[Bah-smv-rivas] [Bah-smv-general] (FT) Fwd: STOP Revolving Door Politicians!
Alba Gutiérrez Girón
albaggiron en gmail.com
Vie Jun 7 09:54:11 CEST 2013
Buenos dias!
os reenvio esta campaña de recogida de firmas lanzada por la Plataforma por
un Nuevo Modelo Energético.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luis Morago - Avaaz.org <avaaz en avaaz.org>
Date: 2013/6/6
Subject: STOP Revolving Door Politicians!
To: "albaggiron en gmail.com" <albaggiron en gmail.com>
Dear friends,
*Influential politicians could have been crushing renewables for years
while pleasing the large electrical companies* who hire them as
high-earning execs. For the first time, *enough evidence has been brought
together to demand that the public prosecutors act,* but we need to show
our support now. *Sign and share this petition:*
[image: Sign the
A massive new scandal is about to explode. Over the last few years *Spain’s
energy giants may have been colluding with influential politicians* to
ensure huge profits for themselves while launching a dirty war on
renewables. But now, *we have the opportunity to bring these shady deals
into the public light* and get back on track towards a greener future.
Like powerful football clubs, Iberdrola, Gas Natural Fenosa, Endesa and *other
large enterprises have combed the parliament to hire influential former
presidents of government, ministers, and state secretaries* to defend their
multi-million euro interests. Their ferocious pressure is leading to the
dismantlement of our clean energy sector, killing Spain's growing
international leadership on renewables. *The result is outrageous:* an
oligopoly of companies filling up their pockets – three companies alone add
up annual profits of more than 6 billion euros! – while citizens pay some
of the highest electricity bills in Europe.
But if we act now we can turn the situation over drastically: the Platform
for a New Energy Model have brought *a complaint before the Anti corruption
Public Prosecutor showing the sinister links between the big energy firms
and some top politicians* and demand an in-depth investigation to analyze
possible political corruption and misuse of power. But to be successful, it
needs overwhelming public support! *Click to sign the petition* to add your
name to the annexwhich will be sent in after the complaint has been
presented. *If you want to go even further*, type your DNI or NIE number
into the adjacent box in the campaign page to co-sign the submission:
The Avaaz team together with the Platform for a New Energy Model
PS. *Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community*. It's
easy to get started - *click to start yours now and win on any issue* -
local, national or global:
Read the entire complaint form, *only in Spanish, * (Plataforma por un
Nuevo Modelo Energético):
Watch the video on the Plataforma por un Nuevo Modelo Energético site, *only
in Spanish*:
Spain in energy policy reversal back to coal, gas (CNBC):
Spain utilities say tax will kill profits (Financial Times):
The "electrical" connections of Spanish politicians, *only in spanish,* (El
Electricity rates have risen 81% in 10 years, *only in Spanish,* (Público):
Spanish revolving doors, *only in spanish*, (Escolar.net):
Avaaz.org is a 21-million-person global campaign network* that works to
ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global
decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz
members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18
countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of
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