[Bah-tagonius] [Bah-general] Theme: Sustainability in the context of Financial and Economic Volatility
International Conference
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Dom Mayo 6 20:13:33 CEST 2012
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Dear colleagues,
The following invitation letter was sent to you since Feb. 4, 2012,
we haven't heard your response since then. Please, let us know as soon
as possible if you will attend the upcoming conference(s) at New York
City USA and Accra-Ghana.
The Conference Organizing Committee
Conference Theme:
Sustainability in the context of Financial and Economic Volatility
• 11th – 15th June, 2012 in New York City, USA
• 18th – 22nd June, 2012 in Accra-Ghana
A/ IRISD.2012/1
General Distribution.
Feb 4, 2012
Conference Theme: Sustainability in the context of Financial and
Economic Volatility
"Almost four years after the Lehman Brothers collapsed, we are still
struggling to come out of this meltdown as unemployment continues to
rise. Are we any safer than we were some years ago? How well paved is
the road to recovery? Have we learnt our lessons from the global
meltdown?" Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN General Secretary.
The threat of government-debt defaults in Europe also indicates that
the economic crisis continues to have consequences. The U.S.
government’s efforts to prevent another Great Depression have left
it saddled with a serious debt problem that could impede efforts to
stabilize the economy for a long time to come. The future is
especially uncertain.
Countries all over the globe are experiencing worryingly high levels
of debt, much of which has been caused by reckless lending.
Unsustainable and illegitimate debt is impeding sovereign development
and preventing poverty reduction in developing countries. The
financial crisis has deepened the problems of sovereign debt. A fair
and lasting solution to the debt problem is urgently needed.
The recent United Nations Climate Change Conference has been widely
perceived as a failure, while the consequences of global warming
continue to mount. Weather patterns are changing radically, natural
disasters grow more frequent and more devastating, sea levels rise,
cultural and biological diversity becomes more endangered, and
economic prosperity decreases. Despite two years of advance work, the
meeting failed to convert a rare gathering of world leaders into an
ambitious, legally binding action plan for reducing greenhouse gas
More than 7,000 people responded to our last economic survey, which
measured the impact of these difficult economic times on the nonprofit
sector. Among respondents, nearly half were CEOs, executive directors,
or presidents—our leaders in the nonprofit industry. The results are
- Some 40 percent of participants reported that contributions to
their organizations dropped between January 1 and May 31, 2011,
compared to the same period a year earlier.
- Eight percent indicated that their organizations were in imminent
danger of closing.
- Sixty-three percent reported a total increase in demand for their
organization's services between January 1, 2011 and May 31, 2011,
compared to the same period a year prior.
The International Research Institute for Sustainable Development
(IRISD) is holding the first largest and most diverse international
gathering, dedicated to The Debt, Economic Crisis in its implications
on sustainable development with a theme: Sustainability in the context
of Financial and Economic Volatility. You are cordially invited to
contribute to the success of this event with your effective
The international community is now challenged by the severe impact on
development of multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges,
such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity
prices, climate change, a debt crisis and a global economic crisis.
The International Research Institute for Sustainable Development
offers by far the best analysis of how the financial, economic and
debt crisis will affect humanitarian and development funding and how
to develop a counter-cyclical strategy building. The conference
programme is dedicated to the current situation and offers an open
international forum for the discussion of this topic. The aim is to
establish new design perspectives and actions through dialogue with
representatives from civil society, politics, economics, and science,
individuals, etc.
The First 2012 IRISD Annual Conference and Steering Meeting will take
place from:
Conference dates and locations:
• 11th – 15th June, 2012 in New York City, USA
• 18th – 22nd June, 2012 in Accra-Ghana
Participants are highly encouraged to attend the entire conference.
This will give the best opportunity to exchange of ideas and to
further develop the conference programme while enhancing the
collaboration between the different participating institutions.
Venue: The conferences will take place in two selected different host
countries: one in one in High Income Country (United States of
America) and the second in a Middle and Low Income country (Ghana).
The conference in New York City – USA will take place at NYC Seminar
and Conference Center. The conference in Accra-Ghana will take place
at Accra International Conference Center (AICC). There are excellent
hotels in nearby distances from these venues.
The International Research Institute for Sustainable Development
background: The International Research Institute for Sustainable
Development is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution
devoted to the study of world economy and Sustainable Development. The
Centre provides timely analysis, and concrete solutions to a wide
range of international economic and financial problems. The pursuit of
sustainable development requires adequate attention and interactions
among the environment, society and the economy. As such, our
organization explores how the environment is valued; how public policy
instruments can be designed better; and how abject poverty can be
addressed sustainably. Background documents and information are
available on the IRISD website.
Conference Methodology: The conference is organized as an open
discussion forum and provides scope for participants to explore the
ins and outs of the economic crisis and it implications on sustainable
development. Presentations by acclaimed experts from different fields
of knowledge during the first half of the conference will form the
starting point of the subsequent discussions. In the second half of
the conference, participants will be divided into groups to work out
the core issues from the focus points of the conference. The results
and recommendations from the groups will be presented in plenum,
discussed and finally made available to the participants;
The Conference will also provide various opportunities to engage
participants in sharing experiences and articulating perspectives on
how to enhance their activities in the financing of their various
projects, especially the NGOs/CBOs including round table panel
discussions and break-out sessions, interactive dialogue, workshops,
caucuses and other activities.
Call for papers:
The conference will welcome submissions from non-profits, NGOs, CBOs,
CSOs, scholars, financial experts, policy makers, and other
practitioners. Participants will be able to enjoy shows, attractions,
activities, and tours available in host cities.
The following topics can be covered in your submission and
# Causes of the Debt Crisis and proposed solutions
# The impact of the economic crisis on the nonprofit sector
# The Economic Crisis and the Climate Change
# Where does the world’s climate now stand with respect to global
warming? Are we already at or beyond the “tipping point” beyond
which there is no return?
# What can economists tell us about the costs and benefits of
mitigation policies? What measures are most efficient from an economic
perspective and in terms of carbon reduction?
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on MDG's
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing
# How can we best address the employment effects of these diverse
climate proposals given the fragile states of the world economies?
# Proposals include cap and trade, carbon tax, development of
renewable energy, new technologies, energy efficiency and changing the
patterns of consumption.
# How does international policy ensure justice and fairness in global
warming policy measures? To what extent do the proposed measures imply
a just distribution of burdens and benefits for developing countries?
# If mitigation policies are too little and/or too late, what are
realistic adaptation strategies that address the needs of poor
countries and poor areas of rich countries burdened more than others?
# Any other related topic
Instructions for submission of papers:
# Please note that your submission is not limited to the
above-mentioned topics and cross-disciplinary works are highly
# The deadline for submitting papers is May. 18, 2012 and early
submissions are welcomed.
# Notification of acceptance of paper along with comments will be on
or before May 28, 2012.
# Final papers expected by June 4, 2012 for inclusion in the
Conference Proceedings.
# All papers should be submitted by email to
organizing.committee en secretary.net
Participation and target groups. We expect participants from:
Governments and international organizations: Representatives of
international organizations including the World Bank, IMF, WTO, the
United Nations, top regional organizations and development banks,
Government representatives including, ministers of finance and
economy, and ministers of social welfare, Political decision-making
bodies (parliamentary committees, ministries both national and
Civil society:
Leaders from national and international NGOs/CBO's, Activists and
trade union leaders, Religious and faith community leaders, Human
Right Organizations, Microfinance institutions, private
philanthropists, foundations.
The business sector:
CEOs and board-level executives, Social Entrepreneurs, Leaders of the
world’s most influential industry associations, particularly from
developing countries.
Academics institutions and leaders:
Experts from a wide range of fields, Presidents of the world’s top
universities, Leaders of the world’s top think tanks,
Individuals: interested in knowing how the economic crisis is
impacting their daily lives and how to cope with it.
Media: Publishers, editors-in-chief, top columnists and economic
(i) Organizations: Delegates from NGOs and diverse not-for-profit
organizations will benefit from the International Research Institute
for Sustainable Development (IRISD) sponsorship package. These
organization(s) can nominate up to three (03) of their members to
benefit from the sponsorship package.
(ii) Individuals: It is not necessary to be affiliated to any
organization before taking part in the summits(s). The Conference
Sponsorship packages are available for individuals that are interested
to attend the conference.
Financial Support Acknowledgement and Sponsoring: It is gratefully
acknowledged that the Local Organizing Committee receives financial
support from private philanthropists, foundations, banks, and
international non-governmental organizations for the participation of
delegates from middle and low income countries (World Bank
classification). As a result, the Center will provide sponsorship for
up to three (03) International delegates from selected organizations
and individuals in low and middle income countries. However, each
delegate is required to pay a registration fee of 290 Euro or its
equivalent currency. The sponsorship package covers accommodation,
travel, access to the conference plenary meetings and parallel
sessions, exhibition, Per Diem, meals and refreshment during the
conference and a delegate bag with conference documentation. The
sponsorship package excludes all other personal demands including
medical expenses and recreation after the conference sessions. The
IRISD conference committee will assist delegates to acquire Visas
and/or any other travelling documents where applicable.
Registration: Please email the conference Organizing Committee at:
organizingcommittee.ny en usa.com with copy to
reg.office.usa en nycmail.com
and request for the registration form and the registration
modalities. Further information including a detailed timetable with
task distribution and materials for discussion will be communicated to
The extended deadline for late registration is NO LATER THAN MONDAY
21st MAY, 2012 to ensure timely receipt of registration forms,
processing and allotting of sponsorship packages to eligible
We encourage NGOs that intend to submit projects for financing to
request the Project Guide at the Office of International Relations by
fax at + 1-425-920-4760 or by email: organizingcommittee.ny en usa.com
In order to encourage a large participation in the forthcoming
summits, we would greatly appreciate if you can circulate the
Conference Invitation as widely as possible to individuals, groups,
and networks who may show interest for the topics covered in the case
you cannot personally take part in the events.
Due to time constraints, interested participants are urged to confirm
attendance beforehand. In order to facilitate effective and
interactive communication, we require you to provide us with your full
contact details including your telephone (office, mobile) and fax
number(s) when replying to this invitation. While we anticipate your
response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to
contact us for further information. We look forward to your
participation in the upcoming conference(s).
Best Regards,
Jennifer Smith-Grubb (Mrs.)
The Intl Organizing Committee Secretariat
475 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10115
Phone: +1-425-920-4760
Fax: + 1-425-920-4760
Email: organizingcommittee.ny en usa.com
New York (USA)
Désinscription / Changer d'adresse e-mail: http://ymlp349.net/ugeqjmyegsgyhjsyygjeeggjwhbmw
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