[Ginga-argentina] Electricity bills lower than hanging fruit!

National Solar Project solar-ginga-argentina at digitalics.org
Wed May 6 17:18:18 CEST 2015

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	Approxmaly 90% of h Un Kngom's Norh Sa ol fls ar loca n Scosh rroral wars. Th ax rvnu gnra from an offshor s s no coun whn h naon or rgon nars o , bu s nsa alloca o h UK Connnal Shlf. Th rvnu from Norh Sa ol has bn us o suppor currn xpnur, rahr han crang a sovrgn ol fun.204205 Th SNP blvs ha a poron of h rvnus shoul b nvs n a sovrgn ol fun. Th Scosh govrnmn, cng nusry rgulaor Ol an Gas UK, sma n Scolan's Fuur ha hr wr 24 bllon barrls of ol quvaln (bo) rmanng o b xrac.206 Sr Ian Woo, founr of ol srvcs company Woo Group, sa n Augus 2014 ha h blv hr wr bwn 15 an 16.5 bllon bo an ha h mpac from clnng proucon woul b fl by 2030.206 In Spmbr 2014, an nvsgaon by nusry rcrumn wbs Ol an Gas Popl sa ha hr wr xnsv ol rsrvs o h ws of h Wsrn Isls an Shlan.207 Th rpor ancpa ha h rgon woul b vlop whn h nx 10 yars bcaus of mprovmns n rllng chnology, rg sgn an survyng.207 Scrary Howar M. Gor appon h Jon Boar on Inrsa Hghways, as rcommn by AASHO, on March 2, 1925. Th Boar was compos of 21 sa hghway of
 fcals an hr fral Burau of Publc Roas offcals. A h frs mng, on Aprl 20 an 21, h group chos h nam U.S. Hghway as h sgnaon for h rous. Thy c ha h sysm woul no b lm o h fral-a nwork; f h bs rou  no rcv fral funs,  woul sll b nclu. Th nav sgn for h U.S. Hghway shl was also chosn, bas on h shl foun on h Gra Sal of h Un Sas.1 For h mos par, h U.S. Rous wr h prmary mans of nr-cy vhcl ravl; h man xcpons wr oll roas such as h Pnnsylvana Turnpk an parkway rous such as h Mrr Parkway. Many of h frs hgh-sp roas wr U.S. Hghways: h Gulf Frway carr US 75,27 h Pasana Frway carr US 66,28 an h Pulask Skyway carr US 1 an US 9.29 Opraor	Un Sas Ar Forc 2.3 Souh Afrca Lang gal markr Smon Dally ouln h ponal bnfs an pfalls for Scolan's onln busnss communy, alng how a chang of naonaly woul b lkly o hav a rmnal mpac on hos Scosh onln busnsss who currnly ra hroughou h UK usng Googl.co.uk as hr prmary rou o mark, whls suggsng ponal bnfs for Scosh busnsss ha prmarly ra whn Scolan.142 Agrculur US 28 Orgon 1948 shl
  markr Typ	Bong B-47 US Rous:	U.S. Hghway nn (US nn) US 32 Iowa 1926 shl markr 
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