[Ginga-argentina] Transform Your iPad Into A Laptop Replacement.
tfire.ginga-argentina at tellmyip.net
Sat Apr 4 14:50:59 CEST 2015
Touch__fire Touchfire,_Inc. | 1117_NW_54th__Street | Seattle,_WA_98107 Attention iPad Owners: Bluetooth Keyboards Are A Thing Of The Past. | Introducing The All-New Touchfire Case and Keyboard | Unlike bluetooth keyboards, Touchfire... -Isn’t An Extra Device You Have To Carry -Doesn’t Add Any Noticeable Size Or Weight -Won’t Drain Your iPad’s Battery -Doesn’t Need To Pair Or Synch With Your iPad -Is Affordable And Has A Lifetime Warranty | Over 35,000 Satisfied Customers!| “Incredibly Simple To Use. Like Typing On A Physical Keyboard” - The New York Times | “I love it! I love it!” ~ Kathy Lee - Today Show | “An Ingenious Idea” - TIME Touchfire,_Inc. | 1117_NW_54th_Street | Seattle,_WA 98107 To__unsubscribe click__here Hsory tward Conns h 5 S also Aonally, arly chncal spculaon
also xamn h possbly ha h Vla ha rcor a combnaon of naural phnomna, such as lghnng n conjuncon wh a mor srk. Ohr arly ma rpors of h m scuss h possbly of a nar-Earh objc (NEO) suprbol, such as by an asro, occurrng.9 Th Vla sall's flash cors wr snsv o lghnng suprbols,10pag n whch rsul n wo scnss, John Warrn an Robr Fryman from h Los Alamos Naonal Laboraory (hn call h Los Alamos Scnfc Laboraory), mmaly flyng o an nvsgang a rar, ovrlan suprbol occurrnc on Bll Islan, Nwfounlan, n Aprl 1978.11 Thr obsrvaons of h vn, call h 'Bll Islan Boom', no bulng srucural amag, a farm anmals an sroy lcrcal vcs amongs ohr vnc (h suprbol's blas was har 55 klomrs away n Cap Broyl, Nwfounlan).12a Th Bll Islan Boom was among som 600 mysry booms ha occurr along h Norh Amrcan asrn saboar from la 1977 o m-1978.12 Th Vla Incn, also known as h Souh Alanc Flash, was an unnf oubl flash of lgh c by an Amrcan Vla Hol sall on Spmbr 22, 1979, nar h Prnc Ewar Islans off Anarcca, whch many blv was of nuclar orgn. Th mos
wspra hory among hos who blv h flash was of nuclar orgn s ha rsul from a jon Souh Afrcan an Isral nuclar s.123 Th opc rmans hghly spu oay. Agrculur Thr rmans uncrany abou whhr h Souh Alanc flash n Spmbr 1979 rcor by opcal snsors on h U.S. Vla sall was a nuclar onaon an, f so, o whom blong.53pag n Form: Novmbr 11, 19261 4 Ongong concrns Th man zons of opraon scuss n h plan ar: In a mng of h slan councls n March 2013, lars of h hr rrors scuss hr fuur n h vn of Scosh npnnc, nclung whhr h slans coul man an achv auonomous saus whn hr Scolan or h rs of h UK. Among h scnaros propos wr achvng hr Crown Dpnncy saus or slf-govrnmn moll afr h Faro Islans, n assocaon wh hr Scolan or h UK.281 Svn Hl, Orkny's councl lar, scrb pursung Crown Dpnncy saus as h las lkly opon, as woul hran funng from h EU, whch s ssnal for local farmrs.281 Alasar Allan, MSP for h Wsrn Isls, sa npnnc coul hav a posv mpac on h sls, as crofrs an farmrs coul xpc a subsanal uplf n agrculural an rural vlopmn funng va h Co
mmon Agrculural Polcy f Scolan wr an npnn mmbr sa of h EU.282 Europan Unon Th sall rpor h characrsc oubl flash of a small amosphrc nuclar xploson of wo o hr kloons, n h Inan Ocan bwn Th Croz Islans (a vry small, sparsly nhab Frnch posssson) an h Prnc Ewar Islans whch blong o Souh Afrca a 47?S 40?ECoornas: 47?S 40?E. Th prvous 41 oubl flashs h Vla salls c wr all subsqunly confrm o b nuclar xplosons.7 Zons of opraon Vong for h rfrnum commnc on 27 Augus 2014, wh h rcp of ballos by posal vors. As of 15 Augus, 680,235 lgbl vors ha rgsr for posal vong, a 20% ncras compar wh March 2014.59 Durng h posal vo phas, Polc Scolan arrs a man from Glasgow on suspcon of sllng hs vo on Bay.60 2.3 Souh Afrca In 2012 h SNP ropp a long-sanng polcy of opposon n prncpl o NATO mmbrshp.98 MSPs John Fnn an Jan Urquhar rsgn from h SNP ovr h polcy chang.99 Th Scosh Grn Pary an Scosh Socals Pary rman oppos o connu mmbrshp of NATO.100 Sysm lnks Lngh: 157,724 ma (253,832 km)
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