[Ginga-argentina] MUST SEE: Cars Priced-Below Kelly-Blue Book Value

Dealership Lot Clearance DealershipLotClearance at recentspringauto-specialz.us
Thu May 15 18:00:58 CEST 2014

May 15, 2014

Hello ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org,

Recent Auto-News:

Car Dealerships have been liquidating their 2014-Inventories!

## Cars BELOW the Kelly Blue-Book Value ##

The Polar-Vortex this past-Winter left Dealerships with IMMENSE Overstock-Inventory.

Just Follow These 3 Easy Steps:

	1. Go Here & Select Your Model: http://link.recentspringauto-specialz.us
	2. Choose Your Vehicle-Options
	3. Take a Look at What Vehicles are left In-Stock in Your Area

> Browse-These Other Participating-Brands Today: http://link.recentspringauto-specialz.us

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