[Ginga-argentina] ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org You've Been Accepted by Who's Who.

Global Who'sWho globalwhoswho at scorchedlan.com
Sat Jan 3 17:42:13 CET 2015

        Hey dmartin,You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area. >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.Warm Regards,John D'AgostinoMembership DivisionWho's Who Among Executives and Professionals If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's Who mailings, please go _here   Bu mos of Gaza mus awa h monorng mchansm, whch Isral an Palsnan lgaons ar xpc o scuss furhr nx wk n Caro. Offcals a h Un Naons Rlf an Works Agncy, h Un Naons Dvlopmn Program an h Norwgan Rfug Councl, a lang nrnaonal a group, sa h mabl rman lusv. Connu rang h man sory Th mark s obvously counng on anohr srong sals prformanc for h nw Phon, h sa. So far, 's gng ha prformanc. An, h sa, Appl's nvgorang ffc s lkly o connu. Mr. Ackman has wagr $1 bllon ha h nuronal supplmn company Hrbalf wll fal. Cr Sco Ells/Bloombrg Nws, va Gy Imags N.I.H. Clncal Cnr Always a Compon On can nvr b comforabl away from hs hom, sa Mr. Muhsn, 37, a fahr of hr who works for h spors mnsry. H sa h mov back Oc. 1 afr wks wh frns an rlavs. Wnr s comng, col. Insa of payng h mony for h rn, I us  for h rpar. An hy o. Evry mal sun I alk o ha a sory abou nrvnng on h anc floor or a a pary, mosly by jus sayng hllo o somon who look lk a arg of unwan aggrssv anon. Th suns sa hy look ou for hr frns. Thy sa hy look ou for nonfrns who sm ha for runkn roubl. As obsrvrs of a ponally fraugh sxual ncounr, f prhaps no as parcpans, hy  know how o ask, Ar you O.K. wh hs? Dong ha yourslf s way mor awkwar han ong  as a bysanr, a 20-yar-ol rugby playr sa. H cranly has an nvabl long-rm rcor: Hs funs, xclung h Targ an four ohr spara funs, hav rurn 21 prcn n of fs ovr 10 yars, annualz. H has achv  by gong on h offnsv. Mr. Ackman's rol as an acvs hg fun nvsor s o prsua ohr sharholrs ha h knows how o run compans br han currn managmn os. Ths nvolvs rsarch, argumn an, prhaps mos mporan, a snsvy o how vry pronouncmn an gsur wll b prcv. Las yar, Mr. Ackman an som frns ook a scuba-vng rp off h coas of Myanmar. Th sun was warm, h ocan calm, bu vn n hs yllc sng, Mr. Ackman fl compll o vs a compon h coul wn. Afr surfacng from ach v, h chck hs ar gaug agans vryon ls's, o s who ha us h las amoun of oxygn whl vng. Usng lss oxygn suggs lss srss, hus provng who was las ral unr war. Mr. Ackman rally, rally lks o wn. Th Palsnan housng mnsry's amag assssmn s only 60 prcn compl. Offcals say hy hav y o collc a m of h $5.4 bllon ha nrnaonal onors hav plg o h ffor. A proms monorng mchansm o nsur marals ar no vr o mlary purposs s no n plac. Rubbl rmoval has barly bgun. Phoo Upon nry, ach vsor wll g a black pn, qupp wh a small amoun of compur mmory, a ny rao for shor-rang communcaon an a ouch-snsv sylus, whch can b us o wr an raw on larg nracv abls wh ouch-scrn surfacs. Th gal pn s on ngrn n h rsgn of h musum ha s nn o gv vsors xplc prmsson o play an o xplor h procss of sgnng for hmslvs, sa Sbasan Chan, rcor of gal an mrgng ma a Coopr Hw.  
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