[CCC] CCC minutes

tina bakolitsa tina.bakolitsa at gmail.com
Wed May 22 15:25:53 CEST 2013

Forgot to add Tim and Roberto. Minutes reattached, sorry for duplication.

Also, what's the best way to start a sub-group to discuss the
language/logic project? Had a few more ideas since chatting earlier this
morning with Helene.


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:56 PM, tina bakolitsa
<tina.bakolitsa at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ok, so I'm getting technical glitches while trying to reaccess Pirate Pad.
> Maybe editing can be done somewhere on a conference wiki? Or another
> platform?
> Attaching minutes in txt
> Tina
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:38 PM, tina bakolitsa <tina.bakolitsa at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Dear CCC'ers,
>> Below is a pirate pad link with the notes I took yesterday and today.
>> Please give it a read-through and correct errors, add links/omissions etc.
>> I included the agenda and some brief info about the participants listed on
>> the wiki at the top.
>> http://piratepad.net/ccc2013
>> I'm not sure everyone who attended is on this mailing list. I'm adding
>> Tim (timactivist at gmail.com) and Roberto (rverzola at gn.apc.org); there
>> might be more.
>> If people have no objection, it might be useful to have an itemised
>> mailing list so people can follow-up with individuals and projects at will.
>> Cheers,
>> Tina
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