[Bah-sanse] [Bah-general] Addiction & Mental Health Resource for First Responders

James jamesc en firstcityrecoverycenter.com
Jue Sep 23 23:44:14 CEST 2021


I hope you're doing okay during these unforeseen times. I came across your
page while researching addiction and mental health resources for first
responders. As you know, many of our law enforcement officers, firefighters
and EMT's struggle with addiction and mental health issues. People who have
PTSD are three times more likely to suffer from substance abuse.

Our organization is devoted to helping our first responders combat any
addiction or mental health issues they may be experiencing due to their
service.Could you help us by adding our Addiction & Mental Health Resources
for First Responders
<https://firstcityrecoverycenter.com/resources/first-responders/> link to
your page? We're always adding new educational content and felt we would be
a good fit.

Thank you,
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