From tks en Wed Feb 7 01:19:33 2007 From: tks en (Hudson S. Ed) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 19:19:33 -0500 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] But we will still need to make sure that the tests imposed on industry to assess chemical toxicity are reliable. Message-ID: <> cid:part1.04080901.08040001 en Above all, its cranial capacity shows that another primate line experienced drastic brain growth well before humanity's African ancestors. Grubbs and Richard R. Above all, its cranial capacity shows that another primate line experienced drastic brain growth well before humanity's African ancestors. Above all, its cranial capacity shows that another primate line experienced drastic brain growth well before humanity's African ancestors. Schrock for their work on metathesis, a "change-your-partners dance" according to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Homeopathic medicines are not efficacious in scientific terms. Above all, its cranial capacity shows that another primate line experienced drastic brain growth well before humanity's African ancestors. Homeopathic medicines are not efficacious in scientific terms. New results from French research teams confirm this excess risk and define it according to treatment type. But we will still need to make sure that the tests imposed on industry to assess chemical toxicity are reliable. Homeopathic medicines are not efficacious in scientific terms. A recent report has revealed alarming figures for Europe. Schrock for their work on metathesis, a "change-your-partners dance" according to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. A recent report has revealed alarming figures for Europe. A recent report has revealed alarming figures for Europe. Schrock for their work on metathesis, a "change-your-partners dance" according to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. A recent report has revealed alarming figures for Europe. Schrock for their work on metathesis, a "change-your-partners dance" according to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. This is the verdict of research published in the medical journal "The Lancet", refuelling discussions on the appraisal of this type of therapy. But we will still need to make sure that the tests imposed on industry to assess chemical toxicity are reliable. This is the verdict of research published in the medical journal "The Lancet", refuelling discussions on the appraisal of this type of therapy. Grubbs and Richard R. 6 on the Richter scale shook the Pakistani and Indian zones of the region of Kashmir on Saturday 8th October. 6 on the Richter scale shook the Pakistani and Indian zones of the region of Kashmir on Saturday 8th October. 6 on the Richter scale shook the Pakistani and Indian zones of the region of Kashmir on Saturday 8th October. Grubbs and Richard R. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock for their work on metathesis, a "change-your-partners dance" according to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. This is the verdict of research published in the medical journal "The Lancet", refuelling discussions on the appraisal of this type of therapy. 6 on the Richter scale shook the Pakistani and Indian zones of the region of Kashmir on Saturday 8th October. 6 on the Richter scale shook the Pakistani and Indian zones of the region of Kashmir on Saturday 8th October. Above all, its cranial capacity shows that another primate line experienced drastic brain growth well before humanity's African ancestors. Grubbs and Richard R. New results from French research teams confirm this excess risk and define it according to treatment type. But we will still need to make sure that the tests imposed on industry to assess chemical toxicity are reliable. A recent report has revealed alarming figures for Europe. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : macro.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 10769 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url : From ecay en Fri Feb 9 12:50:27 2007 From: ecay en (asleep) Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 08:50:27 -0300 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] The game is called BATTLES: Win or lose and it's basically an amalgamation of a trading card game and a role-playing game. Message-ID: <> cid:part1.04050104.07020704 en The most powerful paranormals have taken the hint and have used their abilities to quit the normal world. This is the first issue of my column on RPG mechanics and RPG theory. The most powerful paranormals have taken the hint and have used their abilities to quit the normal world. When you have all these numbers, shortly describe how the Hosts got themselves infected by The Parasites. well only if you don't die. Dexterity - the characters hand-eye co-ordination, agility, balance, and speed of reaction. The value of random number generation is debatable, but you should all of the aforementioned factors if you intend on using it. Thanks to Tad for helping with the format, and Jeff for the weapon rating idea I stole from his RPG Gothic Worlds. The features you look for in an action resolution system look eerily similar to those you look for in a computer: Processing a wide variety of data. And that's without even stepping out of the fantasy genre! Skills- quantative descriptors representing training and experience. "For a long while, we said nothing, the only sound our breathing, and then even that seemed to subside. You will also find a veritable cornucopia of optional rules, resources and modules to slot in as you require them. If a scene wasn't creepy enough we made it creepier. In addition to using Undead Software Engineers, it also uses the Iliamna lake monster and the Denaina Athabascan language. ''Zombies are something deeper than just trying to kill us. If the die roll is 1 or 6, the Creature is encountered. You can now buy official 1KM1KT gear at our new online store! In The Parasite Project real time becomes a valuable resource. If the result is less than 11, the Character is Horrified; If the result is more than 11, the Creature is Dominated. The paranormals possess great power and were feared and respected by the normal folk. Use stopwatches or chess timers to track how much of the time is used. In spite of the dangers ranged against them, those who unlock the secrets of the galaxy still have a chance to make themselves masters of Orion! The paranormals possess great power and were feared and respected by the normal folk. You get data from character description and then you do things with it with action resolution. It's yours to work on and yours to control with as little or as much assistance as you want. Check this one out folks: It's only a page long, it won't take much of your time to look at . Even if you don't have any suggestions I am always interested to hear about others experience with my games. Succeed in serving the State, and you may be rewarded by becoming one of the power elite that rule the nation, perhaps even becoming the leader of the Great State. Center One was a nexus of commerce and culture whose denizens commanded technologies that would seem magical to the peoples of today. Agendas: When you start a game of PE each player selects one or two Agendas. Every MOOK has a single point of PWNAGE, so they get taken out if they lose it. "No, no, its just a matter of where did they come from, and why are we so scared? They are man's pathos, our shadow. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : incineration.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 10577 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url : From narodniki en Fri Feb 9 16:24:52 2007 From: narodniki en (Garcia D Fernando) Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 16:24:52 +0100 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] =?iso-8859-1?q?taller_BIODIESEL_pr=E1ctico-GI?= =?iso-8859-1?q?RA?= Message-ID: <> Hola a todas, Os paso una información sobre la gira que en breve planea hacer el grupo frances que trabaja energias renovables y en concreto BIODIESEL . Va a haber talleres de adaptación de coches, charlas, etc. Pasan por madrid y estaria bien que quien quisiera que pararan se organizara para hacer un acto,Puede que haya uno en la Sierra NOrte. ": tenemos previsto que vengan durante abril y parte de mayo. Llegarán a Asturias sobre la última semana de abril (aunque el calendario no está cerrado asà que puede que haya cambios todavà a). Vamos a tener un taller durante una semana en Escanda, luego están muy dispuestos a dar charlas de una tarde o und dà a etc. La aproximada ruta será: Cataluña (taller), Madrid (taller), León (charla), Asturies(taller), Cantabria (charla), Euskadi (taler). (ver texto adjunto bien como documento word (mejor!) o en el mismo Email). Todavà a estoy en la búskeda de dinero para pagarles el viaje, ya que cobran una cuota de 0.44 € por kilómetro de viaje con su taller-camión (ver en el texto adjunto). A ver, si a tà se te ocurre otro sitio donde podrà a haber interés, avà same. Pensé en algo relacionado con la plataforma rural, ya que les interesa mucho llegar a la gente del campo etc. Además tienen una filosofà a bastante radical, es decir no están reproduciendo la pelà culo del capitalismo verde queriendo sólo reemplazar un combustible por otro sin reducir el consumo. Pues eso, tà o. Espero que te vaya todo muy bien y que nos veamos muy pronto! Saludos. Jorg. 985493696 605469784 ---------------------------------------- Gira: Aceite vegetal como carburante en vehà culos de diesel Entre varios colectivos estamos preparando una gira para formarnos en la modificación de vehà culos de diesel (¡ no de gasolina !) para poder utilizar aceite vegetal reciclado como combustible alternativo. Durante el mes de abril / principios de mayo van a venir un en s mecánic en s de un colectivo francés llamado “ Roule ma fleur” con el fin de dar talleres sobre el tema en diferentes lugares de la península. Llevan varios años activos dentro de la red “Petáles” que tiene como proyecto principal “Le Camion Atelier”, es decir un taller móvil dentro de un camión que utilizan como herramienta para enseñar de manera práctica y formativa las posibilidades que hay para pasar de las gasolineras. También han comprado una prensa colectiva entre varios colectivos y paisanos que les permite producir aceite vegetal a partir de plantaciones ecológicas de girasol. Los talleres pueden ser charlas más bien teóricas de 1-2 dà as o talleres prácticos e intensivos de una semana. Las Charlas de 1-2 dà as incluyen: · Introducción: ¿ Hasta qué nivel podrà a ser el aceite vegetal una alternativa al diesel ? ¿Cuáles son los requisitos que el vehà culo tiene que cumplir ? ¿ Cómo funciona la adaptación de un motor diesel para el uso con aceite vegetal ? ¿ Qué posibilidades hay para autoabastecerse con aceite de plantaciones ecológicas ? etc. · Demonstración de aceites de distintas plantas y el proceso de filtraje de aceite reciclado para su posterior uso en los coches · Opcional: Demonstración de la transformación de un coche, si lo hay. Los talleres intensivos incluyen (además de los contenidos de las charlas): · Introducciones teóricas de cada paso del proceso · La adaptación de varios vehà culos y/o maquinaria agrà cola Ruta y calendario (por confirmar!) Durnante abril / principios de mayo queremos realizar varios talleres intensivos con las siguientes fechas aproximadas: - Cataluña: 1 – 15 de abril (Can Masdeu y Reus) - Madrid: 17 – 21 abril (¿?) - Asturias: 23 – 27 de abril (Escanda) - Navarra : 30 – 04 de mayo (¿?) Además nos gustarà a aprovechar el camino entre los sitios para ofrecer charlas de 1-2 dà as. A tener en cuenta por colectivos / grupos que quieren organizar un taller: · A nivel global, la demanda de combustible es tan brutal que el aceite vegetal nunca podrà a reemplazar el diesel tal cual. La reducción radical del consumo tiene que tener prioridad absoluta. Por tanto nos centraremos en la adaptación de coches de uso colectivo y de maquinaria agrà cola. · Entre nosotr en s trabajamos de forma autogestionada y en red, es decir que no hay ninguna directiva que coordine esta gira. La idea es que cada colectivo o grupo tome la responsabilidad para la organización de su taller. Existe una lista de correos electrónicos que estamos utilizando como herramienta de coordinación y para aclarar cuestiones y dudas (para más información escribe al email de contacto). · Cada colectivo toma la responsabilidad de convocar el taller en su zona e informar a l en s participantes del proceso y de las condiciones de participación. · La adaptación la hacen no más de 2 personas a la vez (más el/la mecánic@), siendo un@ de ell en s la persona responsable del vehà culo para que pueda arreglar posibles averà as en el futuro. Insisten en que l en s participantes se lean el manual “Mécanique des fleurs” que explica todo el proceso paso por paso. Habrá que traducirlo en castellano. · La idea es que después de la formación l en s participantes hagan un esfuerzo de difundir los conocimientos adquiridos. · En todo el proceso queremos obtener un equilibro de género entre l en s participantes y organizadores. · Por lo menos dos personas que puedan traducir del francés a castellano. Es una tarea bastante difícil ya que el proceso incluye muchos términos técnicos. Requisitos sobre el sitio · Dependiendo de la cantidad de gente que quiere participar, hace falta espacio para varios vehà culos, incluyendo el camión en el que vienen (el tamaño exacto no lo sabemos ahora mismo, ver imagen). Adaptan aprox. 1 vehà culo por dà a, asà que se puede coordinar la llegada de los vehà culos para que no se atasque el sitio con demasiados coches. · Como llevan casi todo en su camión, hacen falta pocas herramientas. Si no hay electricidad de la red principal hay que encontrar un generador. · Tejado / aula en caso de que llueva. · Espacio suficiente (2-3 monitoras y aprox. 5 participantes) para dormir, y preparar comida durante todo el taller. Requisitos sobre los vehà culos · Para el posterior uso de 100 % de aceite, sólo adaptan vehà culos que llevan una bomba de inyección de la marca BOSCH. El fabricante de la bomba se puede comprobar en el manual del coche y al meter la cabeza en el motor buscando la indicación. Si no es de BOSCH, no hacen la modificación. Hay la posibilidad de cambiar la bomba, pero supone un gasto importante. · Sin embargo, en vehà culos sin bomba BOSCH como en cualquiera de diesel, se puede aprovechar una mezcla de 70 % de diesel y de 30 % de aceite bien filtrado (!) sin ninguna modificación. · Si es un motor de inyección directa, que es el caso de tractores por ejemplo, sólo se puede aplicar un sistema llamado bicarburación, es decir la instalación de un tanque adicional de arranque con diesel convencional. · Algunas semanas antes de la modificación se debe poner como un 30 % de aceite bien filtrado (por lo menos a 5 micras!) vigilando cómo reacciona el vehà culo al cambio del combustible. Si no existe la posibilidad de filtrar aceite también se puede echar aceite vegetal sin usar (sin tener que filtrarlo). En la mayorà a de los casos no se nota niguna diferencia (quitando que el humo que echa huele a fritanga). A veces tira menos el coche. · Justo antes de la obra hacen unas pruebas (compresión del motor etc.) para comprobar el estado de la máquina para ver si vale la pena la inversión (tiempo y dinero) en la modificación. Si el motor no tiene buena pinta, el cambio al aceite no va a mejorar su funcionamiento. Por tanto puede ser que decidan no efectuar la adaptación en ciertos casos. · Después de la modificación, se puede seguir utilizando diesel como combustible o también una mezcla entre diesel y aceite. · La adaptación se realiza según las caracterà sticas del motor y de la manera más económica. No utilizan KITs comerciales (p.ej. de la marca Elsbett) que venden en el mercado y que son mucho más caros. Gastos · Cobran 0,44 céntimos por kilómetro de viaje para recuperar los gastos que supone el mantenimiento del camión (100 km = 44 €). Por tanto nos interesa que hagan varias paradas en el camino para que podamos compartir los gastos entre los colectivos. Pretendemos calcular el kilometraje de la ruta entera y dividirlo por el número de los sitios donde vayan a parar (por el momento tenemos previsto entre 4 - 7 paradas en total). · Habrà a que recuperar una buena cantidad de aceite reciclado (de restaurantes, caterings o lo que sea) para que puedan seguir con el viaje (100 km = 20 litros de aceite con el camión). · Si el colectivo organizador o bien l en s participantes tienen dinero, suelen cobrar unos 200 € adicionales por dà a para el uso de las herramientas y para ganarse la vida. Si no lo hay, pues se hace en base a donaciones y trueque, por ejemplo: un bote de aceite de oliva, donaciones, alguna herramienta, algo de informática etc. · La persona / el colectivo que es usuari@ del vehà culo paga por los materiales requeridos para la modificación, que serán, dependiendo del coche, entre 200 y 300 €. Contacto Si os apetece organizar una charla / taller o participar modificando un vehà culo escribid a: nasenloch en Más información sobre la red “Petáles” (en francés): -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no está en formato texto plano... Nombre : GIRA.doc Tipo : application/msword Tamaño : 352768 bytes Descripción: no disponible Url : From myehrd en Sun Feb 11 17:54:52 2007 From: myehrd en (fantastic) Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 17:54:52 +0100 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] scold Message-ID: <> cid:part1.03060601.03030608 en This is likely to worsen inequalities in health and smoking prevalence," say the authors. The major expense for most attendees will be the cost oftraveling to Norway. A friendly Ethiopian man tries to convince Sean of the advantages of a donkey over a push bike. The West Palm Beach PHP Group1. Printer FunctionsCXXVIII. Pspell FunctionsCXXXI. We wanted the Blue Jackets organization to represent all of its different functions with the highest degree of professionalism, and have the ability to appear larger than they really are. PHP para Expertos Curso on-line12. SAVVIS' strategic approach combines virtualization technology, a global network and 24 data centers, and automated management and provisioning systems. Filesystem Security27. At a childbirth-preparation class at Swedish's campus in Ballard, couple Lindsay Woltjer and Greg Rauch said they significantly changed their lifestyles once Woltjer became pregnant. A major electronics retailer may use the same technology to sense when a loyal cu Nashville PHP Users Group26. Smokers who want to quit can also find details of their local NHS Stop Smoking Service by visiting www. HTTP authentication with PHP35. PDXPHP monthly meeting7. Contact us for article submission guidelines. It's about saving the consumer time, helping them find the things they need, and helping them do it faster. Soon, Cisco will be adding biometrics to the phones so employees only need to press a finger in order to log in. Using local authority records, the research team determined the catering status of pubs and licensed members' establishments in the Borough of Telford and Wrekin. Many IP phones are distributed in each store today and, beyond providing voice service, also run a time clock application. Compliance and security standards often require sensitive information to be segmented on separate networks to minimize the potential impact of security threats. See more articles and news on smokingTrack news on cancer at DiseaseWatch. Ahmedabad PHP Group Training5. It conducts sophisticated network behavioral analysis and, after understanding the threat landscape, coordinates with CSM 3. By simply choosing her preferred option the system reveals whether the selected style or size is in stock. LAMP Training in Montreal1. When members' clubs were included, two-fifths of establishments in affluent areas and four-fifths of establishments in deprived areas would be exempt. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : impolite.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 19642 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url : From umwyzp en Mon Feb 12 07:02:29 2007 From: umwyzp en (Margaret R. Singleton) Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:02:29 +0200 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] cream cheese not Message-ID: <> cid:part1.05080802.05090005 en The best handles tend to be those that are made of wood impregnated with plastic to seal it. Much like I imagine Mr. There are two remotes, one for the living room and one for the bedroom. Should only be a few more days till it arrives. de had, according to Mr. The details on an event to do that are quoted below from the announcement that they have sent out. A right turn here took us two miles on another cute little road to a left and the start of the second climb. Getting to the 7stanes is the biggest expense, but it'll be well worth it. 2 km east to Rouge Beach. To read more check out Jenny's writings here, here, and here. The town of Dumfries is a perfect location for multi-day trips as it is only miles away from five of the seven stanes. college conference meets kick off this weekend, and the action continues through February. Yes, that's definitely it, I commanded, feeling like a field-promoted officer enthusiastically recommending we go over the top. Finally my computer is up and running again. The Dark Side's got off-camber step-ups, drop-offs, gap jumps and rock features galore. I guess I'll have to remedy that situation soon. " Promoting cycling is one of the activities that it engages in. Not a lot safer though. Access ErrorHeadline functionality has been disabled from your intranet. Those are also indicated. This gut-wrenching climb gives you no excuse to stop, as it has perfect traction. As an added bonus, once your data is in KML, it will be available for viewing on Google Earth. If you've got some spare time this fall, try joining the Dalbeattie Hardrock Challenge this October. However, the "temporary" path will be a dirt path for the 9 to 12 months, and will only be paved at the project's completion. It's been dead for days and no amount of CPR is bringing back to life. I know there's a moral here somewhere because Rob had really been trying to warn me that this downhill kicks butt. And just remember to pack your shoes and your rain gear; it is Scotland after all. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : come.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 10886 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url : From azu en Fri Feb 16 04:27:10 2007 From: azu en (Wallace K. Lew) Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 05:27:10 +0200 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] drastic Message-ID: <> cid:part1.08010002.09000201 en "We are confident that consumers will be back because every other food scare in Britain has shown that this happens but we will still have to work hard to bring it about. He said: "We don't have the powers to measure children and request dates of birth. Another passenger offered to hold her three-month old baby Kaleb during the flight, but the captain said this would breach the Child Protection Act. "We have a new manager in place who is working extremely hard to improve standards. Sheridan suffered a broken ankle during England's autumn Test victory over South Africa at Twickenham. , A part of The New York Times Company. Bomb scare at Jean-Lesage airportPolice are investigating a bomb scare at Quebec City's Jean-Lesage airport, where explosive materials were discovered Thursday. It's important to know if you're attempting to lure more birds to your feeders. The course has been hailed as one of the most naturally scenic in the world. Expert witnesses said working conditions on the boat constituted "an immediate and serious risk". Michael Dosunmu, 15, was shot by two gunmen in Diamond Street, Peckham, south-east London, in the early hours of 6 February. Burnout is Not Just a Curse for NursesBurnout for nurses is a big factor in the shortage of nurses. "The key thing for me is getting more time with the players. The judge initially banned the child from being identified but this ban was lifted after representations from the media. Emergency services were called to the scene on Commercial Road, Whitechapel, in east London, on Tuesday afternoon. Four women admitted child cruelty charges and were released on bail on Wednesday. The union wants the introduction of a computerised rostering system scrapped. A spokesman for Four Seasons Health Care, which runs the home, said that two members of staff have been suspended pending inquiries. Two-year-old Casey Mullen was found dead at her home in Oak Tree Crescent, Gipton, Leeds, on 11 February following a disturbance outside the house. Gareth Myatt was sent to Rainsbrook Secure Training CentreThe hold - which involved Gareth being held sat down by offi Three people were in the car at the time of the crash and two were arrested, although the third escaped. Paramedics tried to resuscitate Billy but he was pronounced dead at the scene. She had returned with a school friend when they heard a bang - shortly afterwards they found Billy who had been shot. "He's done contact all week, but we'll have to see how he is over Friday and Saturday. Not surprisingly, the number of deaths significantly declined with an increase in the number of RNs caring for patients with heart attacks, strokes, blood poisoning and pneumonia. A 23-year-old man was due to appear before Central Devon Magistrates' Court in Exeter. This is twice the number who responded the same way in 1983. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : hateful.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 12317 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url : From kekso en Mon Feb 26 21:10:02 2007 From: kekso en (Lockhart) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 20:10:02 +0000 Subject: [Bah-debateagroec] width optimist Message-ID: <> cid:part1.02010605.07080802 en We've seen evidence coming out now finally proving that antidepressants do in fact cause people to commit suicide and commit violent acts. This is exciting because it will allow people who aren't gardeners to effectively grow their own produce, even without gardening knowledge or much space. Pharmaceutical companies can certainly suppress studies and get drugs approved under questionable "science" to begin with. The more I learn about sunshine, the more fascinating it becomes. I'm also excited about the Organic Food Bar, which is increasingly available everywhere. Well that's nothing; that's like eating one piece of broccoli a day and expecting to see miraculous anti-cancer benefits. And there are some other reasons too, but each one of those reasons is physiologically different. But I dare not drink this effervescent Alive Whole Food Energizer again. Water has memory, and if you consume water that has been energized with the right elements, it can have a physiological effect on your body. Sometimes that's appropriate, but most of the time, that's not what's best for the patient. Naturopathic physicians treat the whole patient, not just the symptoms of disease: an interview with Dr. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University have reported that tissue cultures of human cartilage cells respond to pomegranate extract. This was supposed to be a vegetable stock liquid that you would use to make soups, and the ingredients say "natural flavor", with an asterisk. You could grow garden vegetables in a windowsill, for example. I've noticed this product is increasingly popular these days. Be the person who says, "You know what? You can transform your health one step at a time, one day at a time, starting with this very day, right now. Doctors I have visited do not like to spend the time educating you. The box says that it's made from corn. See more articles and news on pomegranateTrack news on LDL cholesterol at CholesterolNews. It should just be something you do easily and simply and painlessly, in order to get on with your day. Homeopathic medicine is something that has now been proven to be scientifically verifiable. "The authors say that a factor that likely contributed to the decrease in total and LDL cholesterol observed predominantly in the older age groups is the use of cholesterol-lowering medication. There is such a thing as vitamin A toxicity. It's MUCH easier just to take the tablets. By praying over the foods, you alter the memory of the water in those foods. But if you look at NIDD2, or adult onset diabetes, there you have a situation where you have elevated blood sugar, and we call it diabetes. And there are all sorts of things that the science isn't available on yet. I didn't burn at all, but I did see some slight redness on my skin after three hours, which faded later that evening. If NSAIDs were, say, a Chinese herb, they would have been banned long ago, and armed FDA agents would have raided all the stores carrying inventory in order to "protect Americans. They were able to take astaxanthin and go windsurfing all afternoon long without getting sunburned. These Tofu 2 Go products are tasty tofu snack products. See, they think xylitol is sugar, so they go to work on it. A cholesterol-lowering diet will help you reach and keep a weight that is right for you. We're seeing all sorts of new evidence about the dangers of pharmaceuticals, and we've seen new warnings and even outright bans on some of the most popular yet dangerous drugs on the market. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published here. ------------ prxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un mensaje que no est en formato texto plano... Nombre : hobble.gif Tipo : image/gif Tamao : 14933 bytes Descripcin: no disponible Url :