[Ginga-argentina] It's A Dream To Type On.
tfire.ginga-argentina at pachingnet.com
Sun May 3 22:23:12 CEST 2015
Touch__fire Touchfire,_Inc. | 1117_NW_54th__Street | Seattle,_WA_98107 Attention iPad Owners: Bluetooth Keyboards Are A Thing Of The Past. | Introducing The All-New Touchfire Case and Keyboard | Unlike bluetooth keyboards, Touchfire... -Isn’t An Extra Device You Have To Carry -Doesn’t Add Any Noticeable Size Or Weight -Won’t Drain Your iPad’s Battery -Doesn’t Need To Pair Or Synch With Your iPad -Is Affordable And Has A Lifetime Warranty | Over 35,000 Satisfied Customers!| “Incredibly Simple To Use. Like Typing On A Physical Keyboard” - The New York Times | “I love it! I love it!” ~ Kathy Lee - Today Show | “An Ingenious Idea” - TIMETouchfire,_Inc. | 1117_NW_54th_Street | Seattle,_WA 98107 To__unsubscribeclick__here Hghway nams en.suzanne 1.1 Offc of Scnc an Tchnology valuaon A Trn mssl-
arm Vanguar class ballsc mssl submarn lavng s bas n h Frh of Cly Namng Man arcl: Hsory of h formaon of h Un Kngom Th SNP avocas ha an npnn Scolan shoul hav a smlar rlaonshp wh h Europan Unon (EU) as h UK has wh h EU oay. Ths mans full mmbrshp wh som xmpons, such as no havng o aop h uro. Thr s ba ovr whhr Scolan woul b rqur o r-apply for mmbrshp, an f coul ran h UK's op-ous.208209 Th Europan Commsson (EC) offr o prov an opnon o an xsng mmbr sa on h mar, bu h Brsh govrnmn confrm woul no sk hs avc, as no wan o ngoa h rms of npnnc aha of h rfrnum.210 Th Ys campagn rpaly call for hr o b a lvs ba bwn UK Prm Mnsr Dav Camron an Frs Mnsr of Scolan Alx Salmon. Ths calls for a on-on-on ba wr smss by Camron354355 on h bass ha h rfrnum s for Scos o c an h ba shoul b bwn popl n Scolan who wan o say, an popl n Scolan who wan o go.356 Calls for such a ba wr also suppor by formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown who sa woul b a goo a.357 Br Toghr charman Alsar Darlng accus Salmon of runnng scar from bang hm
nsa,358 alhough Surgon sa n 2013 ha a Salmon-Darlng ba woul ak plac a som pon.359 Darlng rfus a publc ba wh Ys Scolan charman Blar Jnkns.360 UKIP lar Ngl Farag also challng Salmon o ba, bu Farag was smss by an SNP spokswoman as an rrlvanc n Scolan.361 2.4 Ina Aonally, arly chncal spculaon also xamn h possbly ha h Vla ha rcor a combnaon of naural phnomna, such as lghnng n conjuncon wh a mor srk. Ohr arly ma rpors of h m scuss h possbly of a nar-Earh objc (NEO) suprbol, such as by an asro, occurrng.9 Th Vla sall's flash cors wr snsv o lghnng suprbols,10pag n whch rsul n wo scnss, John Warrn an Robr Fryman from h Los Alamos Naonal Laboraory (hn call h Los Alamos Scnfc Laboraory), mmaly flyng o an nvsgang a rar, ovrlan suprbol occurrnc on Bll Islan, Nwfounlan, n Aprl 1978.11 Thr obsrvaons of h vn, call h 'Bll Islan Boom', no bulng srucural amag, a farm anmals an sroy lcrcal vcs amongs ohr vnc (h suprbol's blas was har 55 klomrs away n Cap Broyl, Nwfounlan).12a Th Bll Islan Boom was amo
ng som 600 mysry booms ha occurr along h Norh Amrcan asrn saboar from la 1977 o m-1978.12 Mos sas ahr o hs approach. Howvr, som manan lgacy rous ha vola h ruls n varous ways. Exampls can b foun n Calforna, Msssspp, Nbraska, Orgon, an Tnnss. In 1952, AASHO prmannly rcognz h spls n US 11, US 19, US 25, US 31, US 45, US 49, US 73, an US 99.1625 Th man zons of opraon scuss n h plan ar: A h launch of h Ys Scolan campagn n May 2012, Alx Salmon sa ha h cas for npnnc woul b rvn by communy acvsm an onln wzarry.335 Th U.S. govrnmn shoul classfy aonal nformaon abou h vn. A horough publc arng of h xsng nformaon coul rsolv h conrovrsy. Ths arcl s abou a s of roas ypcally call U.S. Rous or U.S. Hghways. For ohr numbr hghways n h Un Sas, s Numbr hghways n h Un Sas. A UK govrnmn papr on scury sa ha Polc Scolan woul los accss o h nllgnc apparaus of h UK, nclung MI5, SIS an GCHQ.108 Th papr also sa ha an npnn Scosh sa woul n o bul s own scury nfrasrucur.108 Thrsa May commn ha an npnn Scolan woul hav
accss o lss scury capably, bu woul no ncssarly fac a ruc hra.108 In 2013, Allan Burn, formr ha of nllgnc wh Srahcly Polc an Scolan's counr-rrorsm co-ornaor unl 2010, sa ha an npnn Scolan woul fac lss of a hra, nllgnc nsuons wll b raly cra, an alls wll rman alls. Pr Jackson, profssor of scury a h Unvrsy of Glasgow, agr ha Spcal Branch coul form a suabl nuclus of a Scosh quvaln of MI5, an ha Scolan coul forgo crang an quvaln of MI6, nsa rlyng on pool nllgnc or plomac opn sourcs lk Canaa or h Norc counrs.109 Baronss Ramsay, a Labour pr an formr cas offcr wh MI6, sa ha h Scosh govrnmn's sanpon on nllgnc was xrmly naiv an ha was no gong o b as smpl as hy hnk.109 Ncola Surgon sa ha Scolan woul cra s own scury srvc lk MI5 o work alongs polc an ackl rrorsm, cybr aacks an srous organs crm.110 Sh also sa crang an xrnal nllgnc agncy woul rman an opon.110 In January 2014, a yar-long acamc suy by rsarchrs a h Unvrsy of h Ws of Scolan foun ha covrag by boh h BBC an h Scosh commrcal channl STV ha
bn favourng h No campagn.365366367 In March, BBC Scolan chfs appar bfor a Scosh Parlamn comm o fac qusons from MSPs abou h broacasr's covrag. BBC Scolan Ha, Kn McQuarr, rjc h suy's conclusons.368 Bas on nformaon conan n a 1987 CIA amag assssmn55 parally classf n Dcmbr 2012, has bn suggs56 ha US Navy nllgnc analys an Isral spy Jonahan Pollar may hav bn abl o bas US assssmns of h Vla vn n ways favorabl o Isral. Th Fral-A Hghway Ac of 1956 appropra funng for h Inrsa Hghway Sysm, o consruc a vas nwork of frways across h counry. By 1957, AASHO ha c o assgn a nw gr o h nw rous, o b numbr n h oppos rcons as h U.S. Hghway gr. Though h Inrsa numbrs wr o supplmn, rahr han rplac, h U.S. Rou numbrs, n many cass (spcally n h ws) h US hghways wr rrou along h nw Inrsas.9 Major commssonng of formr rous bgan wh Calforna's hghway rnumbrng n 1964. Th 1985 rmoval of US 66 s ofn sn as h n of an ra of US hghways.30 In 1979, h DIA rpor ha h s mgh hav bn a Sov s on n volaon of h 1963 Paral Nuclar Ts Ban
Tray.31 Th USSR ha conuc a fw scr unrwar ss n h Pacfc n 1959.32
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