[Controlcambios-bdoo] ht, and made a great sprin

Stassi incitations at deeter.com
Fri Aug 21 04:26:09 CEST 2009

Go fetch me dry clothes. I will change, and then we will ride away to
Heathdown junction, and thence away to a new life in a new land.' Kitty
drew in her breath. 'But are ye able? Are ye strong enough, Eric? Art
sure thou canst give up all for a life with me?' 'Faith of a Borderer!'
he answered gaily, as he kissed her hand. 'Now go and do as I bid.
There's no time to be lost. See! I grow stronger every minute,' and he
rose up on his knee and crawled forth from his refuge assisted by Kitty.
Then she went swiftly back to the farm and brought with her dry clothes
and a plaid, a second time she returned for meat and drink for her
lover, and the third and last time for his horse, which she had already
stabled in the byre. 'And now,' said Eric in her ear, as he lifted her
into the saddle, 'we'll ride westward where we'll buy another "Bower" in
another land.' * * * * * Through the early mist that morning an old
shepherd was making his way home from a late mart, when he encountered
what he swore was 'the wraith o' a great muckle moss-trooper wi' his
marrow ahint him ridin' the ae black horse.' Arrived at home, he roused
his wife, and imparted his information. 'Whisht, man, hand your whisht,'
retorted she. 'Noo get intil your ain bed. Ye aye see _double_ after a
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