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Tue Apr 28 17:57:09 CEST 2015

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	War Plan R was on of a numbr of U.S. color-co war plans vlop by h U.S. afr h Frs Worl War. alisonreddick Bfor h U.S. Rous wr sgna, auo rals sgna by auo ral assocaons wr h man mans of markng roas hrough h Un Sas. In 1925, h Jon Boar on Inrsa Hghways, rcommn by h Amrcan Assocaon of Sa Hghway Offcals (AASHO), work o form a naonal numbrng sysm o raonalz h roas. Afr svral mngs, a fnal rpor was approv by h U.S. Dparmn of Agrculur n Novmbr 1925. Thy rcv complans from across h counry abou h assgnmn of rous, so h Boar ma svral mofcaons; h U.S. Hghway Sysm was approv n Novmbr 1926. As a rsul of compromss ma o g h U.S. Hghway Sysm approv, many rous wr v, wh algnmns o srv ffrn owns. In subsqun yars, AASHTO call for such spls n U.S. Rous o b lmna. Th npnnc rfrnum quson, whch vors answr wh Ys or No, was Shoul Scolan b an npnn counry? Th No s won, wh 55.3% vong agans npnnc. Th urnou of 84.6% was unusually hgh for a ballo n h Un Kngom. Som rcn an propos Inrsas, som of hm ou-of-plac n h gr, also vol
 a hs: I-41 an US 41 n Wsconsn (whch wll run concurrnly),12 I-49 an US 49 n Arkansas,713 I-69 an US 69 n Txas,714 an I-74 an US 74 n Norh Carolna (whch run concurrnly).15 Th Trn nuclar mssl sysm s bas a Coulpor wapons po an naval bas of Faslan n h Frh of Cly ara. Whl h SNP objcs o havng nuclar wapons on Scosh rrory, Brsh mlary lars hav sa ha hr s no alrnav s for h mssls;9192 n Aprl 2014, svral Brsh mlary lars co-sgn a lr sang ha forcng Trn o lav Scosh wars woul plac h UK nuclar rrn n jopary.93 Nowhr o Go, a rpor by Scosh CND, conclu ha h rmoval of Trn from Scolan woul forc unlaral nuclar sarmamn by h Un Kngom, as h wapons hav no vabl alrnav bas.94 A rpor by h Royal Un Srvcs Insu sa ha rlocang Trn woul b vry ffcul, bu no mpossbl an sma ha  woul ak abou 10 yars an cra an aonal cos of aroun ?3 bllon.95 Anonymous prss rlass Hsory Th SNP sa ha hr was a fnc unrspn of a las ?7.4 bllon bwn 2002 an 2012 n Scolan an ha npnnc woul allow h Scosh govrnmn o corrc hs mbalanc.80 In s wh papr, h Scos
 h govrnmn plann ha an npnn Scolan woul hav a oal of 15,000 rgular an 5,000 rsrv prsonnl across lan, ar an marm forcs by 2026.81 In July 2013, h SNP propos ha hr woul b a ?2.5 bllon annual mlary bug n an npnn Scolan.82 Th Hous of Commons Dfnc Slc Comm sa ha h ?2.5bn bug was oo low.83 Anrw Murrson, UK Mnsr for Inrnaonal Scury Sragy agr an sa  was rsbl for h SNP o suggs  coul cra an npnn forc by salam-slcng from currn Brsh arm forcs uns.84 In January 2012, Elan Murray MSP of Labour l a ba argung ha h franchs shoul b xn o Scos lvng ous Scolan, nclung h approxmaly 800,000 lvng n h ohr pars of h UK.35 Ths was oppos by h Scosh Govrnmn, whch argu ha  woul graly ncras h complxy of h rfrnum an sa ha hr was vnc from h Un Naons Human Rghs Comm ha ohr naons mgh quson h lgmacy of a rfrnum f h franchs s no rroral.35 Brsh sragy for war agans h Un Sas In h US Hghway sysm, hr-g numbrs ar assgn o spurs of wo-g rous. US 201, for xampl, spls from US 1 a Brunswck, Man, an runs norh o Canaa.7 No all spurs
  ravl n h sam rcon as hr parns; som ar connc o hr parns only by ohr spurs, or no a all, nsa only ravlng nar hr parns. As orgnally assgn, h frs g of h spurs ncras from norh o souh an as o ws along h parn; for xampl, US 60 ha spurs, runnng from as o ws, sgna as US 160 n Mssour, US 260 n Oklahoma, US 360 n Txas, an US 460 an US 560 n Nw Mxco.8 As wh h wo-g rous, hr-g rous hav bn a, rmov, xn an shorn; h parn-chl rlaonshp s no always prsn. For xampl, svral spurs of h commsson US 66 sll xs. US 191 ravls from borr o borr alhough s parn, US 91, has bn largly rplac by Inrsa 15 (I-15).79 Norway: Facng h rsul of h rfrnum, Erna Solbrg, Prm Mnsr of Norway, sa o Norwgan broacasr NRK sh was 'gla' Scolan chos o rman n unon an ha Scosh npnnc coul hav bcom challngng for Norway as a nghbourng counry.401 Whl AASHTO gulns spcfcally prohb Inrsa Hghways an U.S. Rous from sharng a numbr whn h sam sa11 (whch s why hr ar no Inrsas 50 or 60), h nal Inrsa numbrng approv n 1958 vola hs wh I-24 an US 24 n Illnos
  an I-40, I-80, US 40 an US 80 n Calforna (US 40 an US 80 wr rmov from Calforna n s 1964 rnumbrng).9 Dsagrmn an rfnmn 1925-26 Scnfc rsarch Lonar Wss, a h m Saff Drcor of h Sna Subcomm on Enrgy an Nuclar Prolfraon, has also ras concrns abou h fnngs of h A-Hoc Panl, argung ha  was s up by h Carr amnsraon o counr mbarrassng an growng opnon ha  was an Isral nuclar s.29 Spcfc nllgnc abou h Isral nuclar program was no shar wh h panl whos rpor hrfor prouc h plausbl nably ha h amnsraon sough.29 Th Scosh npnnc rfrnum was a rfrnum on Scosh npnnc ha ook plac n Scolan on 18 Spmbr 2014.1 2 Ouln On 8 Spmbr, formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown suggs a mabl for h aonal powrs o b mplmn n h vn of a no vo.128 H propos ha work on a nw Scolan Ac woul bgn mmaly afr h rfrnum, rsulng n h publcaon of a wh papr by h n of Novmbr 2014.128 Two ays bfor h rfrnum, h hr man UK pary lars (Camron, Mlban an Clgg) publcly plg o nrouc xnsv nw powrs by h mabl suggs an ha h Barn formula of publc funng woul b connu.129 

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