[Bah-tagonius] [Bah-general] Hookup tonight with only a swipe
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Vie Mayo 13 21:22:15 CEST 2016
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I was just talking to one of my attorneys and I mentioned we had eaten again at the Black Crow last Thursday. They told me they get together with others and... We decided to try Aunt Mary's Wednesday luncheon special of chicken-fried steak. The meal included mashed-potatoes and gravy, buttered corn, coffee, and... I always get an entree with shrimp because hey are HUGE. 2x the size of Applebee's! I'm still a fan on many levels. Not bad to Odessa. Love those hamburgers! A MUST if you are anywhere near this area in Kansas. I could not help myself at this place. The ultimate in American COmfort Food. I truly ate like an... The food here is actually really great. I had a steak that was mouthwatering. My boyfriend had a burger that must've been amazing because it was gone before... We came in late. There was one man that took our order and cooked all the food for 8 people in less than 15 minutes. The food was incredible for each... My daughter took us here to introduce us to Korean foo
d since she has been living in Korea for the past two years. It was really good and even she thought..9549dbf862c447863ff8b30265d6eb44
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