[Care2x-general] Noticia en care2x.org

Dr. Jorge R Rodriguez jrbiolinux en yahoo.com.ar
Vie Dic 10 04:37:58 CET 2004

Hola a todos. Navegando en el web care2x.org encontre esta informacion acerca de nuestros desarrollos:
" Last September 24, Care2x was presented to the 2004 Symposium of Health Informatics in Cordoba, Argentina. This symposium is one of the most important events in the field of health informatics in this country. 
Most interesting to note is the way Care2x was presented to the conference participants. The presentation was done via a videoconference system by Dr. Walter Nunez at the University Catolica of Lima, Peru transmitting to the University of Cordoba, Argentina. The virtual presentation including a two-way discussion period lasted for about one hour.  A short report with images from the videoconference can be seen here: http://www.sis.org.ar/sis2004/videoconferencia/index.html 
The organization which is promoting Care2x is Salux (http://www.salux.org). It has created a special website for this purpose (http://www.care2x.org.ar) and is currently developing an adapted version of Care2x which it plans to call Care2x-L  (L for Latino). "

Creo que ya sospecharan quien mando esta informacion que no es del todo clara y tampoco veraz... ya le envie un mail a Elpidio para que se corrija esta informacion con la verdad:

El Grupo BioLinux creo el Proyecto Salud Libre en agosto de 2002. En junio de 2004, dentro del marco del proyecto salud libre se comienza el desarrollo de SaluX y de care2x-L, personalizacion del care2x para Latinoamérica. 

Un saludo a todos.



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