[Digalog-admin] S still perform as many miracles as ever they did; and the commo

Pharo Bonaguidi bowfin at retton.sk
Sun Sep 12 10:28:00 CEST 2010

Beyond Khan Yunas, and sat to rest in a field beneath a fig-tree; the
day was hot and brilliant, but there was a fine breeze coming

in from the sea. The scene was picturesque enough, for there was a
mosque-minaret and a broken tower
rising behind a thick grove of palm-trees and orchards of fig, vine
and pomegranate--a high bank of yellow sand behind the houses of the
village, and the dark blue Mediterranean behind that. With respect
to the name of the place, there are many such in the country, and it
is a mistake to ridicule the Moslems for believing in all

of them as true sites of the large fish vomiting out Jonah, which they

not. These are, I believe, merely commemorative stations, and we are
not in the
habit of ridiculing Christians for having several churches under the
same appellation; also it is not quite certain that all the Welies
named after Yunas (Jonas) or Moosa (Moses) do refer to the Old
Testament prophets. There have been Mohammedan
reputed saints bearing those names. Near
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