[BAH-Estrecho] [Bah-general] r but

Compeau alleviative en gs-zone.com.ar
Dom Ago 23 13:22:26 CEST 2009

Ed into the scuppers, where they were under the partial cover of the
bulwark, but many were killed, even before they could reach this
shelter, and living and dead rolled down together, as in a ghastly
comedy. CHAPTER XXII The boys, intent upon this awful scene, turned as a
shout from Job Howland swelled above the uproar. The big gunner was at
the breach of his swivel-gun, ramrod in hand. The little group scattered
to one side or the other, leaving an open space at the bow rail. At the
same moment Job put in his powder, a heavy charge, ramming it home
quickly, but with all care. On top of the wadding went the round-shot,
which was in its turn hammered down under the powerful strokes of the
ramrod. Maneuvering the well-balanced breech with both hands, the tall
Yankee trained his cannon upon the pirate sloop; allowed for distance,
raising the muzzle an inch or more; nosed the wind and glanced at the
foremast pennons; th
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