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John Casey
caseyjohn at romerun.com
Thu May 14 20:05:01 CEST 2015
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In Novmbr 2013, h Scosh govrnmn plg o us h powrs of npnnc o rvrs ky aspcs of h Wlfar Rform Ac 2012, whch was mplmn across h UK sp opposon from a majory of Scolan's MPs. I sa woul abolsh Unvrsal Cr309 an h broom ax.310 Th SNP has also crcs Rachl Rvs, Labour's shaow scrary of sa for work an pnsons, for sayng311 a fuur UK Labour govrnmn woul b vn oughr on bnfs han h Camron mnsry.312313 laurie.yarber Man arcl: Hsory of h formaon of h Un Kngom Th U.S. govrnmn shoul classfy aonal nformaon abou h vn. A horough publc arng of h xsng nformaon coul rsolv h conrovrsy. Dsagrmn an rfnmn 1925-26 Rsuls of polls o 11 Spmbr 2014. R: no, grn: ys Da Fbruary 5, 1958 In Ocobr 1999, a wh papr ha was publsh by h U.S. Sna Rpublcan Polcy Comm n opposon o h Comprhnsv Ts Ban Tray sa: Th Kngom of Scolan an h Kngom of Englan wr sablsh as npnn counrs urng h Ml Ags. Afr fghng a srs of wars urng h 14h cnury, h wo monarchs nr a prsonal unon n 1603 (h Unon of h Crowns) whn Jams VI of Scolan also bcam Jams I of
Englan. Th wo naons wr mporarly un unr on govrnmn whn Olvr Cromwll was clar Lor Procor of a Commonwalh n 1653, bu hs was ssolv whn h monarchy was rsor n 1660. Scolan an Englan un o form h Kngom of Gra Bran n 1707, facors n favour of unon bng, on h Scosh s, h conomc problms caus by h falur of h Darn schm an, on h Englsh, scurng h Hannovran ln of succsson. Gra Bran n urn un wh h Kngom of Irlan n 1801, formng h Un Kngom of Gra Bran an Irlan. Mos of Irlan lf h Unon n 1922 as h Irsh Fr Sa; hus h full nam of h sovrgn sa oay s h Un Kngom of Gra Bran an Norhrn Irlan. Fnancal groups Th Royal Bank of Scolan, Lloys, Clysal Bank, TSB an Tsco Bank announc ha hy plann o mov hr rgsr haquarrs from Scolan o Englan n h vn of Scolan vong o lav h UK; mos nca ha hy ha no mma nnon o ransfr any jobs.321322 Racons S Tyb Islan, Gorga, Un Sas NATO mmbrshp Bomb Scosh Labour lar Johann Lamon sa ha h polcy shoul b mplmn mmaly f h Scosh govrnmn blv woul hav a bnfcal ffc,72 bu Salmon rspon ha unr voluon h coss
of h polcy woul hav o b fnanc by cus lswhr n publc xpnur.72 In March 2014, h Naonal Day Nursrs Assocaon sa ha h plan coul no b mplmn unlss grar funng was prov by local auhors o prva nursrs.74 A rpor by h Scosh Parlamn Informaon Cnr quson h conomc bnf of h polcy, ponng ou ha hr wr only 64,000 mohrs of chlrn ag bwn 1 an 5 who wr conomcally nacv.75 A spoksman for Salmon sa ha h sma oal 104,000 womn woul nr h workforc ovr a longr pro, as fuur gnraons of mohrs woul also b abl o work, sang: Th ky pon abou h polcy s ha osn' happn on on ay or on yar an hn cas.75 Polcal avrsng on lvson an rao n h UK was prohb by h Communcaons Ac 2003, wh h xcpon of prm pary polcal broacass.53 Thr major cnma chans sopp showng avrs by rfrnum campagn groups afr rcvng ngav fback from hr cusomrs.54 Pollng Saon Inspcors (oponal).384 Thy our h ara pollng saons (h spcfc par/room of h pollng plac n whch vos wr cas). 1 Mar collson Whl a oubl flash sgnal s characrsc of a nuclar wapons s, h sgnal coul also hav bn a spu
rous lcronc sgnal gnra by an agng cor n an ol sall, or a moro hng h Vla sall. No corroboraon of an xploson, such as h prsnc of nuclar byproucs n h ar, was vr publcly acknowlg, vn hough hr wr numrous passs n h ara by U.S. Ar Forc plans spcfcally sgn o c arborn raoacv us. Ohr xamnrs of h aa, nclung h Dfns Inllgnc Agncy (DIA), h U.S. Naval Rsarch Laboraory (NRL), an fns conracors, hav com o h concluson ha h flash was no a rsul of a nuclar onaon.456 Much nformaon abou h vn rmans classf. Rsuls
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