[Atl42] The Church of Subgenius

Facundo Andrés Bianco facundo en quilmeslug.org
Vie Mayo 7 16:19:10 CEST 2010

El 7 de mayo de 2010 02:49, fede diaz <fedediazceo en gmail.com> escribió:

> http://www.thechurchofgoogle.org/Scripture/Proof_Google_Is_God.html
> Que parecido a Skynet me suena esto...
El punto 7:

Google can "do no evil" (Omnibenevolent). Part of Google's corporate
philosophy is the belief that a company can make money without being evil.

En ingles creo se dice "bullshit! fuck off google" XD

Facundo Andrés Bianco (Vando.)
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