[Ginga-argentina] Problemas con tcp.lua en ginga.ar 2.0
Nicolas Baglivo
nbaglivo at lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar
Tue Jun 18 14:46:03 CEST 2013
Que tal Marcos, el error es efectivamente un bug, trataremos de revolverlo
lo antes posible. Muchas gracias por el reporte y el caso de prueba.
2013/6/14 Marcos Juayek <mjuayek at correo.um.edu.uy>
> *No actualize ningún paquete de la VM.*
> *
> *
> *Ejecute como me dijiste y e**l log me tira esto: *
> [canvas::System] Using system: use=gtk
> [canvas::System] DEBUG: Initialize
> [canvas::Window] Creating display: size=(720,576)
> [canvas::gtk::Window] DEBUG: Initialize
> [canvas::vlc] Initialize
> [ncl30-presenter::PresentationEngineManager] DEBUG: Start document:
> doc=/home/ginga/QualifyTV/main4.ncl
> Intentando conectar al por el puerto 80
> [ncl30-converter::PrivateBaseContext] DEBUG: Doc added,
> url=/home/ginga/QualifyTV/main4.ncl
> [gingaplayer::Manager] DEBUG: Reserve keys: listeners=0, id=0x8e8aa70,
> size=9
> [canvas::gtk::System] Main loop begin
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterMediator] DEBUG: start doc, id=main, interface=
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Add listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [gingaplayer::Manager] DEBUG: Reserve keys: listeners=1, id=0x8f44408,
> size=8
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterScheduler] DEBUG: runAction: event 'luna_1' for
> '-1/body/luna/dsc'
> [gingaplayer::Device] Create player: type=lua, schema=file,
> body=/home/ginga/QualifyTV/lib/prueba2.lua, mime=
> [gingaplayer::player] DEBUG: Initialize
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property begin: name=src
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property end: name=src, result=1
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property begin: name=type
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property end: name=type, result=1
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterRegion] DEBUG: bounds: x=0, y=0, w=720, h=576,
> z=0
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property begin: name=bounds
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property end: name=bounds, result=1
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property begin: name=zIndex
> [gingaplayer::Player] DEBUG: Set property end: name=zIndex, result=1
> [ncl30-presenter::ExecutionObject] DEBUG: prepare(-1/body/luna/dsc)
> [ncl30-presenter::ExecutionObject] DEBUG: prepare(-1/body/luna/dsc) locked
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Add listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e30700, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Add listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [gingaplayer::player] DEBUG: play
> [gingaplayer::player] DEBUG: Can play begin
> [gingaplayer::player] DEBUG: Can play: result=1
> [gingaplayer::GraphicPlayer] DEBUG: Start play
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: Creating surface: pos=(0,0),
> size=(720,576)
> [canvas::Canvas] DEBUG: Add surface: surface=0x8f7e440
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: Creating surface: pos=(0,0),
> size=(720,576)
> [canvas::Canvas] DEBUG: Add surface: surface=0x8e78a70
> [gingaplayer::LuaPlayer] Start play,
> source=/home/ginga/QualifyTV/lib/prueba2.lua
> [gingaplayer::player] DEBUG: Apply changes
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: apply bounds: (0,0,720,576)
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: apply bounds: (0,0,720,576)
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: apply zIndex, value=0
> [gingaplayer::SurfaceProperties] DEBUG: apply zIndex, value=0
> [gingaplayer::FocusProperties] DEBUG: Apply focus properties: focus=0,
> selected=0
> [gingaplayer::GraphicProperties] DEBUG: apply visible, value=1
> [gingaplayer::GraphicProperties] DEBUG: apply opacity, value=1.000000
> [gingaplayer::GraphicPlayer] DEBUG: Begin refresh
> *[gingaplayer::LuaPlayer] ERROR: in lua script 'attempt to index a thread
> value' at line = attempt to index a thread value, attempt to index a thread
> value*
> [gingaplayer::GraphicPlayer] DEBUG: On property changed
> [gingaplayer::Manager] DEBUG: Reserve keys: listeners=2, id=0x8e32160,
> size=122
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Before listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterScheduler] DEBUG: eventStateChanged: start,
> event: 0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterScheduler] DEBUG: eventStateChanged: 'luna_1'
> transition '0'
> [gingaplayer::Player::settings] DEBUG: get var,
> name=service.currentKeyMaster, value=
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: After listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Before listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e30700, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::CompositeExecutionObject] DEBUG: eventStateChanged
> id='-1/body/' transition='0'
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Add listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e34120, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [ncl30-presenter::CompositeExecutionObject] DEBUG: eventStateChanged
> id='-1/body/' starting whole content
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Before listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: After listener,
> type=FormatterScheduler, listenerId=0x8f53fa4, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: Before listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e34120, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: After listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e34120, eventId=0x8e2ea08
> [ncl30-presenter::ncl::EventManager] DEBUG: After listener,
> type=CompositeExecutionObject, listenerId=0x8e30700, eventId=0x8e2fc58
> [ncl30-presenter::FormatterScheduler] DEBUG: run action over
> ApplicationExecutionObject
> [canvas::Canvas] DEBUG: Flush: toBlit=1, regions=1
> [canvas::Canvas] TRACE: Dirty region: (0, 0, 720, 576)
> [canvas::Canvas] DEBUG: Surface to blit: 0x8f7e440, zIndex=0
> [canvas::gtk::Window] TRACE: Update main window properties: type=13
> [canvas::gtk::Window] TRACE: Update main window properties: type=13
> [canvas::gtk::Window] TRACE: Update main window properties: type=13
> [canvas::gtk::Window] DEBUG: Draw: rect=(0,0,1,1)
> [canvas::gtk::Window] TRACE: Update main window properties: type=14
> [canvas::gtk::Window] DEBUG: Draw: rect=(0,0,720,576)
> [canvas::gtk::Window] TRACE: Update main window properties: type=12
> *Y la linea de código que presenta el error es esta:*
> ---Conecta em um servidor por meio do protocolo TCP.
> --A função só retorna quando a conexão for estabelecida.
> -- at param host Nome do host para conectar
> -- at param port Porta a ser usada para a conexão
> function connect (host, port)
> local t = {
> host = host,
> port = port,
> waiting = 'connect'
> }
> CONNECTIONS[coroutine.running()] = t
> print("Intentando conectar al "..host.." por el puerto " .. port)
> * event.post {*
> * class = 'tcp',*
> * type = 'connect',*
> * host = host,*
> * port = port,*
> * }*
> --Suspende a execução da co-rotina.
> --A função atual (connect) só retorna quando
> --a co-rotina for resumida, o que ocorre
> --quando o evento connect é capturado
> --pela função handler.
> return coroutine.yield()
> end
> *Podes ver que el print si lo realiza, pero no pasa del event.post,
> lo comprobé quitandolo y sigue de largo.*
> El 14 de junio de 2013 09:39, Leo <lisasmendi at lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar>escribió:
> Ok, no actualizaste nigún paquete en la maquina virtual?
>> Podrías ejecutar tu aplicación con los parametros --debug=all.all.all y
>> copiar el error en la lista, junto con la linea de código que lo produce?
>> El 14 de junio de 2013 09:12, Marcos Juayek <mjuayek at correo.um.edu.uy>escribió:
>> Leo, lo estoy corriendo en la VM que esta en la pagina de lifia. Pienso
>>> que el error tiene que ver con el tema de las coroutines, que utiliza la
>>> librería tcp.lua.
>>> El 14 de junio de 2013 08:38, Leo <lisasmendi at lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar>escribió:
>>> Hola Marcos, me podrías dar más información.
>>>> Estás corriendo ginga.ar2.0 en una maquina virtual o lo compilaste en
>>>> tu máquina?
>>>> El 13 de junio de 2013 19:19, Marcos Juayek <mjuayek at correo.um.edu.uy>escribió:
>>>>> Estimados, estoy intentando realizar una conexión tcp utilizando la
>>>>> libreria tcp.lua, pero cuando intento realizar la conexión me despliega en
>>>>> consola el siguiente mensaje:
>>>>> PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to index a thread
>>>>> value)
>>>>> El error ocurre en la función connect junto cundo envía un event.post,
>>>>> que se define asi:
>>>>> event.post {
>>>>> class = 'tcp',
>>>>> type = 'connect',
>>>>> host = host,
>>>>> port = port,
>>>>> }
>>>>> Lo probé en la VM de PUC y la conexión se realiza correctamente.
>>>>> Alguien me puede ayudar?
>>>>> __________________________________________Lista de correo
>>>>> Ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org
>>>>> cambiar suscripción:
>>>>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ginga-argentina
>>>>> Sitio web: http://comunidad.ginga.org.ar
>>>>> Wiki: http://wiki.ginga.org.ar
>>>> --
>>>> Saludos Leo
>>>> __________________________________________Lista de correo
>>>> Ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org
>>>> cambiar suscripción:
>>>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ginga-argentina
>>>> Sitio web: http://comunidad.ginga.org.ar
>>>> Wiki: http://wiki.ginga.org.ar
>>> __________________________________________Lista de correo
>>> Ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org
>>> cambiar suscripción:
>>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ginga-argentina
>>> Sitio web: http://comunidad.ginga.org.ar
>>> Wiki: http://wiki.ginga.org.ar
>> --
>> Saludos Leo
>> __________________________________________Lista de correo
>> Ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org
>> cambiar suscripción:
>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ginga-argentina
>> Sitio web: http://comunidad.ginga.org.ar
>> Wiki: http://wiki.ginga.org.ar
> __________________________________________Lista de correo
> Ginga-argentina at lists.ourproject.org
> cambiar suscripción:
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ginga-argentina
> Sitio web: http://comunidad.ginga.org.ar
> Wiki: http://wiki.ginga.org.ar
Nicolás Baglivo, LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP.
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