[Ginga-argentina] You've been accept by WhosWho.

Whos_Who ginga-argentina global at rowingforum.org
Fri Feb 20 22:38:23 CET 2015

       Dear_ kathy, You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.  Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area.  To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, please click_here.  On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.  Warm Regards,  Membership_Division Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals  Unsubscribe    Form:	Novmbr 11, 19261 Halh car Amnsraon Hsory In 2013, as par of a Europan Unon (EU) mmbr sa, Scosh farmrs rcv ?583 mllon n subsy paymns from h EU unr h Common Agrculural Polcy (CAP).64 Annual CAP paymns ar ma o h UK, whch hn rmns how much o alloca o ach of h volv amnsraons, nclung Scolan.65 In h las CAP agrmn, farmrs 
 n h UK qualf for aonal convrgnc paymns bcaus Scosh farmrs rcv a lowr avrag sngl farm paymn pr hcar, manly u o h mounanous rran n Scolan.6566 Supporrs of npnnc hrfor blv ha an npnn Scolan woul rcv grar agrculural subss han whn par of h UK.65 Opponns of npnnc blv ha Scosh farmrs bnf bcaus h UK was on of h largr EU mmbr sas an hrfor ha a grar say n CAP ngoaons.65 Thy also quson whhr an npnn Scolan woul mmaly rcv full subsy paymns from h EU, as rcn nw mmbr sas ha ha hr subss phas n.65 Th Marr Man goglyph pcs a man holng hr a hrowng sck onc us o sprs small flocks of brs, or a boomrang (bu s Plaqu scon blow). A pon manng a scon rfrnum, bas on allgaons of vo mscounng, gan mor han 70,000 sgnaurs n 24 hours. Th ponrs rfrr o nws fooag ha hy clam show unprocural mpyng of h boxs, a vo-counr placng Ys-vos bwn No-vos, an offcal fllng n No-vos on ballo paprs, an Ys-vos on op of sacks plac on No-vos sorng abls, as wll as o fals fr-alarms an subsqun vacuaon of pollng saons.410 In rspons, h Chf Counn
 g Offcr, Mary Pcahly, clar ha h rfrnum ha bn proprly conuc. An offcal spoksprson rra hs pon, sayng ha hy wr sasf ha all couns hroughou Scolan wr proprly conuc an ha ncns n h fooag wr bng prsn as a 'conspracy' hory.411 Th Scosh govrnmn propos ha all Scosh-born Brsh czns woul auomacally bcom Scosh czns on h a of npnnc, rgarlss of whhr or no hy wr hn lvng n Scolan. Brsh czns habually rsn n Scolan woul also b consr Scosh czns, vn f hy alray hl h cznshp of anohr counry. Evry prson who woul auomacally b consr a Scosh czn woul b abl o op ou of Scosh cznshp prov hy alray hl h cznshp of anohr counry.76 Th Scosh govrnmn also propos ha anyon wh a Scosh parn or granparn woul b abl o apply for rgsraon as a Scosh czn, an any forgn naonal lvng n Scolan lgally, or who ha lv n Scolan for a las 10 yars a any m an ha an ongong conncon o Scolan, shoul b abl o apply for nauralsaon as a Scosh czn.76 Th UK Hom Scrary, Thrsa May, sa fuur polcs of an npnn Scosh govrnmn woul affc whhr Scosh czns woul b allow
  o ran Brsh cznshp.77 An analyss papr publsh by h UK govrnmn n January 2014 sa ha  was lkly ha Scos woul b abl o hol ual cznshp;78 howvr, h ualy was consr wh rspc o all ohr counrs, no spcfcally o h rs of h UK. Th possbly of holng ual UK-Scolan cznshps coul b subjc o h proof of affny.79 US 51 uss par of h Jan Aams Mmoral Tollway n Illnos; h ol roa s Illnos Rou 251. 9 Furhr rang 6 Nos Racons In January 2013, h Brsh Prm Mnsr, Dav Camron, comm h Consrvav Pary o a rfrnum n 2017 on UK mmbrshp of h EU f hy wn h 2015 gnral lcon.231 Lgslaon for an n/ou EU rfrnum was approv by h Hous of Commons n Novmbr 2013.232 Sus hav shown som vrgnc n aus o h EU n Scolan an h rs of h UK. Alhough a Scosh govrnmn rvw bas on survy aa bwn 1999 an 2005 foun ha popl n Scolan rpor broaly smlar Euroscpc vws as popl n Bran as a whol,233 Ipsos MORI no n Fbruary 2013 ha vors n Scolan sa hy woul choos o rman n h EU n a rfrnum, whl hr was a majory for whrawal n Englan.234  
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