[Ginga-argentina] Milk worse than smoking ?

GMO Information andrea gmo.andrea at lambjourney.com
Tue Oct 7 19:43:07 CEST 2014

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        Urgent: Banned
        Get ready.
        Because a major scandal has broken.
        It has to do with what we believe to be a conspiracy between the U.S. government and some of the biggest food producers in America.
        This topic of this story is so controversial, Fox News banned a story on it from being aired... and fired the two reporters who covered it.
        If you're happy with the president, do not watch this presentation.
        It's so serious that many will look to IMPEACH Obama for what he's done.
        This could be the one that finally brings him down.
        FOLLOW ME for the shocking story.
        I'm warning you, though. What you're about to see might turn your stomach.
        Doug Hill
        Director, Laissez Faire Club

    To unsubscribe , please follow this.
      Vcor Glnsky (formr mmbr of h Nuclar Rgulaory Commsson) amp o cas oub on h scnc panl's fnngs, argung ha s mmbrs wr polcally mova.20 Thr was som aa ha sm o confrm ha a nuclar xploson was h sourc for h oubl flash sgnal. Thr was h anomalous ravlng onosphrc surbanc ha was masur a h Arcbo Obsrvaory n Puro Rco a h sam m,20 bu many housans of mls away n a ffrn hmsphr of h arh. A s n Wsrn Ausrala conuc a fw monhs lar foun som ncras nuclar raaon lvls.26pag n Howvr, a al suy on by Nw Zalan's Naonal Raaon Laboraory foun no such vnc of xcss raoacvy, an nhr  a U.S. Govrnmn-fun nuclar laboraory.27 Los Alamos Naonal Laboraory scnss who work on h Vla Hol program hav profss hr convcon ha h Vla Hol sall's cors work proprly.2028 T5VbFgM8ANMvFQCoVhYa7dEiVLlXjG0wQqT9DBl In 2012 h SNP ropp a long-sanng polcy of opposon n prncpl o NATO mmbrshp.98 MSPs John Fnn an Jan Urquhar rsgn from h SNP ovr h polcy chang.99 Th Scosh Grn Pary an Scosh Socals Pary rman oppos o connu mmbrshp of NATO.100 Opraor	Un Sas
  Ar Forc T5VbFgM8ANMvFQCoVhYa7dEiVLlXjG0wQqT9DBl Th lns of h fgur wr 20-30 cm (8-12 nchs) p a h m of scovry an up o 35 mrs (114 f) w. Th mag s graually rong hrough naural procsss, bu bcaus h clma s xrmly ry an barrn n h rgon, h mag s sll vsbl as of 2013.2 Whl hr s a layr of wh chalk maral slghly blow h r sol, h fgur was no fn o hs ph. T5VbFgM8ANMvFQCoVhYa7dEiVLlXjG0wQqT9DBl Prsng Offcrs (on pr pollng plac).384 Thy wr rsponsbl for h ovrall managmn of h pollng plac. Inrsa ra 1956-prsn 

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