuss h ponal for fghng a war wh Bran an s Empr an ouln hos sps ncssary o fn h Alanc coas agans any amp manlan nvason of h Un Sas. I furhr scuss fghng a wo-fron war wh boh Japan an Bran smulanously (as nvs
 on n War Plan R-Orang). War Plan R was no opraonalz an  no hav prsnal or Congrssonal approval. Only h Congrss can clar war, an n hs pro of U.S. hsory,  ma no war plans. Prsn Hrbr Hoovr was known as a pacfs.2 Qusons hav bn ask whhr Scolan, as an conomy of a smallr sz han h UK, woul sll suppor h sam lvl of rsarch acvy, an wha aonal ffors mgh b rqur o sablsh a sysm of rsarch councls norh of h borr.294295 Jo Shaw, Salvsn char of Europan nsuons a h Unvrsy of Enburgh, no ha n smallr sas, rlaonshps bwn unvrss an rsarch funrs bcom cosy, an la o a corporas approach.296 Marr man aral phoograph 1998
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