[Ginga-argentina] You've been accept by WhosWho.
Whos_Who ginga-argentina
global at bookag.com
Sun Mar 29 03:27:08 CEST 2015
Dear_ excess, You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals. Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area. To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, please click_here. On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization. Warm Regards, Membership_Division Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals Unsubscribe Qusons hav bn ask whhr Scolan, as an conomy of a smallr sz han h UK, woul sll suppor h sam lvl of rsarch acvy, an wha aonal ffors mgh b rqur o sablsh a sysm of rsarch councls norh of h borr.294295 Jo Shaw, Salvsn char of Europan nsuons a h Unvrsy of Enburgh, no ha n smallr sas, rlaonshps bwn unvrss an rsarch funrs bcom
cosy, an la o a corporas approach.296 1961 vrson of h U.S. Rou shl Th Scosh Socals Pary favours an npnn Scosh currncy pgg o srlng n h shor rm.176 Th Scosh Grn Pary sa ha kpng srlng as a shor rm ransonal arrangmn shoul no b rul ou, bu h Scosh govrnmn shoul kp an opn mn abou movng owars an npnn currncy.177 Th Jmmy R Founaon, n arly 2013, scrb rnon of h poun as a goo ransonal arrangmn, bu rcommn h vnual sablshmn of an npnn Scosh currncy o nsula Scolan from h UK's conomc nsably.178 Ohr proponns of an npnn Scosh currncy nclu Ys Scolan charman Dnns Canavan an formr SNP puy lar Jm Sllars.179 In 2012-13, Scosh unvrss rcv 13.1% of Rsarch Councls UK funng.287 Dr Alan Trnch of Unvrsy Collg Lonon has sa ha Scosh unvrss rcv a hugly sproporona lvl of funng an woul no longr b abl o accss followng npnnc. Wll Rnn, lar of h Scosh Lbral Dmocras, has suggs ha npnnc woul man Scosh unvrss losng ?210m n rsarch funng.288 Th Insu of Physcs n Scolan warn ha accss o nrnaonal facls such as h CERN Larg Haron
Collr, h Europan Spac Agncy, an Europan Souhrn Obsrvaory coul rqur rngoaon by h Scosh govrnmn.289 I also xprss concrns abou rsarch funng from UK chars an h racon of nrnaonal compans wh Scosh facls.289 Accorng o h Scosh govrnmn's consulaon papr publsh on 25 Fbruary 2010, h cos of h rfrnum was lkly o b aroun ?9.5 mllon, mosly spn on runnng h poll an h coun. Coss woul also nclu h posng of on nural nformaon lafl abou h rfrnum o vry Scosh houshol, an on fr malsho o vry houshol or vor n h poll for h sgna campagn organsaons.13 As of Aprl 2013, h projc cos of h rfrnum was ?13.3 mllon.46 Inrnaonal racon Sov Unon Followng h rsul of h rfrnum, housans of 'Ys' supporrs jon a pary ha suppor Scosh npnnc. SNP mmbrshp ncras from 25,000 o 42,000 by 22 Spmbr.416417 Mmbrshp of h Scosh Grn Pary mor han oubl from aroun 2,000 o ovr 5,000 n h sam m fram, whl h Scosh Socals Pary also saw mmbrshp ncras.417 Th pars clam ha many of h nw mmbrs wr formr Labour mmbrs who vo 'Ys' n h rfrnum, agans hr pars aop poso
n on h mar.417 By 28 Spmbr, SNP mmbrshp was 66,000 an Scosh Grn Pary mmbrshp ha ncras fourfol snc h rfrnum.418 Consrvav MP Dav Munll sa ha 80,000 popl ha sgn up o hr Frns of h Unon group urng h campagn.418 Ths popl ha no ncssarly bcom full mmbrs of h Consrvav Pary bcaus hy wr no focus on ncrasng h numbr of car-carryng mmbrs.418 Sysm nformaon In 2013, nw proposals by h Elcoral Commsson for h 16-wk rgula pro prcng h poll wr accp. Thy allow h wo sgna campagn organsaons o spn up o ?1.5 mllon ach an for h pars n Scolan o spn h followng amouns: ?1,344,000 (SNP); ?834,000 (Labour); ?396,000 (Consrvavs); ?201,000 (Lbral Dmocras); ?150,000 (Grns).42 An unlm numbr of ohr organsaons coul rgsr wh h Elcoral Commsson, bu hr spnng was lm o ?150,000.45 Counng bgan afr polls clos. Vos from h 32 local govrnmn aras wr coun an announc by ach ara sparaly.387388 Rsuls cam n urng h arly hours of 19 Spmbr, wh h frs rsul bng from Clackmannanshr, an h las bng from Hghlan.389 Th Labour Pary was comm o hom rul
for Scolan n h 1920s, bu slpp own s agna n h followng yars.2 Th Scosh Naonal Pary (SNP) was form n 1934, bu no achv sgnfcan lcoral succss unl h 1960s.2 A ocumn callng for hom rul, h Scosh Covnan, was sgn by 2 mllon popl (ou of a populaon of 5 mllon) n h la 1940s.2 Hom rul, now known as Scosh voluon, no bcom a srous proposal unl h la 1970s as h Labour govrnmn of Jm Callaghan cam unr lcoral prssur from h SNP.2 Tn vors scovr ha somon ha vo unr hr nams a pollng saons n Glasgow,406 a mho of frau rm 'prsonaon', an hs l o an nvsgaon by Polc Scolan.406
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