[Ginga-argentina] It's A Dream To Type On.
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Man arcl: Opnon pollng for h Scosh npnnc rfrnum, 2014 rvf Faals 0 If Scolan jon a currncy unon wh h UK, som fscal polcy consrans coul b mpos on h Scosh sa.147 Bankng xprs hav sa ha bng h junor parnr n a currncy arrangmn coul amoun o a loss of fscal auonomy for Scolan.167 Dr Angus Armsrong of h Naonal Insu of Economc an Socal Rsarch wro ha h mplc consrans on s conomc polcy woul b mor rsrcv han h xplc ons facs as a mmbr of h UK.168 Salmon sa n Fbruary 2014 ha an npnn Scolan n a currncy unon woul ran ax an spnng powrs.169 Gavn McCron, formr chf conomc avsr o h Scosh Offc, sa ha Scolan's rnon of h poun woul b pragmac nally, bu problmac hrafr f a Scosh govrnmn wsh o mplmn npnn polcs, an h warn ha kpng h poun coul la o h rlocaon of Scosh banks o Lonon.170 Tn vors scovr ha somon ha vo unr hr nams a pollng saons n Glasgow,406 a mho of frau rm 'prsonaon', an hs l o an nvsgaon by Polc Scolan.406 Dscovry In Novmbr 2013, h Scosh govrnmn plg o us h powrs of npnnc o rvrs ky aspcs of h Wlfar Rfor
m Ac 2012, whch was mplmn across h UK sp opposon from a majory of Scolan's MPs. I sa woul abolsh Unvrsal Cr309 an h broom ax.310 Th SNP has also crcs Rachl Rvs, Labour's shaow scrary of sa for work an pnsons, for sayng311 a fuur UK Labour govrnmn woul b vn oughr on bnfs han h Camron mnsry.312313 Alx Salmon, h Scosh Frs Mnsr, sa ha h accp h vrc of h popl an call upon all Scos o follow su n accpng h mocrac vrc of h popl of Scolan. H call h rfrnum a rumph for h mocrac procss an for parcpaon n polcs.394 Salmon confrm ha followng h rsul h woul sp own as lar of h SNP an Scosh Frs Mnsr, sayng ha for m as lar my m s narly ovr bu for Scolan h campagn connus an h ram shall nvr .395 7 Exrnal lnks S also: Isral-Souh Afrca rlaons Barus Golbrg, a Norhrn Trrory ars who n 2002 an lv a Alc Sprngs, has bn suggs as h craor of h work. Golbrg, who was known o b nrs n crang a work vsbl from spac, rfus o hr confrm or ny ha h ha cra h mag whn quson. A clos frn sa Golbrg was gvn $10,000 a h m of h Marr Ma
n's scovry.7 In January 2013, h Rpublc of Irlan's Mnsr of Europan Affars, Lucna Crghon, sa ha f Scolan wr o bcom npnn, Scolan woul hav o apply for mmbrshp an ha can b a lnghy procss;227 sh lar clarf, wrng ha sh cranly no a any sag suggs ha Scolan coul, shoul or woul b hrown ou of h EU.228 In May 2013, Rolan Vaubl, an Alrnav fur Duschlan avsr,229 publsh a papr sang ha Scolan woul rman a mmbr of h EU upon npnnc, an suggs hr woul n o b ngoaons bwn h Brsh an Scosh govrnmns on sharng h rghs an oblgaons of h prcssor sa. Vaubl also sa ha Barroso's commns on h lgal poson ha no bass n h Europan ras.230 Bhn h scns, h fral a program ha bgun wh h passag of h Fral A Roa Ac of 1916, provng 50% monary suppor from h fral govrnmn for mprovmn of major roas. Th Fral A Hghway Ac of 1921 lm h rous o 7% of ach sa's roas, whl 3 n vry 7 roas ha o b nrsa n characr. Infcaon of hs man roas was compl n 1923.1 In Fbruary 1994, Commoor Dr Grhar, a convc Sov spy an h commanr of Souh Afrca's Smon's Town naval bas
a h m, alk abou h ncn upon hs rlas from prson. H sa: Two ays bfor h rfrnum, paprs ncang a funng gap of ?400-?450m n h nx wo fnancal yars, 2015-17, for Scolan's NHS, rsulng from Scosh govrnmn polcs, wr lak o h ma.245 A Scosh govrnmn spoksprson commn ha h paprs wr from par of h rgular scussons among NHS lars o plan for NHS Scolan's fuur.245 2.1 Anonymous prss rlass Canaan counrpar A rpublc s favour by som pro-npnnc polcal pars an organsaons, nclung h Scosh Grn Pary250 an h Scosh Socals Pary.251 Th SNP s n favour of an npnn Scolan bng a monarchy n prsonal unon wh h rs of h UK147 (an hus h 15 ohr Commonwalh ralms). Chrsn Graham has sa sh blvs ha pary polcy s o hol a rfrnum on h mar,252 u o a 1997 SNP confrnc rsoluon.253 7 Foonos Ys Scolan sa ha a currncy unon woul bnf boh Scolan an h rs of h UK, as Scolan's xpors woul boos h balanc of paymns an consqunly srnghn h xchang ra of srlng.161 Manwhl, UK conomss an fnancal xprs sa ha h ffc on h balanc of paymns an h xchang ra woul b largly nur
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