[Bdi4emc-help] configuring ini file

Paul bdi4emc at bulldoghome.com
Fri Dec 1 22:01:45 CET 2006

Hi Alex

On Friday 01 December 2006 18:33, alex wrote:
> My understanding was that EMC version of BDI doesn't have HAL layer.
> I may be wrong.

A brief history of the version of EMC on the BDI disk for you - I was asked to 
produce an updated BDI CD to replace the original BDI-2 disk that had been 
around for a number of years. At the time, I was working on stripping down 
the core libraries that emc2 uses along with the build system (in conjunction 
with a couple of other people).. emc2 was a long way from being ready for 
anything, so I took the parts of EMC that were known to work along with the 
build system & library from emc2 and made a few changes so that the whole lot 
would compile with a 2.6 series kernel. The 2.6 kernel support eventually 
making it's way back in to the main emc2 development tree.

The plan was to migrate over to emc2 when it had moved from being "proof of 
concept" to stable - Neither goals have yet to be met, and if anything, the 
code has become more unstable and the build system is now so fragile, even 
small changes will cause it to fail. Since emc2's fork from Sourceforge, the 
developers involved appear to target umbuntu installations and ignoring any 
other Linux distribution. [Side note] Ubuntu is based on Debian's testing 
branch (bugs'n'all) while the BDI-4 uses Debian's stable branch (still with a 
few bugs), so both share a common root.

Despite the best efforts of <..>, emc2 will compile on a BDI-4 install, and if 
you have the latest CD, emc2.0.4 is included - You will need to install it 
manually and run it from the command line though.. To install any additional 
package from the CD, you can use Synaptic and click on 'Edit->Add CD-ROM' 
before selecting emc2. If you prefer the command line:

 sudo apt-cdrom add
 sudo apt-get install emc2

The "adding of CD-ROM" only needs to be done once, should you want to install 
any other package, go straight to the "install" stage.

Regards, Paul.

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