Hi! Welcome to Bandsintown Concerts. January 18th Hey there! You found us! Bandsintown is the best way to enjoy live music with your friends. Now you'll never miss a band you love and maybe even discover a new band or two. Discover our features Go mobile with our iPhone and Android Apps. Now you can get updates wherever you are: Get it in the iPhone App Store (http://bnds.in/IHyhvz) and Get it on Google Play (http://bnds.in/Jrj7JS) Import your favorite artists. You can import artists from your favorite music services like Pandora, last.fm and iTunes. We'll create a custom concert cloud based on your preferences. (If you don't use any of these services, you can also manually import your favorite artists from our popular artists directory.) Never miss another show. When your favorite bands are coming to town, we'll let you know when tickets go on sale so you never, ever miss another show again. We can also recommend other shows that we'll think you like. (Because we love helping people discover new music.) Go to more concerts. That's what it's all about, isn't it? We live for live music (you could say we're single-mindedly obsessed) and music is always more fun when it's shared with friends. Cheers,The Bandsintown Team P.S. Want the latest concert news? Follow us on Twitter (http://bnds.in/K9WcSA ) / like us on Facebook (http://bnds.in/Jw4WYc ). Bandsintown Inc. © 2013 | http://bnds.in/HdWafg 215 Lexington Avenue, 18th floor New York, NY 10016