[Ginga-argentina] Your AutoWarranty Expiration-Notice. Renew-Now.

Jennifer Jennifer at yournewrefl-info.us
Fri Aug 15 23:46:14 CEST 2014

=========================EXPIRATION NOTICE # 1373033=====================

Dear ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org

Your current autowarranty has just expired (expiration notice# 7203864). 

You must renew immediately or it will result in a complete loss of your complimentary-repairs

Renew Right Away - Go Here Now: http://trynew.yournewrefl-info.us

Best Regards.

=========================EXPIRATION NOTICE # 1373033=====================

Go here right away if you would prefer to no longer receive such emailad-content: http://endnow.yournewrefl-info.us
P.O. Box.#.025250 

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