[Ginga-argentina] Introducing The True Laptop Killer.
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Tue Apr 21 12:38:54 CEST 2015
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Man arcl: Consuonal saus of Orkny, Shlan an h Wsrn Isls merel 7 Rfrncs Alx Salmon, h Scosh Frs Mnsr, sa ha h accp h vrc of h popl an call upon all Scos o follow su n accpng h mocrac vrc of h popl of Scolan. H call h rfrnum a rumph for h mocrac procss an for parcpaon n polcs.394 Salmon confrm ha followng h rsul h woul sp own as lar of h SNP an Scosh Frs Mnsr, sayng ha for m as lar my m s narly ovr bu for Scolan h campagn connus an h ram shall nvr .395 Whrvr an alrna rou s no suabl for s own unqu wo-g sgnaon, sanar procur assgns h unqualf numbr o h olr or shorr rou, whl h ohr rou uss h sam numbr mark by a sanar srp abov s shl carryng h wor Alrna. A ay bfor h rfrnum Alsar Carmchal, h MP for Orkny an Shlan, suggs ha f Shlan wr o vo srongly agans npnnc bu h Scosh naonal vo was narrowly n favour, hn a scusson shoul b ha abou Shlan bcomng a slf-govrnng crown pnncy ous of npnn Scolan, smlar o h Isl of Man. H sa ha h no wan such crcumsancs o ars, an h bs way o avo hs was o vo no n h rfrnum.
285286 Afr workng wh sas o g hr approval, h comm xpan h hghway sysm o 75,800 mls (122,000 km), or 2.6% of oal mlag, ovr 50% mor han h plan approv Augus 4. Th sklon of h numbrng plan was suggs on Augus 27 by Ewn Warly Jams of h BPR, who mach pary o rcon, an la ou a rough gr. Major rous from h arlr map wr assgn numbrs nng n 0, 1 or 5 (5 was soon rlga o lss-major saus), an shor conncons rcv hr-g numbrs bas on h man hghway from whch hy spurr. Th fv-man comm m Spmbr 25, an subm h fnal rpor o h Jon Boar scrary on Ocobr 26.1 Th boar sn h rpor o h Scrary of Agrculur of Ocobr 30, an h approv Novmbr 18, 1925.8 Followng h rsul of h rfrnum, housans of 'Ys' supporrs jon a pary ha suppor Scosh npnnc. SNP mmbrshp ncras from 25,000 o 42,000 by 22 Spmbr.416417 Mmbrshp of h Scosh Grn Pary mor han oubl from aroun 2,000 o ovr 5,000 n h sam m fram, whl h Scosh Socals Pary also saw mmbrshp ncras.417 Th pars clam ha many of h nw mmbrs wr formr Labour mmbrs who vo 'Ys' n h rfrnum, agans hr pars aop poson
on h mar.417 By 28 Spmbr, SNP mmbrshp was 66,000 an Scosh Grn Pary mmbrshp ha ncras fourfol snc h rfrnum.418 Consrvav MP Dav Munll sa ha 80,000 popl ha sgn up o hr Frns of h Unon group urng h campagn.418 Ths popl ha no ncssarly bcom full mmbrs of h Consrvav Pary bcaus hy wr no focus on ncrasng h numbr of car-carryng mmbrs.418 Da Fbruary 5, 1958 Sysm nformaon Mnzs Campbll wro n Aprl 2014 ha any mocrac fc ha bn arss by crang h volv Scosh Parlamn, an ha Scolan an h Scosh hav njoy nflunc byon our sz or rasonabl xpcaon whn h Brsh govrnmn an h wr polcal sysm.120 Consrvav MP Danl Kawczynsk sa n 2009 ha h asymmrc voluon n plac n h UK has cra a mocrac fc for Englan.121 Ths s mor commonly known as h Ws Lohan quson, whch cs h anomaly whr Englsh MPs canno vo on affars volv o Scolan, bu Scosh MPs can vo on h quvaln subjcs n Englan. Kawczynsk also pon ou ha h avrag numbr of vors n a parlamnary consuncy s largr n Englan han n Scolan.121 On 8 Spmbr, formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown suggs a mabl for h aon
al powrs o b mplmn n h vn of a no vo.128 H propos ha work on a nw Scolan Ac woul bgn mmaly afr h rfrnum, rsulng n h publcaon of a wh papr by h n of Novmbr 2014.128 Two ays bfor h rfrnum, h hr man UK pary lars (Camron, Mlban an Clgg) publcly plg o nrouc xnsv nw powrs by h mabl suggs an ha h Barn formula of publc funng woul b connu.129 Th rsk of corroson of h bomb's alloy casng s lssn f s complly covr n san. Bu f par of h casng s xpos o sawar u o h shfng sraa n whch s bur, rap corroson coul occur, as monsra n smulaon xprmns. Evnually, h hghly nrch uranum coul lach ou of h vc an nr h aqufr surrounng h connnal shlf n ha ara. Sorms, hurrcans, an srong currns frqunly shf h san hr. In Spmbr, polls nca ha h vo woul b closr han was nca arlr. On 6 Spmbr a YouGov poll gav hos n favour 47% vrsus 45% for hos agans; xclung hos unc, h fgurs wr 51% an 49%, rspcvly.379 Th fnal polls, akn n h las fw ays of h campagn, nca a la for No of 4-6%.380 Thr was no x poll; nsa, soon afr pollng saons ha clos,
YouGov rlas a fnal poll ha ha bn akn urng h ay of vong, ncang 46% Ys, 54% No.381382 In July 2013, h Scosh govrnmn ma h Lrwck Dclaraon, ncang an nrs n volvng powr o Scolan's slans. By Novmbr, ha ma a commmn o volv furhr powrs o Orkny, Shlan an h Wsrn Isls n h vn of npnnc.283 Svn Hl call for lgslaon o ha ffc o b nrouc rgarlss of h rfrnum rsul.284 Souh Afrca Rsponsbly for halh car has bn volv o h Scosh Parlamn snc was sablsh n 1999.240 Th Scosh govrnmn has nac halh polcs whch ar ffrn from hos n Englan, such as abolshng chargs for prscrpons an lrly prsonal car.240 NHS Scolan has bn opraonally npnn of h NHS n h rs of h Un Kngom snc h formaon of h NHS n 1948.241242 Supporrs of npnnc argu ha npnnc s n bcaus possbl rucons n h NHS bug n Englan woul rsul n ruc funng for Scolan, whch woul mak ffcul o manan h xsng srvc.242 Harry Burns a formr chf mcal offcr for Scolan, sa n July 2014 ha h hough npnnc coul b bnfcal for publc halh bcaus may gv popl grar conrol of hr lvs.243 US 412 uss h Cmar
ron Turnpk n Oklahoma; h ol roa s US 64. Th quo on h plaqu bur a h fgur coms from a book, Th R Cnr, by H.H. Fnlayson, n a scon scrbng h hunng of wallabs wh hrowng scks an wh phoographs of hunrs whou lon clohs an wh ohr als lk h Marr Man.5 In h book can b uc ha h subjc s a hunr from h Pjanjajara rb.6 Durng h campagn ach of h hr man UK pars conuc rvws no voluon, wh ach rcommnng ha mor powrs shoul b volv o h Scosh Parlamn.122123 On h mornng pror o a lvs ba bwn Alx Salmon an Alsar Darlng,124 a jon samn was publsh by Br Toghr. Co-sgn by h 3 man UK pary lars, sa a commmn o gran Scolan ncras powr ovr omsc axs an pars of h socal scury sysm.125 Bors Johnson, h Consrvav mayor of Lonon, sa hs opposon o gvng h Scosh Parlamn grar fscal powrs.126 Durng h scon lvs ba, Salmon challng Darlng o spcfy whch aonal powrs ha coul hlp cra grar mploymn n Scolan woul b gran f hr was a no vo.127 Durng a vs o Scolan lar ha wk, Dav Camron proms mor powrs soon.127
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