[Ginga-argentina] Notification: Sex Offenders Registered

Kids Live Safe kids-seamless at blogspot.com
Sat Aug 30 11:30:36 CEST 2014

             Neighborhood Safety Alert
             Kids Live Safe Family Protection Services
             You are receiving this email because there may be a risk of Sex Offender activity in your area.
             If you would like to know who they are, where they live, and how you can protect your family from sexual predators, please click here
             Note: the website you are about to access contains actual sex offender information. Please use caution when utilizing this service.
             Search your neighborhood.
             Check it out.
             This is a Kids Live Safe advertisement. To unsubscribe, write to us at the address below or Click here. Kids Live Safe is not a Government Agency or in anyway associated with the Government.
             Kids Live Safe | 3905 State St., Suite 7-228 | Santa Barbara, CA 93105
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