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US 32 Iowa 1926 shl markrUS 51 uss par of h Jan Aams Mmoral Tollway n Illnos; h ol roa s Illnos Rou 251.4 Ongong concrnsTh Trn nuclar mssl sysm s bas a Coulpor wapons po an naval bas of Faslan n h Frh of Cly ara. Whl h SNP objcs o havng nuclar wapons on Scosh rrory, Brsh mlary lars hav sa ha hr s no alrnav s for h mssls;9192 n Aprl 2014, svral Brsh mlary lars co-sgn a lr sang ha forcng Trn o lav Scosh wars woul plac h UK nuclar rrn n jopary.93 Nowhr o Go, a rpor by Scosh CND, conclu ha h rmoval of Trn from Scolan woul forc unlaral nuclar sarmamn by h Un Kngom, as h wapons hav no vabl alrnav bas.94 A rpor by h Royal Un Srvcs Insu sa ha rlocang Trn woul b vry ffcul, bu no mpossbl an sma ha  woul ak abou 10 yars an cra an aonal cos of aroun ?3 bllon.95Mnzs Campbll wro n Aprl 2014 ha any mocrac fc ha bn arss by crang h volv Scosh Parlamn, an ha Scolan an h Scosh hav njoy nflunc byon our sz or rasonabl xpcaon whn h Brsh govrnmn an h wr polcal sysm.120 Consrvav MP Danl Kawczynsk sa n 2009 
 ha h asymmrc voluon n plac n h UK has cra a mocrac fc for Englan.121 Ths s mor commonly known as h Ws Lohan quson, whch cs h anomaly whr Englsh MPs canno vo on affars volv o Scolan, bu Scosh MPs can vo on h quvaln subjcs n Englan. Kawczynsk also pon ou ha h avrag numbr of vors n a parlamnary consuncy s largr n Englan han n Scolan.121Whl a oubl flash sgnal s characrsc of a nuclar wapons s, h sgnal coul also hav bn a spurous lcronc sgnal gnra by an agng cor n an ol sall, or a moro hng h Vla sall. No corroboraon of an xploson, such as h prsnc of nuclar byproucs n h ar, was vr publcly acknowlg, vn hough hr wr numrous passs n h ara by U.S. Ar Forc plans spcfcally sgn o c arborn raoacv us. Ohr xamnrs of h aa, nclung h Dfns Inllgnc Agncy (DIA), h U.S. Naval Rsarch Laboraory (NRL), an fns conracors, hav com o h concluson ha h flash was no a rsul of a nuclar onaon.456 Much nformaon abou h vn rmans classf.Map of h prsn U.S. Hghway nwork3 Rcovry fforsTo a, no unu lvls of unnaural raoacv conamn
 aon hav bn c n h rgonal Uppr Floran aqufr by h Gorga Dparmn of Naural Rsourcs (ovr an abov h alray hgh lvls hough o b u o monaz, a locally occurrng san naurally hgh n raaon).910Saus of Norhrn an Wsrn Isls2.2 PlaquFormr Labour frs mnsr Hnry McLsh publsh a rpor n May 2014 ha foun no obvous barrrs o an npnn Scolan compng n h 2016 Summr Olympcs.269 McLsh sa ha som ahls, parcularly hos n am spors, may choos o comp for h xsng Gra Bran am rahr han Scolan as hy woul b naonals of boh sas.269 Inrnaonal Olympc Comm rprsnav Crag R pon ou ha Scolan woul n o oban Un Naons mmbrshp an may wan o s s own Olympc qualfyng sanars, whch woul n o b on n h pro bwn npnnc (March 2016) an h closng a for nrs (July 2016).269270Qun Elzabh II of h Un KngomGovrnmn rvnus an xpnurczns of h 27 ohr Europan Unon counrs who ar rsn n Scolan;2.2 PlannngTh prospc of an npnn Scolan has ras qusons abou h fuur of h Norhrn Isls (Orkny an Shlan) an h Wsrn Isls, slan groups off h Scosh manlan. Som slanrs hav call for spara rfrnu
 ms o b hl n h slans on 25 Spmbr 2014, on wk afr h Scosh rfrnum.274275276 In March 2014, h Scosh Parlamn publsh h onln pon  ha rcv callng for such rfrnums, whch was suppor by Shlan MSP Tavsh Sco.277 Th rfrnums woul ask slanrs o choos from hr opons: ha h slan group shoul bcom an npnn counry;  shoul rman n Scolan; or (n h vn of Scosh npnnc)  shoul rman n h UK.278Th Marms n asrn Canaa wr h prmary aras of sragc mporanc for h planTh Labour Pary was comm o hom rul for Scolan n h 1920s, bu  slpp own s agna n h followng yars.2 Th Scosh Naonal Pary (SNP) was form n 1934, bu  no achv sgnfcan lcoral succss unl h 1960s.2 A ocumn callng for hom rul, h Scosh Covnan, was sgn by 2 mllon popl (ou of a populaon of 5 mllon) n h la 1940s.2 Hom rul, now known as Scosh voluon,  no bcom a srous proposal unl h la 1970s as h Labour govrnmn of Jm Callaghan cam unr lcoral prssur from h SNP.2Th Marr Man goglyph pcs a man holng hr a hrowng sck onc us o sprs small flocks of brs, or a boomrang (bu s Plaqu scon blo
 w).Th Marr Man, or Suar's Gan, s a morn goglyph scovr by ar on 26 Jun 1998. I appars o pc an ngnous Ausralan man hunng brs or wallabs wh a boomrang. I ls on a plaau a Fnns Sprngs 60 km (18 m) ws of h ownshp of Marr n cnral Souh Ausrala. I s jus ous h 127,000 squar klomrs (49,000 sq m)1 Woomra Prohb Ara. Th fgur s 4.2 km (2.6 m) all wh a prmr of 15 by 28 klomrs (9.3 m x 17.4 m). Alhough  s h scon largs goglyph n h worl, s orgn rmans a mysry, wh no a sngl wnss o any par of h xpansv opraon. Th nam Suar's Gan was gvn o  n a fax sn o h ma anonymously by hos blv o hav cra h fgur, afr John McDouall Suar.Th Fral-A Hghway Ac of 1956 appropra funng for h Inrsa Hghway Sysm, o consruc a vas nwork of frways across h counry. By 1957, AASHO ha c o assgn a nw gr o h nw rous, o b numbr n h oppos rcons as h U.S. Hghway gr. Though h Inrsa numbrs wr o supplmn, rahr han rplac, h U.S. Rou numbrs, n many cass (spcally n h ws) h US hghways wr rrou along h nw Inrsas.9 Major commssonng of formr rous bgan wh 
 Calforna's hghway rnumbrng n 1964. Th 1985 rmoval of US 66 s ofn sn as h n of an ra of US hghways.30Faals	0Th fnal U.S. Hghway plan as approv Novmbr 11, 1926Th U.S. Rou shl s prn on a squar blank wh a black backgroun. Calforna s h only sa o us an olr cu-ou sgn.Th plan consrs svral lan an sa opons for h aack an conclus ha a lanng a S. Margars Bay, a hn unvlop bay nar Halfax, woul b supror o a rc assaul va h longr ovrlan rou.PlaquNo aacks ous Wsrn HmsphrUnr h rms of h 2010 Draf Bll, h followng popl wr nl o vo n h rfrnum:132 DscovryDomsc raconBorr conrols an mmgraonTh U.S. govrnmn shoul classfy aonal nformaon abou h vn. A horough publc arng of h xsng nformaon coul rsolv h conrovrsy.Norhrn Irlan's Frs Mnsr Pr Robnson an Wlsh Frs Mnsr Carwyn Jons rspon posvly o h rsul. Robnson was lgh Scolan has vo o rman n h Unon.394Span: Spansh Prm Mnsr Marano Rajoy, n a vo mssag, sa ha h Scosh hav avo srous consquncs an hav chosn h mos favourabl opon for vryon; for hmslvs, for all of Bran an for h rs 
 of Europ.402Svral anonymous prss rlass whch appar followng h scovry l o h suggson ha h Marr Man was cra by popl from h Un Sas. Th rlass quo masurmns n mls, yars an nchs, nsa of h mrc sysm usually us n Ausrala. Ths woul b unusual for an Ausralan prss rlas, bu snc h mrc sysm was only nrouc n Ausrala n h arly 1970s, olr Ausralans sll ofn quo mpral masurmns. Th rlass also sa your Sa of SA, Qunslan Barrr Rf an mnon Aborgns from h local Ingnous Trrors, rms no us by Ausralans. Th prss rlass also mnon h Gra Srpn n Oho, whch s no wll known ous h US. Bu  has bn conjcur ha hs faurs of h prss rlass may hav bn r hrrngs, nsr o prov h lluson of Amrcan auhorshp.caon nTh Scosh govrnmn announc on 21 March 2013 ha h rfrnum woul b hl on 18 Spmbr 2014.1 Som ma rpors mnon ha 2014 woul b h 700h annvrsary of h Bal of Bannockburn2526 an ha Scolan woul also hos h 2014 Commonwalh Gams an h 2014 Ryr Cup.26 Salmon agr ha h prsnc of hs vns ma 2014 a goo yar o hol a rfrnum.27A smnar hos by h Carng Enowmn for Inrn
 aonal Pac sa ha h Royal Navy woul hav o consr a rang of alrnavs, nclung sarmamn.96 A rpor n 2013 from h Scolan Insu hnk ank suggs a fuur Scosh govrnmn coul b convnc o las h Faslan nuclar bas o h rs of h UK o manan goo plomac rlaons an xp NATO nry ngoaons.97

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