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	In 2012-13, Scosh unvrss rcv 13.1% of Rsarch Councls UK funng.287 Dr Alan Trnch of Unvrsy Collg Lonon has sa ha Scosh unvrss rcv a hugly sproporona lvl of funng an woul no longr b abl o accss  followng npnnc. Wll Rnn, lar of h Scosh Lbral Dmocras, has suggs ha npnnc woul man Scosh unvrss losng ?210m n rsarch funng.288 Th Insu of Physcs n Scolan warn ha accss o nrnaonal facls such as h CERN Larg Haron Collr, h Europan Spac Agncy, an Europan Souhrn Obsrvaory coul rqur rngoaon by h Scosh govrnmn.289 I also xprss concrns abou rsarch funng from UK chars an h racon of nrnaonal compans wh Scosh facls.289 Inrnaonal racon Faals	0 Da Alsar Carmchal, h Scrary of Sa for Scolan, sa n January 2014 ha  woul mak sns for Scolan o b n h CTA, bu  woul hav o opra smlar mmgraon polcs o h rs of h UK.68 Ths poson was suppor by Hom Scrary Thrsa May, who sa n March 2014 ha passpor chcks shoul b nrouc f Scolan aop a loosr mmgraon polcy.68 Th Consrvav MP Rchar Bacon sa hr woul b no rason for borr conrols o b 
 mplmn.71 Thomas C. R wrs ha h blvs h Vla ncn was an Isral nuron bomb s.38 Th s woul hav gon unc as h Israls spcfcally chos a wnow of opporuny whn, accorng o h publsh aa, no acv Vla salls wr obsrvng h ara. Aonally, h Israls chos o s off h s urng a yphoon. Howvr, h Israls an hr Souh Afrcan parnrs ha mscalcula as h ovr a ca-ol Vla sall whch c h blas ha bn offcally ls by h US govrnmn as 'rr', alhough nonhlss was sll abl o rcv aa.39 R howvr, os no arss a vry larg nconssncy wh hs nuron bomb hory. Nuron bombs, by sgn, rlas h majory of hr nrgy as raaon. No larg amouns of raaon hav vr bn rpor wh rgars o h Vla Incn. By 1984, accorng o Morcha Vanunu, Isral was mass-proucng nuron bombs.40 Durng h campagn, hr wr allgaons by som npnnc supporrs ha h BBC - h UK's naonal broacasr - was bas agans Scosh npnnc.364 If Scolan bcam an npnn sa, suns from h rs of h UK woul b n h poson n whch suns from h rs of h EU ar.298 A Unvrsy of Enburgh suy foun ha hs woul caus a loss n funng an coul ponally squz ou Sco
 sh suns.298 Th suy suggs hr courss of acon for an npnn Scolan: nrouc uon fs for all suns; ngoa an agrmn wh h EU whr a quoa of sun placs woul b rsrv for Scos; or nrouc a spara amssons srvc for suns from ohr EU mmbr sas, wh an amsson f aach.298 I conclu ha h EU may allow a quoa sysm for som spcals subjcs, such as mcn, whr hr s a clar n for local suns o b ran for parcular carrs, bu ha ohr subjcs woul no b lgbl.298 Th suy also foun ha hr hr suggson woul run agans h spr of h Bologna agrmn, whch ams o ncourag EU sun mobly.298 Th nw sysm was boh pras an crcz by local nwspaprs, ofn pnng on whhr ha cy was connc o a major rou. Whl h Lncoln Hghway Assocaon unrsoo an suppor h plan, parly bcaus hy wr assur of gng h US 30 sgnaon as much as possbl, mos ohr ral assocaons lamn hr obsolscnc. A hr January 14-15, 1926 mng, AASHO was floo wh complans.1 As of May 2014, h Ys Scolan campagn ha clar ?4.5 mllon n cash onaons.5556 EuroMllons lory-wnnrs Chrs an Coln Wr gav ?3.5 mllon.55 A sx-fgur onaon was gvn
  by nvsmn fun managr Angus Tulloch; approxmaly 18,000 onaons of lss han ?7,500 ha bn ma by h sam a.56 Mar collson 

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