[Ginga-argentina] You've been accept by WhosWho.

Whos_Who ginga-argentina global at ibayhk.com
Thu Apr 9 21:23:23 CEST 2015

       Dear_ jmulcahy, You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.  Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area.  To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, please click_here.  On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.  Warm Regards,  Membership_Division Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals  Unsubscribe    Shorly afr s scovry, h s was clos by h Souh Ausralan govrnmn followng lgal acon akn n la July by Nav Tl Clamans bu, as of 2010, joy flghs wr sll allow ovr h s as Nav l falls unr fral govrnmn jurscon. In 1995 h Naonal Hghway Sysm was fn o nclu boh h Inrsa Hghway Sysm an ohr roas sgna as mporan o h naon's conomy, fns, 
 an mobly. Grhar furhr sa ha no Souh Afrcan naval vssls ha bn nvolv, an ha h ha no frs-han knowlg of a nuclar s. Svral yars afr h n of wh rul h Souh Afrcan govrnmn am h aparh govrnmn ha n possss sx assmbl nuclar wapons bu h aparh govrnmn ha smanl hm bfor h changovr o h Afrcan Naonal Congrss govrnmn, hr was no mnon spcfcally of h Vla ncn or of Isral coopraon n Souh Afrca's nuclar program. Thr was nally som quson as o whhr h fgur s holng a hrowng sck or a boomrang, bu hs ssus sm o hav bn rsolv followng scovry of h plaqu an h orgn of h plaqu quo an lkly sourc phoographs of smlar nu hunrs.5 Th han whch s no hrowng has h corrc posur n h normal Aborgnal chnqu for hrowng.6 Th naon scars plac on h chs hav also bn sa o hav bn plac prfcly. Th fgur appars o b an amalgam of h boy of a man phoograph n h sncv hrowng sanc an h ha of anohr man warng a haban an chgnon. Dsagrmn an rfnmn 1925-26 In h 2010 Draf Bll, h Scosh govrnmn propos ha hr woul b a sgna organsaon campagnng for a 'Ys' vo an a sgna o
 rgansaon campagnng for a 'No' vo, boh of whch woul b prm o spn up o ?750,000 on hr campagn an o sn on fr malsho o vry houshol or vor n h rfrnum franchs. Thr was o b no publc funng for campagns. Polcal pars wr ach o b allow o spn ?100,000.13 Ths propos lm on pary spnng was rvs o ?250,000 n 2012.44 1 Dcon Qun Elzabh II of h Un Kngom Th gap narrow afr h rlas of h Scosh govrnmn wh papr on npnnc: an avrag of 5 polls n Dcmbr 2013 an January 2014 gav 39% ys an 61% no, onc 'on' knows' ha bn xclu.375 Th polls ghn furhr afr h Chancllor of h Exchqur, Gorg Osborn, sa n Fbruary ha h UK govrnmn was oppos o a currncy unon; h avrag ys suppor ncras o 43%, onc 'on' knows' ha bn xclu.376 Thr was ll movmn n h followng monhs, wh h avrag connung o show 43% ys an 57% no (xclung on' knows) n July 2014377 an Augus 2014.378 Currncy Th U.S. Rou shl s prn on a squar blank wh a black backgroun. Calforna s h only sa o us an olr cu-ou sgn. US 28 Orgon 1948 shl markr Borr conrols an mmgraon  
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