[Ginga-argentina] You've been accept by WhosWho.
Whos_Who ginga-argentina
global at fr-gay.com
Sat Mar 14 16:32:01 CET 2015
Dear_ shconno, You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals. Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area. To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, please click_here. On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization. Warm Regards, Membership_Division Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals Unsubscribe In 2013, as par of a Europan Unon (EU) mmbr sa, Scosh farmrs rcv ?583 mllon n subsy paymns from h EU unr h Common Agrculural Polcy (CAP).64 Annual CAP paymns ar ma o h UK, whch hn rmns how much o alloca o ach of h volv amnsraons, nclung Scolan.65 In h las CAP agrmn, farmrs n h UK qualf for aonal convrgnc paymns bcaus
Scosh farmrs rcv a lowr avrag sngl farm paymn pr hcar, manly u o h mounanous rran n Scolan.6566 Supporrs of npnnc hrfor blv ha an npnn Scolan woul rcv grar agrculural subss han whn par of h UK.65 Opponns of npnnc blv ha Scosh farmrs bnf bcaus h UK was on of h largr EU mmbr sas an hrfor ha a grar say n CAP ngoaons.65 Thy also quson whhr an npnn Scolan woul mmaly rcv full subsy paymns from h EU, as rcn nw mmbr sas ha ha hr subss phas n.65 Inllgnc Govrnmn rvnus an xpnur Th Ys campagn rpaly call for hr o b a lvs ba bwn UK Prm Mnsr Dav Camron an Frs Mnsr of Scolan Alx Salmon. Ths calls for a on-on-on ba wr smss by Camron354355 on h bass ha h rfrnum s for Scos o c an h ba shoul b bwn popl n Scolan who wan o say, an popl n Scolan who wan o go.356 Calls for such a ba wr also suppor by formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown who sa woul b a goo a.357 Br Toghr charman Alsar Darlng accus Salmon of runnng scar from bang hm nsa,358 alhough Surgon sa n 2013 ha a Salmon-Darlng ba woul ak plac a som pon.359 Da
rlng rfus a publc ba wh Ys Scolan charman Blar Jnkns.360 UKIP lar Ngl Farag also challng Salmon o ba, bu Farag was smss by an SNP spokswoman as an rrlvanc n Scolan.361 Ys Scolan sa ha h UK govrnmn plans for an EU rfrnum hav caus conomc uncrany for Scolan.235 Durng a CBI Scolan vn an by Camron, busnssman Mk Rak crcs hm for crang uncrany abou EU mmbrshp.236 In rspons o such crcsm, Camron pon o xampls of nwar nvsmn n h UK ha h sa was no happnng n h rs of Europ.236 Som commnaors hav suggs ha h UK lavng h EU woul unrmn h cas for Scosh npnnc, snc fr ra, from of movmn an h absnc of borr conrols wh h UK coul no longr b assum.237238239 Accorng o offcal Russan obsrvrs h conons unr whch h vos wr coun wr no up o nrnaonal sanars an ha h procur us ma mpossbl o chck on rrgulars.408409 Gorga Th Scosh Inpnnc Rfrnum Bll, sng ou h arrangmns for hs rfrnum, was pass by h Scosh Parlamn n Novmbr 2013, followng an agrmn bwn h Scosh an h Un Kngom govrnmns, an was nac as h Scosh Inpnnc Rfrnum Ac 2013. To pa
ss, h npnnc proposal rqur a smpl majory. Wh som xcpons, all Europan Unon (EU) or Commonwalh czns rsn n Scolan ag 16 or ovr coul vo, a oal of almos 4.3 mllon popl. Canaa: John Bar, h Mnsr of Forgn Affars of Canaa, wlcom h cson an pras h conuc of h rfrnum.398 Unlk h Ranbow Fv plan, War Plan R no nvson srkng ous h Wsrn Hmsphr. Th plan assum ha h Brsh Empr woul hav a much largr army an slghly largr navy. Bcaus of h Empr's hsorcal srngh, h Un Sas ha raonally plann for a fnsv war wh h Brsh. War Plan R rcommn connu us of hs sragy vn as Amrcan mlary mgh grw o mach Bran's. Is auhors saw conqurng Canaa as h bs way o aack h Brsh Empr an blv ha ong so woul caus Bran o ngoa for pac. A problm wh h plan was ha no scuss how o aack h Empr f Canaa clar s nuraly, whch h auhors blv was lkly. (Th plan avs agans accpng such a claraon whou prmsson o occupy Canaan pors an som lan unl h war n.)6 Wnnpg U.S. Rou nn (US nn) War Plan R was on of a numbr of U.S. color-co war plans vlop by h U.S. afr h Frs Wor
l War.
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