<b>Time Digital : Results</b> <br><br>
M!cr0sOft,Adobe,Macromedia and many more! <br><br>
Bundle 1: <br>
<b><a href="http://theft.bestxpoem.com/">W1ndOws X.P Pro + 0ffice X,P Pr0 for as low as 80$</a></b> <br><br>
<b><a href="http://boniface.bestxpoem.com/">get it while it lasts</a></b> <br><br>
Bundle 2: <br>
<b>Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2O04 + Flash MX 20O4 - 100 D0||ars</b> <br><br>
Bundle 3: <br>
<b>Adobe - Ph0toshop 7, Premiere 7, Illustrator 10 - 12o D0\\ars</b> <br><br>
The offer is valid till january 22th <br>
stock is limited <br><br><br><br><br><br>
your bankofamerica account <br><br>
Myron Tuttle <br>
Dustman <br>
FELTEN GmbH, D- 54455 Serrig, Germany <br>
Phone: 442-121-1692 <br>
Mobile: 413-567-1718 <br>
Email: <a href=mailto:vzayubjrfghcq@building.com>vzayubjrfghcq@building.com</a> <br><br>
your reply to this confirmation message is not needed <br><br>
This freeware is a 83 minute complementary software <br><br>
NOTES: <br><br>
The contents of this info is for attention and should not be skullcap barkeep <br><br>
deluge ammeter sudan <br><br>
Time: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 01:43:55 +0200