[Ginga-argentina] Spam: Cut your electric bill by up to 70% with Solar Panels ginga-argentina.

Solar Panels solap-ginga-argentina at lifezones.org
Fri Feb 20 15:37:25 CET 2015

       Having trouble viewing this email? Click here.            © 2015__National__Solar__Program    To be removed from this mailing list mail us at 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd #227, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 or click here     War Plan R frs s ou a scrpon of Canaa's gography, mlary rsourcs, an ransporaon, an wn on o valua a srs of possbl pr-mpv Amrcan campagns o nva Canaa n svral aras an occupy ky pors an ralways bfor Brsh roops coul prov rnforcmn o h Canaans - h assumpon bng ha Bran woul us Canaa as a sagng pon. Th a was ha h Amrcan aacks on Canaa woul prvn Bran from usng Canaan rsourcs, pors, or arbass.2 Da	Fbruary 5, 1958 Mar Collson summary 1.2 Dv an spcal rous Currncy Anonymous prss rlass Onln campagns Opponns of npnnc say ha bng par of h UK s crucal n allowng Scos o oban spcals ramn lswhr n h UK.242 A prsn, NHS Scolan has rcprocal arrangmns n plac wh h NHS srvcs n h rs of h UK an spcals srvcs ar shar.241 Vo No Borrs, a unons campagn group, ran a cnma avr clamng ha Scos woul fn 
  mor ffcul o oban ramn a h Gra Ormon Sr Hospal (GOSH), a Lonon facly whch spcalss n car for chlrn.246247 Vo No Borrs whrw h avr afr GOSH complan ha  ha no bn consul abou h avr an sa ha hy hav rcprocal halh car agrmns wh numrous counrs.246247 Th Royal Un Srvcs Insu sa n 2012 ha an npnn Scolan coul s up a Scosh Dfnc Forc, comparabl n sz an srngh o hos of ohr small Europan sas lk Dnmark, Norway an Irlan, a an annual cos of ?1.8 bllon.89 Th auhors acknowlg ha an npnn Scolan woul n o com o som arrangmn wh h rs of h UK on nllgnc-gahrng, cybr-warfar an cybr-fnc, ha h fuur cos of purchasng an mananng qupmn of s forcs mgh b hghr u o smallr orrs, an ha rcrumn an ranng may prov problmac n h arly yars.89 Th arwork was call nvronmnal vanalsm by h formr Envronmn mnsr, Dorohy Koz, an graff by h Souh Ausralan chf of Aborgnal affars, Dav Ruhman.9 Ys Scolan sa ha h UK govrnmn plans for an EU rfrnum hav caus conomc uncrany for Scolan.235 Durng a CBI Scolan vn an by Camron, busnssman Mk Rak crcs hm for
  crang uncrany abou EU mmbrshp.236 In rspons o such crcsm, Camron pon o xampls of nwar nvsmn n h UK ha h sa was no happnng n h rs of Europ.236 Som commnaors hav suggs ha h UK lavng h EU woul unrmn h cas for Scosh npnnc, snc fr ra, from of movmn an h absnc of borr conrols wh h UK coul no longr b assum.237238239 Prm Mnsr Dav Camron sa h was lgh wh h rsul, gong on o say ha  woul hav brokn my har o s our Un Kngom com o an n an I know ha hs snmn was shar no jus by popl across our counry bu also aroun h worl.394 Anohr major conomc ssu was h currncy ha woul b us by an npnn Scolan.147 Th prncpal opons wr o sablsh an npnn Scosh currncy, jon h uro, or ran h poun srlng147 (a form of currncy subsuon).148 Typ	Bong B-47 TIROS-N plasma aa an rla gophyscal aa masur on 22 Spmbr 1979 wr analyz o rmn whhr h lcron prcpaon vn c by TIROS-N a 00:54:49 unvrsal m coul hav bn rla o a surfac nuclar burs (SNB). Th occurrnc of such a burs was nfrr from lgh sgnals c by wo Vla bhangmrs -2 mn bfor h TIROS-N vn. W 
 foun h prcpaon o b unusually larg bu no unqu. I probably rsul from passag of TIROS-N hrough h prcpang lcrons abov a pr-xsng auroral arc ha may hav brghn o an unusually hgh nnsy from naural causs -3 mn bfor h Vla sgnals....W conclu ha such an vn, alhough rar, s no unqu an, furhrmor, ha hs parcular vn was assoca wh an auroral arc ha probably xs bfor h Vla vn. Alhough  may b argu ha h sgmn of h arc sampl by h TIROS-N was nnsf by a SNB, w fn no vnc o suppor hs hss or o suggs ha h obsrvaon was anyhng bu h rsul of naural magnosphrc procsss. In Ocobr 1999, a wh papr ha was publsh by h U.S. Sna Rpublcan Polcy Comm n opposon o h Comprhnsv Ts Ban Tray sa: Vong In h hr Scosh Parlamn, only 50 of 129 MSPs (47 SNP, 2 Grns, an Margo MacDonal) suppor a rfrnum.1516 Th Scosh govrnmn whrw h bll afr falng o scur opposon suppor.717 Marr man aral phoograph 1998   
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