[Ginga-argentina] You've been accept by WhosWho.

Whos_Who ginga-argentina global at openlime.net
Sat Apr 4 21:40:34 CEST 2015

       Dear_ vackerma, You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.  Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area.  To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, please click_here.  On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.  Warm Regards,  Membership_Division Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals  Unsubscribe    Th SNP rpa s commmn o hol a rfrnum whn  publsh s 2011 Scosh parlamnary lcon manfso.18 Days bfor h lcon, Salmon sa ha lgslaon for a rfrnum woul b propos n h 2n half of h parlamn, as h wan o scur mor powrs for h Scosh Parlamn va h Scolan Bll frs.19 Th SNP gan an ovrall majory n h lcon, wnnng 69 from 129 sas, hrby ganng
  a mana o hol an npnnc rfrnum.2021 Shorly afr s scovry, h s was clos by h Souh Ausralan govrnmn followng lgal acon akn n la July by Nav Tl Clamans bu, as of 2010, joy flghs wr sll allow ovr h s as Nav l falls unr fral govrnmn jurscon. 2.3 Souh Afrca Svral rous approv snc 1980 o no follow h numbrng parn: Th normal vong ag was ruc from 18 o 16 for h rfrnum, as  was SNP polcy o ruc h vong ag for all lcons n Scolan.133132 Th mov was suppor by Labour, h Lbral Dmocras an h Scosh Grns.3334 Th xploson was pck up by a par of snsors on only on of h svral Vla salls; ohr smlar salls wr lookng a ffrn pars of h arh, or wahr conons prclu hm sng h sam vn.22 Th Vla salls ha prvously c 41 amosphrc ss -- by counrs such as Franc an h PRC -- ach of whch was subsqunly confrm by ohr mans, nclung sng for raoacv fallou. Th absnc of any such corroboraon of a nuclar orgn for h Vla Incn also suggs ha h oubl flash sgnal was a spurous 'zoo' sgnal of unknown orgn, possbly caus by h mpac of a mcromoro. Such 'zoo' 
 sgnals whch mmck nuclar xplosons ha bn rcv svral ms arlr.23 7 Rfrncs In h Hous of Lors, Baronss Symons argu ha h rs of h UK shoul b allow o vo on Scosh npnnc, on h grouns ha  woul affc h whol counry. Ths argumn was rjc by h Brsh govrnmn, as h Avoca Gnral for Scolan Lor Wallac sa ha whhr or no Scolan shoul lav h Un Kngom s a mar for Scolan.35 Wallac also pon o h fac ha only wo of 11 rfrnums snc 1973 ha bn across all of h Un Kngom.35 Profssor John Curc also argu ha h Norhrn Irlan sovrgny rfrnum of 1973 cra a prcn for allowng only hos rsn n on par of h UK o vo on s sovrgny.36 US 412 also uss h Chrok Turnpk n Oklahoma; h ol roa s Alrna US 412. Prsng Offcrs (on pr pollng plac).384 Thy wr rsponsbl for h ovrall managmn of h pollng plac. Caalona: Arur Mas, Prsn of h Gnrala of Caalona, scrb h rfrnum as a mol for a fuur vo n h Caalona, an sa Wha happn n Scolan s no a sback for us, bcaus wha w rally wan n Caalona s o hav h chanc o vo.404 On h ay afr h Scosh rfrnum, h Caalan parlamn vo o hol a 
 popular consulaon on Caalan npnnc, whch s schul for 9 Novmbr 2014.405 Th Spansh govrnmn has sa ha such a rfrnum woul b unconsuonal an ha hy wll amp o prvn  n h cours.405 Th Ys campagn rpaly call for hr o b a lvs ba bwn UK Prm Mnsr Dav Camron an Frs Mnsr of Scolan Alx Salmon. Ths calls for a on-on-on ba wr smss by Camron354355 on h bass ha h rfrnum s for Scos o c an h ba shoul b bwn popl n Scolan who wan o say, an popl n Scolan who wan o go.356 Calls for such a ba wr also suppor by formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown who sa  woul b a goo a.357 Br Toghr charman Alsar Darlng accus Salmon of runnng scar from bang hm nsa,358 alhough Surgon sa n 2013 ha a Salmon-Darlng ba woul ak plac a som pon.359 Darlng rfus a publc ba wh Ys Scolan charman Blar Jnkns.360 UKIP lar Ngl Farag also challng Salmon o ba, bu Farag was smss by an SNP spokswoman as an rrlvanc n Scolan.361 1 Hsory  
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